People at all levels take ownership for the strategic results of the organization. In a workplace culture where this positive and empowering version of accountability is embraced, you’ll find that: Why? When a result isn’t achieved, that’s when most of us start hearing words like “responsibility” and “accountability.” While responsibility is appreciated and often used correctly, accountability continues to be misperceived and gets a bad rap—we’re here to tell you why it shouldn’t. Think about what you can do better and where you can help others. Accountability vs Responsibility . The following points are noteworthy so far as the difference between responsibility and accountability is concerned: The state of having the duty, to do whatever it takes to complete the task, is known as responsibility. Working on getting good at the 16 Accountability Traits is just that—work. It can be shared among a team – multiple people can be responsible for achieving a specific outcome by working on the same task, or have different tasks they are responsible for that lead to the same goal. defines each as: Accountable: “subject to the obligation to report, explain, or justify something; responsible; answerable.”, Responsible: “answerable or accountable, as for something within one’s power, control, or management.”. As the pioneers of Accountability Training®, we often get questions around the differences between these two words and how they tie to the achievement of results. More performance. “Responsibility equals accountability equals ownership. A person must choose to take responsibility for something themselves. It is specifically tas… Responsibility seems to be the broader of the two terms. The word ‘accountability’ is generally used in … If the plant dies from neglect, we have to answer to no one except ourselves. Goed verantwoordelijkheid geven én nemen is één van de belangrijkste voorwaarden voor snelle groei zonder drama. De beste manier om een cultuur van accountability en responsibility te creëeren is om te werken met kwartaaldoelen, welke uitgewerkt worden tot key results, zichtbaar voor IEDEREEN in het bedrijf. Read our eBook, Responsibility vs. It’s with this version of accountability that people not only take accountability for the results they need to achieve individually but for results that they are not 100% in control of. Responsibility vs Accountability: Definitions and Reflections . In any value exchange between two people, each is responsible for his or her own actions, and for agreeing that he or she can be held accountable by the other. The main difference between accountability and responsibility is that the accountability emphasizes the sole ownership of the actions and decisions regarding the task whereas responsibility is often the duty assigned to you by someone in a higher authority.. A leader is someone who directs others to achieve the best out of a certain task. Hearing and saying the hard things to see reality, Learning from both successes and failures, Ensuring my work is aligned with Key Results, Constantly asking “What else can I (we) do?”, Collaborating across functional boundaries, Doing the things I (we) say I (we) will do, Tracking progress with proactive and transparent reporting. This huge miss prevents employees from truly developing and inhibits their ability to get the right result. Also, accountability is something you hold a person to only after a task is done or not done. It is chosen. Attitudes where people justify the ways they think and act to cover their tails. If that choice isn’t made, it’s possible to have responsibility for something or someone but still lack accountability.