Questions include: To retain and engage your employees, you need to create an environment they feel comfortable to be themselves in—one where they feel heard, included, and valued. Through a series of fun, high energy “olympic-like” experiences your employees will learn skills that foster a cooperative, supportive, and mutually satisfying workplace. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Each workshop topic is uniquely designed and expertly facilitated to create a safe environment that inspires engaging conversations. Here are some tips on how to increase diversity in the workplace through hiring: 1. Serving customers from around the world challenges us to be especially aware of their needs and the impact of our own behavior on the customer service interaction. Feeling that they can count on their peers when they need help, Satisfaction with the level of autonomy they have at work, and. 50+ Ideas for Cultivating Diversity and Inclusion in the . All these ideas are very easy to implement, yet very powerful. Participants fill in the first blank with some kind of common identifier, such as their gender, race, religion, or age, and the second with a common stereotype about that group which is not true of them (whether the stereotype is positive or negative). Diversity and inclusion: 8 best practices for changing your culture A strong diversity and inclusion strategy can help your organization attract top talent and drive innovative results. Many choose to outsource the whole experience to experts who specialize in hosting workshops and customized events for inclusion promotion. Ask questions, show interest, and show support for people’s personal identities and what’s important to them. Revise job descriptions to reflect a more gender neutral approach to your talen… The future of work is diverse Diversity in the workplace is more essential now than it’s ever been. »» Request more information on Gender Olympics ««. In the first column, they write “I Am”. -  Verizon Wireless, Case Study: Verizon Wireless & Developing Women Leaders, Verizon Wireless is committed to developing all employees to inspire them to take their career wherever they want it to go. Hold quality conversations that build trust and develop your people – even when you’re short on time. Here Are 15 Activities Of Diversity And Inclusion In The Workplace 1. Allow participants to share their statements with the team and have an open and respectful discourse on stereotypes. Diversity & Inclusion | Advisory Group on the Status of Women. But that variety is not represented in its personnel, especially at management level. Ultimately, every individual in a workforce is responsible for making the people around them feel safe and valued. Simply recognizing that and encouraging people to feel comfortable sharing builds inclusion because it makes it okay for everyone to be themselves. But as Michelle Kim states. Give credit where credit is due; to the people who actually did the work. Learn how to abandon the battle of the sexes, focus on a cohesive team-based approach and capture the energy of differences and similarities in order to channel the power of working together for both individual and organizational results. When values of equity and respect are firmly established, they become something that each employee feels personally responsible to uphold. Their subject matter knowledge and flexibility supported our event managers' objectives. Creating diversity and inclusion training programs is a great way to address biases and prejudices within a workplace. Leveraging them for individual success and team results can mean the difference between average or extraordinary and surviving or thriving. 1. Have each employee present these moments to the team, and share their story to whatever degree they feel comfortable. We received such positive feedback from this event. Pair each team member with a background that is different from their own. Team success requires a safe environment where people feel valued for who they are, not fearful of being judged, invalidated, or discriminated against. Have your team share what types of diverse backgrounds are represented on their team (education, sexual orientation, race, etc).