What you are doing, or will be doing, has not been done before, however what you will do, is create a model that will be replicated throughout many nations.

I had a dream last night that a white rat was coming up to me with dead black rat in it’s mouth. Rats as a major life lesson would be a full blown infestation. He just calmly walked past and sat and stared at me. They are a wise adviser to their associates, and they teach others to appreciate all the things around us. You are not really looking forward to seeing this person but you know that some things have to be done. Furthermore, like Jay, challenge yourself by learning something new or taking the uncertain first steps towards your dreams. Then I picked up the mother rat, she was white. They seemed turned off somewhat and walked backwards or away. You will be able to detect the enemy on time. I don’t think it was going to attack me, but it was unexpected (probably too close), and I did not like that. Thank you! You will relocate if you already haven’t done so: a small financial gain, a false lover or friend, this person will do anything to bring you misery, sadness, and hurt and damages: even grief, troubles with the law, possibly neighbors or coworkers: false friendship, gossiper, infidelity: unfaithful lover / friend. Moza, the dog is a symbol of someone you love, however, someone very sneaky as a rat would try to put you against the person you love and you would turn against him/her but that person really cares for you so they would not leave you. When cornered they can also emit a shrill and grotesque sound.

If you dream of an otherwise safe and tidy home being invaded by rats, then perhaps you are worried about something attacking your domestic stability. At what seemed like the last leg of the trip, I was on a train or boat, can’t remember exactly.

Hello I have a two dreams about a black Rat in the corner of the white wall. Please tell me what this means. My daughter had a dream that I was eating a family of black rats downstairs at my grandparents home….

I had a dream of seeing myself in my family house with my mum and senior sister (married). Even so, this will all depend on the perspective of each person. What does this mean please tell me. This cleansing act will make space for the new things to come. If the rat is festering with exposed flesh and bloody matted fur, then you are probably having some issues.

I know I live in the country but… :/. And the rat escaped. So, I dreamed about having a brown Rat in my blazer pocket that I was wearing . You are worrying about financial problems too much. When you realize you will find out y that the r a t was trying to keep you away from y our blessing. Her colour was blue grey ish. What is the Symbolic Meaning of Rain in Dream? I kept rats as pets for more than half of my life, so maybe my re-occuring dreams might be influenced by this and the fact that I do not have rats around me anymore, but still I find the dreams strange enough, and yet I could not find any interpretation, so I decided to try it this way: Those dreams, while they vary in location, usually begin with me clearing up a room, a closet or a wardrobe; sometimes I look for something, but mostly it feels (and looks) rather like the “annual spring-cleaning”. Today I found that the cat left a dead rat on the patio, I was the first to see it. Dreaming about scaring or driving a mouse away suggests you will overcome difficulties or defeat the enemy. It really creeped me out. Then I heard voices asking me. Yesterday night, I sleep and wake up from my dream because a fat rat was eating my hair in real life not a dream. When you have a Rat dream, it can be symbolic of many different things.

A strange, but important thing also seems to be that those rats CANNOT be one of my pet-rats who went over the Rainbow-Bridge years ago. My view was the long snout and two beady eyes. I just turned the TV on and there it was again.

I saw a black caged rat in my dream. In it I was upstairs in bed at someone’s cottage when I woke up with a large dog sized rat on top of me about to bite me. Dreaming About an Ex and Their New Partner. I’m so confused. I had a dream last night that a white rat was coming up to me with dead black rat in it’s mouth.

In a meanwhile, I was chasing a bruin dog out of the house to go outside, and I was so frustrated by the fact that the dog didn’t want to get out.

I’m trying to understand the reason behind it, can anyone help? You need to take a hold of the situation and move on. The Rat never moved just seem to be looking at me.

If you want to read similar articles to What Does Dreaming of Rats Mean, we recommend you visit our Culture & Society category. The bite of a snow-white rat reflects your fears and self-doubt. My dream was vivid and realistic. If there is one rat, it might mean there is a person who is threatening your home life.

Fear of a co-worker who may hold power over your job. Rats .

I walked out to the front of my house, and let the rat out of the bag using my hand. I’ve seen at least 4 in the past two weeks. They lost count after 4 – saying many. I loved my rat and named him Alexander. If this were my dream, I’ve got lots of distractions and thoughts on my mind and have been ignoring my spirituality. I’m having the same problem I have a mother rat outside my garden with his toddler kids I don’t want to kill them I’m a very spiritual person I had the same thought what message this is bringing me ! Dead rats are a pretty bleak sign in either your waking or dream life. For the first few seconds, I could not discern if it was dream or it happened now, like both my realities were blurred. When I got out of a large vehicle and talk to the person.