Non-fragrant white flowers in flat-topped corymbs (to 4" diameter) appear in late spring. Non-fragrant white flowers in flat-topped corymbs (to 4" diameter) appear in late spring. Constantly soggy soil can and often will cause root rot or other harmful or deadly plant diseases. This handsome selection of the North American native arrowwood viburnum boasts neat foliage, white spring flowers, and, if a different selection is planted nearby, the namesake blue fruits in autumn. Out of stock. * Common name: Viburnum Blue Muffin(R) * Botanical name: Viburnum dentatum * What it is: An improved version of native arrowwood viburnum that gets white flower clusters in May, then clusters of bird-attracting, pea-sized blue fruits from late summer into fall. Slow growing with a more refined texture and smaller leaves than the species. The more manicured you want the hedge to look, the more often you should prune. When you are creating a viburnum hedge for a sunny area, you need to consider different types of plants. Versatile viburnums grow best in full sun or part shade and in rich but well-drained soil, but are hardy enough to adapt to less ideal conditions. 1 for $29.00 total 2 for $56.00 total 3 for $81.00 total Need more quantities? Southern arrowwood's ornamental features include white, flat-topped flowers in late spring, ink-blue fruits in September, and wine-red fall color. All Rights Reserved. Viburnum growing in pots appreciate a moist but well-drained soil. You need to decide how tall and how deep you want the hedge. Drought Drowning and Edema Fungal Disease. Space plants six feet within rows and 16 feet between rows for farmstead and feedlot windbreak plantings. Form. Flowers and fruit of the species. Viburnum dentatum var. Viburnum, vigorous and hardy, should be on every list of the top shrubs for hedges. affine ; Viburnum rafinesqueanum var. Be sure not to plant the viburnum any closer than 4 feet (1 m.) apart. Arrowwood Viburnum (Viburnum dentatum) has lovely white flowers in May and June. Most shrubs grow up to 8 feet tall and 10 feet wide. The deciduous arrowwood viburnum (Viburnum dentatum) grows easily in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 8. document.getElementById('select-other-text').addEventListener('click', displayTextField); Non-fragrant white flowers in flat-topped corymbs (to 4" diameter) appear in late spring. ashei: Synonym: Viburnum dentatum var. Viburnum Arrowwood is very easy to grow however it may be helpful to know that a very small plant which is planted in the ground will take about 1/8 – 1/4 cup of fertilizer. For example, if your variety gets 8 feet (2+ m.) wide, half of that is 4 feet (1 m.). Planting a viburnum hedge is best undertaken in fall, although spring is a close second. While some are heat sensitive in warm climates, all arrowwood species are hardy to U.S.D.A. Foliage is a glossy, lustrous green, hence its name. Hi, I want to plant Viburnum Odoratissimum (Emerald Jewel) around my swimming pool to act as a privacy hedge. Planning a viburnum hedge comes before planting one. You also need to know your own hardiness zone to be sure that your shrubs fit well with the climate, your soil type and whether the hedge will have a sunny, shady or mixed exposure. Gray Mold [Trees and … Arrowwood Viburnum (Caprifoliaceae - Honeysuckle Family) FEATURES. When planting a Viburnum in a pot or other container, I suggest using a quality potting soil or potting mix, or a 50/50 combination thereof, in a container with a drainage hole(s). They reach a height of six to 15 feet, with a similar spread. With over 25 varieties and 3 convenient heights available, our hedges are perfect for privacy, to create garden rooms, or border plantings. These compact viburnum plants offer the same multi-season pleasure, but in a smaller size. Prohibited Invasive Terrestrial Plant [312 IAC 18-3-25] Arrowwood viburnum is an upright, rounded, multistemmed, deciduous shrub which typically matures to 6-10' tall with a similar spread. Produces clusters of tiny white flowers that may be followed by blue-black fruit with a compatible pollinator present. Native Americans reportedly used the straight stems of this Jun 20, 2013 - Tree Nursery. In fall expect to see the leaves transition to a beautiful hue of Yellow-Orange & Red-Purple. The glossy, green foliage produces white, flat-topped flowers in spring followed by blue berry-like fruit in the summer. Southern Arrowwood viburnum (Viburnum dentatum) is a plant of the open woods and marginal sites of our forests, mountains and even roadways. Noted for its intensely fragrant, pink flowers, Viburnum x bodnantense 'Dawn' is a strong-growing large deciduous shrub which is prized by most gardeners for its spectacular floral display. Its dense branching will provide adequate screening even in winter. Arrowwood Viburnum: Hardiness Zone: 3-8S/W: Exposure: Sun to Part Shade: Find your zone? Most arrowwoods do best in evenly moist, well-drained, neutral soils with a mix of sand and humus. Non-fragrant white flowers in flat-topped corymbs (to 4" diameter) appear in late spring. Arrowwood Viburnum Caprifoliaceae. medium-sized to large-sized ornamental shrub maturing at about 9' tall by 9' wide, although larger under optimum conditions upright oval growth habit in youth, becoming arching, spreading, and suckering with age medium growth rate (except for the basal shoots which are rapidly growing) Culture. ARROWWOOD VIBURNUM Viburnum dentatum L. var. With proper conditions they will produce Fruits that are edible to humans. Wetland Status. 5-6' $ 18.37. Copyright © 2020 InstantHedge. Arrowwood viburnum is a big, tough shrub that is suited for use in supporting roles in the garden. It's ideal as a hedge or specimen plant, and is very low maintenance. native to eastern North America; cold hardy to zone 2; Habit and Form. Plants are hardy from zone 3 through 8. venosum southern arrowwood Legal Status. Dieback/Canker (Nectria spp., Phomopsis spp., Botryosphaeria spp., Tubercularia spp., Phytophthora spp.) The Arrowwood Viburnum is a native plant that is a multi-stemmed, rounded shrub with dark green, glossy foliage. Arrowwood (Viburnum dentatum) For prices and sizes click here. It can handle heavy soils, high pH, and drastic changes in the weather and look good doing it. The deciduous arrowwood viburnum (Viburnum dentatum) grows easily in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 8. Arrowwood viburnums are flowering shrubs, bearing clusters of white flowers in spring. As a native plant, arrowwood viburnum requires less maintenance than non-native plants, but it does require … Arrowwood Viburnum Caprifoliaceae. document.getElementById('Enter-other-text').style.display = 'none'; Here are some types of viburnum that could work well: Find out the mature width of the viburnum variety you select. Viburnum dentatum 'Chicago Lustre®' A selection introduced by Synnestvedt Nursery of Illinois in 1967, originally found in the collections of the Morton Arboretum. document.getElementById('Enter-other-text').style.display = 'none'; Nice shaped rounded shrub . Video about Arrowwood or viburnum bush blossoming in spring with partly unfolded flowers and green leaves. May 8, 2016 - Grow a Blue Muffin Arrowwood Viburnum in your landscape! Viburnum dentatum. It's ideal as a hedge or specimen plant, and is very low maintenance. In fall expect to see the leaves transition to a beautiful hue of Yellow-Orange & Red-Purple. Flowers and fruit of the species. native to eastern North America; cold hardy to zone 2; Habit and Form. When planting a Viburnum in a pot or other container, I suggest using a quality potting soil or potting mix, or a 50/50 combination thereof, in a container with a drainage hole(s). Arrowwood viburnum is an upright, rounded, multistemmed, deciduous shrub which typically matures to 6-10' tall with a similar spread. Interesting Notes about Arrowwood Viburnum: Versitile and durable only partially describe this shrub because it can withstand very tough conditions. Family: Adoxaceae (a-dox-AY-see-ee) Genus: Viburnum (vy-BUR-num) Species: dentatum (den-TAY-tum) Cultivar: Autumn Jazz: Additional cultivar information: (aka Autumn Jazz®, Ralph Senior) 2 vendors have this plant for sale. After planting, the shrubs can be pruned to a height of 6 to 8 inches (about 15 to 20 cm) from the ground. … Arrowwood Viburnum Viburnum dentatum. Arrow Wood Viburnum (scientific name: Virbunum Dentatum) is part of the honeysuckle family. Withstands heat and drought. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Not only ideal for smaller spaces but blooms at the same time as 'Blue Muffin' making it an ideal pollinator. It takes well to pruning and can be pruned into narrow shapes to edge a patio or screen a walk. SKU: SKU-100-GROUPED Categories: Deciduous Shrubs, Live Plants, Viburnum. dentatum southern arrowwood Viburnum dentatum var. Arrowwood viburnum (Viburnum dentatum) makes an ideal formal hedge or informal shrub. hypomalacum; Viburnum rafinesqueanum var. All viburnum shrubs are easy care, and some have fragrant spring flowers. Viburnum dentatum, commonly called arrowwood viburnum, is an upright, rounded, multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub which typically matures to 6-10' tall with a similar spread, but may reach a height of 15' in optimum growing conditions.