You'd expect unrest at the extremities of your empire, aka in your territories. Do you try and extract as much as possible from the territories available to you? -50% cost to appoint Cardinals

And to end things with we will go through the vast amount of new Government Reforms we’ve added. What we want is to make them be more impactful for the nations embroiled in this war of supremacy over the seas. Good evening! Monarchies and Republics have a long list of unique or regional government reforms, so I took some care to grant a few unique reforms to certain religions and cultures.

+15% Manpower, Equality Principle

+10% burghers influence +33% Female Advisor Chance The rest have to take naval ideas or a policy to have access to it. For Revolutionary Nations +1 yearly army tradition Together with these changes and the changes in Golden Century for Goods Produced the real economic benefit should start to kick in Mid-to-Late game. Does what it says. There should be an exception to your capital state, kinda makes getting institutions harder. +5% nobility loyalty Theocracies only

You shouldn't really have an issue with it. +0.1 Jacobins Influence, Three Social Classes +1 Leader Naval Fire -10% Province Warscore Cost, Equal Electorate Worthless provinces can stay territories. +5% institution spread, Clerical Commission

+1 Diplomatic Upkeep -1 unrest However, we will be addressing the cheese of how you generate it.

por_royal_military_academy = { Monastic Orders only Certain Asian nations will be able to integrate the Sohei Warrior Monks into their nation to greatly increase the capabilities of their armies. It costs less capacity.

Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Why the other Investments were not touched more than their cost is because they all gave something that is not affected by Local Autonomy. Enables Theocrats vs Militarists mechanics (requires Res Publica) Pagans Only -20% Culture Conversion Cost

Europa Universalis 4 Wiki Active Wikis AoW: Planetfall Cities: Skylines Crusader Kings 3 Crusader Kings 2 Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Imperator: Rome Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath +0.1 Imperial Influence, President For Life At the final tier of reforms, the state decides how it interacts with the world and it may decide that the world will never be true and righteous so long as it is misguided by other states. I did mention the new Portuguese National Ideas, so figured I should probably label those out for people.

-1 unrest For Revolutionary Nations global_colonial_growth = 15 +15% cavalry combat ability The following points provide a detailed summary of the system: 1. Uncored provinces (except colonies) cause overextension regardless of whether they are in a territory or a state.

Your estates offer you more capacity. +1% missionary strength, Organising Our Faith If Ship Morale is below 0.5 +25% naval forcelimit We’ve also lowered for now the autonomy of Territories to 90% and Trade Companies to 80%. I don't want to unstate this because it is all the correct culture or it is valuable English channel trade node territory. Available for Hungary Yay. You shouldn't really have an issue with it. Monastic Breweries, Catholic exclusive Do you try and maximize to just have as many territories as possible? What I am talking about is Naval Combat. } +10% mercenary manpower, Embrace Conciliarism +250 governing capacity, Proclaim Religious Head

Theocracies only This results in that every two soldiers you lose, you only lose Drill worth of one. land_before_faith = { I got a really nice Burgundian inheritance and got most of modern day Belgium, Loraine, and burgundy. +1 Fort Level Monarch points being way more important than ducats. Need full naval ideas and is not a pirate If previous target is about to die For Revolutionary Nations +1 Monarch Admin Skill

+50% production of wine, Integration of the Sohei +1 Monarch Admin Power, Integrated Sejmiks If damage is less than 50%, increase chance to be picked *2

You’ll probably find a thousand ways to abuse this but with the new balance and spirit of the feature I figure that it’s better to keep these rules simple and permit crazy things to occur. +5% Nobles Influence This tier can grant some bonuses to conversion, or a Humanist Theocracy may determine that all people are equal under God. And they’ll do this without doing anything as they are at such a low morale when entering the battle that it instantly hits 0. States development apply for a 100%, Trade Companies 50% and Territories 25%. +5% burghers loyalty, Divine Nobility By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. These can be perhaps as a part of a larger offensive or to more easily conquer distant islands and coasts. +10% infantry combat ability Now the second part of Naval and a push to make it relevant. -20% harsh treatment cost +1 land leader fire +1.5 Yearly Revolutionary Zeal

By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The issue you might or might not already know about, I’ve talked quite openly about it, is that ships when they hit 0 morale means that they stop shooting, but they do not retreat from the engagement. Next is some new Manufactories available to the player.

Proclaim Religious Head Pagans Only-20% warscore cost vs other religions +1 diplomatic reputation. +1 missionaries Do we know if you'll be able to dump extra reform progress into GC after getting the last tier of government reforms? Generals become rulers on monarch death It just locks you in to taking certain Ideas if you want to play super-wide/WC, which surprise!

-0.075 Monthly Autonomy change sunk_ship_morale_hit_recieved = -0.33 Which we decided to do by making everyone in the game capable of creating Trade Companies regardless of what Continent they happen to be on. While the rest of the world considers separating the two, you know that we are all one people under the divine. For Revolutionary Nations This means you’ll have a totally useless heavy ship occupying three slots just soaking up damage to eventually die and do a morale hit on the entire navy.

+0.1 Girondists Influence +10% nobility influence These buildings are: But why should your holy state be confined to perform its duties on land when the sea is rife with piratical heathens? Enables parliament (requires Common Sense) Soldiers Households and unlocks at Adm Tech 15 Every combat tick after firing and casualties have been calculated the ship will try and disengage from the combat if their morale hits below 0.5 morale.

Is Paradox's testing team composed entirely of Portugal players who focus on role-playing? Non Pagan Only Using the “Release Nation” peace option will release a country following your religion, The Many Fingers of God Portugal, England and Great Britain have uniquely higher marine forcelimits but we also listened to your feedback and added easy access to Marines for Netherlands, Venice & Castille. All Under Tengri (Tengri exclusive) +15% cavalry combat ability +25 cavalry-to-infantry ratio } } Coring provinces in a territory have reduced coring costs due to the Is territory modifier which applies -50% Core-creation cost (coring duration is not affected). +10% Land Morale -1 unrest Also since I started talking with the community about this problem several have asked me to describe how the combat is evaluated and I think the best way is to make a little bit of a pseudo code summary here for people to dig through.