If you’re at odds with French due to verbs, we’re here to help.

How to conjugate a regular -re verb. If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn French with real-world videos. blow their nose; (informal) to put someone in their place, Mouiller – to dampen; to water down; (fam) to drag into, mix up in, Mouler – to mold, cast, make a cast of; to hug, shape, fit, Moyenner – to calculate the mean; (archaic) to obtain, Muer – to molt, slough, shed its skin / hair; (voice) to change, break; (formal) to transform, Multiplier – to multiply; to increase, repeat, do more, Muter – to transfer (job / location); to mutate, Naviguer – to navigate, sail, fly; to surf (the internet), Négliger – to neglect, be careless; to ignore, disregard, miss, Niquer (slang) – to have sex (screw, f***); to screw up, f*** up, Nommer – to nominate, appoint; to call, name, give a name to, Nouer – to tie, knot; to hatch (a plot); to make (an alliance), Obséder – to obsess, haunt; (literary) to pester, Obstiner (s’) – to insist, dig one’s heels in; to persist, Obvier (literary) – to take precautions, overcome, obviate, Opérer – to operate; to carry out, implement; to take effect, work, Opposer – to object, to contrast, to put into competition, Ouater – to quilt; to blanket (with snow), Outrer – to outrage, (literary) to exaggerate, Pallier – to overcome, get around, compensate for, Paniquer (informal) – to panic, give someone a scare, Panser – to bandage, dress, put a dressing on, Papillonner – to flit around, flutter; to switch back and forth; (informal) to play the field, Parcourir – to cover (some distance); to browse, skim through, Parer – to stave/fend off; to deal with, remedy; to adorn, Patienter – to wait, hold; to fill in / pass the time, Peaufiner – to polish (up), put the finishing touches on, Pédaler – to pedal; (informal) – to hurry, Peinturer (informal) – to slap paint on, paint badly, Percuter – to strike, crash into; (familiar) to catch on, twig, Personnaliser – to personalize, customize, Péter (informal) – to burst; (familiar) – to fart, pass gas, Piauler – to cheep, peep; (informal) to whine, whimper, Piger (familiar) – to understand, get it, twig, Pincer – to pinch, grip; (informal) – to catch, arrest, Piquer – to sting, bite; to stick, stab, give a shot/jab, Pisser (fam) – to pee, go pee; to gush (out); to pour rain, Plaider – to plead; to go to court, litigate, Plaindre – to pity, (informal) to begrudge, Planer – to glide, hang, hover; (inf) to have one’s head in the clouds; to be high, Planter – to plant, stick in, put; (familiar) to stab, Plébisciter – to elect by an overwhelming majority; to make into a tremendous success, Pointer – to check/tick off; to clock in/out; to point, aim; to stick into; (literary) to soar up, Postuler – to apply for (job); to postulate, Potasser (inf) – to cram, swot (up on / for a test), Pouvoir (can, to be able to) – Verb Tables, Précipiter – to throw, push; to speed up, hasten; to precipitate, Prélever – to take (a sample); to deduct, withdraw, debit; to levy, impose (tax), Prescrire – to prescribe; to recommend; to stipulate, order, command, Préserver – to preserve, protect, safeguard, Préssentir – to sense, have a premonition of; to approach, sound out (someone), Presser – to press, squeeze; to urge, push; to hasten, speed up, Profiter – to take advantage, make the most of, Progresser – to progress, make progress; to increase, rise, Prôner – to advocate, recommend; to laud, extol, Proscrire – to ban, prohibit, proscribe; to banish, exile, Quereller (se) – to quarrel with each other, Rabioter (informal) – to get, wangle, grab; to swindle, Raccrocher – to rehang; to hang up the phone, Raffiner – to refine, polish; to be meticulous, Rajeunir – to rejuvenate, look/feel younger, Râler – to groan, moan; (informal) to complain, Ramasser – to gather, collect, pick up; (informal) to catch, get, receive, Ramer – to row (a boat), (inf) to work hard, struggle, slog, Rapporter – to bring back; to bring in, yield; to add; to report, mention, Rassembler – to assemble, gather, collect, Raturer – to make alterations, correct; to cross out, delete, Rayer – to draw a line (on/through), to cross out, Rayonner – to be radiant, shine forth; to extend, exert influence, make felt, Réaliser – to achieve, fulfil; to make, build; to direct, produce (movie); (inf) to realize, Rebondir – to bounce; to be revived, get going/moving again, take off again, Réclamer – to ask / beg / call for; to claim, lay claim to, demand; to complain, Recommencer – to restart, start again, start over; to resume, go on with, Reconduire – to escort, accompany, take back (home, to the station…); to renew, Recouvrir – to recover, to completely cover, Rectifier – to correct, rectify, amend; (familiar) to kill, Récupérer – to get back, recover, regain; to pick up, collect; to rehabilitate, Recycler – to recycle, to retrain, to reinvest, Redescendre – to go back down, go down again; to take back down, take down again, Redire – to say / tell again, repeat; to find fault with, Refaire – to redo, do again, remake, make again, Refroidir – to cool down, get cold; (familiar) to bump off, Régaler – to treat to a delicious meal; to regale (with stories), Rejoindre – to join, rejoin; to return to, catch up with, reunite, Relancer – to throw back, to restart; to pester, harass, Relativiser – to relativize, put into perspective, Relaxer – to relax (a muscle); to acquit, to release, Relever – to stand up; to lift, raise; to rebuild, restore; to season, enhance; to relieve, take over from; to find, pick out; to react, Relier – to connect, join together, link up / together; to bind (a book), Reluquer – to ogle, eye, have one’s eye on, Remanier – to rework, revise, modify; to reorganize, reshuffle, Rembourser – to reimburse, refund; to pay off, pay back, settle, Remonter – to climb, go up again, to go back up, Remporter – to take back, take away again; to win, Remuer – to move, twitch, flick; to shake, stir, Renaître – to be reborn, to revive, to recover; to spring up again, Renchérir – to add to, go further, go one better; to get more expensive; to raise one’s bid, Renforcer – to reinforce, strengthen, consolidate, Renifler – to sniff; to snort; (informal) to sniff out, sense, Renouer – to tie again, re-tie; to renew, resume, revive, Rénover – to renovate, restore, refurbish; to reform, Renverser – to knock over / down, spill; to run over; to tip, tilt, lean; to reverse, invert, Reparaître – to reappear; to be republished, back in print, Répercuter – to echo, reflect; to send / throw back; to pass on / along (a tax), Reporter – to take back; to postpone, put off, defer; to transfer, Repousser – to push away / back, repel, repulse; to reject, turn down; to grow again, Représenter – to represent, mean; to show, depict, portray; to perform, put on, play, Reproduire – to reproduce, copy, duplicate, Résister – to resist, stand up to; to overcome, conquer, Respecter – to respect, abide by, keep to, Respirer – to breathe, inhale; to exude, emanate, radiate, Ressortir – to come / go out (again), to stand out, to result from, Retarder – to delay, make late, hinder, hold up, set back, Retirer – to remove, take off/out, withdraw, Retomber – to fall again; to collapse; to land, Rétrécir – to shrink, contract, narrow, tighten, Revêtir – to take on, assume; (formal) to don, adorn; to endow, invest, Réviser – to revise, overhaul; to review, study, audit, Revoir – to see again, meet again; to review, revise, reconsider, Rigoler (informal) – to laugh, have fun, joke, Rôder – to roam, wander; to loiter; to prowl, Ronfler – to snore; to hum, purr; (informal) to sleep, Rouspéter (inf) – to moan, groan, grumble, Ruer (se) – to pounce on, rush up / down / toward, Sacrer – to crown, consecrate; (archaic) to swear, Saillir – to project, protrude, jut / stick out; to be prominent, Salir – to make dirty; to soil, sully, tarnish, Sauvegarder – to save (a file); to protect, safeguard; to uphold, maintain, Scier – to saw; (informal) to stagger, stupefy; to bore stiff, Secourir – to help, assist, rescue, succor, Sécuriser – to secure, increase security; to make s.o. ), Enregistrer – to record, save; to register, book; to show (profit/loss); to notice, Entamer – to start, broach, cut, dip into; to wear down, weaken; to damage, harm, Enterrer – to bury, inter; to set aside, forget about; to hush up, Enthousiasmer – to fill with enthusiasm, get s.o. to do s.t. And then some! Then, click on “Practise verbs” to get started with the exercises. By using them, you can be sure to take things to whole new, deeper level! What is it about verbs that causes so much friction? French conjugation of verbs / Free online french conjugations . The table will also show you how to use the verb when applying it to the first, second and third person and how to use it the subjective, conditional and past simple. Sure, there are the common verbs such as avoir (to have) and aller (to go). The following example shows French compound tenses conjugated with the past participles of parler (to speak) with avoir as the auxiliary and arriver (to arrive) with être as the auxiliary.