each from admin techs 17, 23, and 29.

Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Using alliances to prevent coalitions from forming or firing saves you a lot of time and effort. Fun is subjective, difficulty is more objective. Fine, do it for your first time. Once the age of absolutism begins, you unlock the country modifier absolutism, which is the major contributor to another country modifier you unlock about the same time, administrative efficiency.

Florrynomics interest rates. Also, if you're not trying to one tag, integrate vassals late game only if you need to make room for more vassals. Preparation: game start to age of absolutism start (˜1610), Transition: age of absolutism start to admin and diplo tech 23 (˜1700), Blobbageddon: admin and diplo tech 23 to game end. The objective of this guide is to provide a clear, accessible overview of the general strategy underlying world conquest (WC) runs on Ironman with no save scumming.

Vassals of 500+ development are fine. You will constantly be taking more overextension than you can handle, so spreading it among one or more vassals or client states keeps you moving quickly. Aggressive play can probably WC faster, but it requires more skill. There are other ways to stack some more coring cost and time reduction, but coring time remains the variable most dependent on national ideas and situational factors like permanent claims. My calculations were correct, I just have bad reactions. Mandate of Heaven is the ultimate DLC for WCers.

Exploration ideas, if you can strongly benefit from them, should be your first or second group. For serious conquest, you need to maximize your force limit and manpower pool.

Do you have enough people to attack so that you're not sitting around waiting for truce timers to expire or forced into inefficient no CB wars? I mothball the fort and put army maintenance on low as well to save some cash, and at 60 ducats or so I buy an early carrack.

You can even harsh treatment everywhere and fall behind on mil tech if you're just cleaning up stragglers. If you’re having trouble answering the key question, identify the single variable most holding you back: aggressive expansion, insufficient income, etc. Reddit. By 1610, you should have conquered in such a way that you dominate a valuable trade node into which you can continue to funnel more and more wealth. Vassal feeding really comes into play here, though it is always useful for balancing power costs.

The penalties from inflation don't even come close to the advantages of having more money now.

But don't actually take the emperorship unless you know what you're doing. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Occasionally, though, war reps are better than gold in a peace deal.

Most importantly, you should be able to get 100-200 monarch points of each type from them every 20 years. Whatever the exact starting number, it will trend upward over time, as development and colonization contribute more than horde razing detracts. Now, I do make a backup save every so often in case a legitimate bug (in a Paradox game? Avindian's guide to Japan in VIC2: AHD. It focuses on the concepts, mindset, and task prioritization necessary to succeed from most starts. According to the EU4 wiki, in 1.23, total world development at the earliest start date was 19,210, including uninhabited, colonizable provinces. To be fair, focusing hard enough is a challenge in itself. It assumes competence but not mastery. It’s also not a comprehensive list of exploits. Positively, around 1600, you have far more potential ahead of you than you thought possible. An In-Depth Guide to Absolutism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Oi9DkyqoPA&t=476s. Separate peace Odoyev and fully annex. Yeah, no. I hope it gets the attention it deserves. (If one of this conditions is not fulfilled, you should restart your game). You also get 10% admin eff. Nay!) If you take religious early, you may still be able to take humanist late. Check out my lucky England start P.U. 4Chan's image guide to what Paradox game you should play. You'll be ok. You can fill in later idea groups with whatever you want. EU4 Mechanics Guides; EU4 Achievements Guide; EU4 Timelapse; Community Guides; Blog. From anything but the most difficult starts, if you started the game intending to WC but failed to do so, that signals that you either weren’t focusing hard enough on the right goals for each phase or that there is an aspect of the game in which you aren’t sufficiently competent. Use the raise war tax for 50 military power. It prioritizes information by order of importance, omitting less critical details. Set all vassals to divert trade to you except Perm. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The EU4 community has come up with several other variants of the WC run, such as the one-tag (no subjects except colonial nations) and one-culture WCs. State edicts help out a fair amount. Make Eu4 run faster. What specifically enables this? A related achievement is the one-faith WC, in which all provinces (except uncolonized) must be your religion.

Good allies and PUs are better than diplo points. Rule 2: Memes, reaction pictures, or similar.

Since a human player with a good strategy will always blob more efficiently than the AI, every year you delay a major confrontation benefits you.

again, AI developing tendency has been changed again in 1.24 as well. Rinse and repeat. Extra diplomats, diplo rep, and relations are all good. Achievement Guides. The conclusion is that development acquisition speeds up over time at a rate far faster than linear. Your army must be of sufficient quality and force limit that it is capable of cleanly, quickly winning any war and often engaging in multiple wars. So, your economy and manpower pool must be able to support this near constant warfare. I think about this much like 1.20 absolutism. Use one diplomacy to build spy network in novgorod. Second, there's the diplomatic angle. Other Paradox Games Guide. Being the HRE also means you don't have to deal with attacking into it. If your wars are dragging out, determine whether your economic base is insufficient, you’re focusing on targets too strong too early, or you need to improve your warfare skills. The age bonuses and golden age mechanic give you everything you could ever want: monarch point saving, reduced AE, reduced war score cost, economy buffs, more/faster absolutism, faster sieges, more loyal vassals, etc. It's better than taking a late game military idea group. At the beginning of the transition phase, you are probably one of the strongest nations, but you're not invulnerable.

Can I win all the wars I need to in time to own all the provinces by game end? Set Icon of St.Michael in religion tab. Home > EU4 Mechanics Guide > trade. I don't agree with the shaming though.

Twitch. Ofcourse I ragequit and reloaded backup save.

If you're running out of time and getting worried, conquer faster and release vassals like crazy to deal with overextension. Infinite nation/ruler/general points. I think AE reduction caps at -90%.).

Let’s get to some achievement hunting! Playing past game end.

Now you can unpause the game. The transition phase is probably the trickiest part of the game, because you are balancing different priorities. Furthermore, all of your idea groups that contribute to monarch point efficiency and pacing need to be in place, so you can do something with all that land. Generally, you can spread your conquests, focus them on a particular group, or combine both methods. This page was created due to over-cluttering of the sidebar. Reform into russia. So, by admin and diplo tech 23, just from absolutism and tech you can have the best general-purpose CBs and 60% of the 70% admin eff.

Negatively, you have a proportional amount of work in store for you. If you can revoke the privilegia by 1610 or so, the WC is yours to lose. Bonuses to conversion speed, manpower, and fort defense are also sometimes useful. Early game, good allies help you win wars. Whether you suffer casualty, try not to reinforce but to consolidate regiment, you don't have that much manpower to reinforce it anyways.