is a platform for academics to share research papers. They are certainly not meant to replace a good text on the subject, such as those listed on this page. 1.1 De nitions We start with a eld F, which for us will always be the reals or the complex numbers. The comment in the preface to the \ rst edition" regarding caution and buzz saws is still a propos. Nevertheless, I maintain that this set of notes is worth at least twice the price1 that I’m charging for them.

Notes for Functional Analysis Wang Zuoqin (typed by Xiyu Zhai) Oct 27, 2015 1 Lecture 14 1.1 The weak topology de ned by maps Recall: Let F 1;F 2 be two topologies on a set X. Functional analysis can best be characterized as in nite dimensional linear algebra. These notes are intended to familiarize the student with the basic concepts, principles and methods of functional analysis and its applications, and they are intended for senior undergraduate or beginning graduate students. Functional analysis plays an important role in the applied sciences as well as in mathematics itself. of continuous linear functions f: X−→ K, where Xis a vector space over K. To know what continuity of f means, we need to specify topologies on Xand K. Moore Instructor at the the Functional Analysis course at Waterloo has now changed to PMath 753, in case anyone is checking. FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS Theo Buhler ETH Zuric h Dietmar A. Salamon ETH Zuric h 8 June 2017. ii. We will use some real analysis, complex analysis, and algebra, but functional analysis is not really an extension of any one of these. We say F 1 is weaker than F 2 if F 1 ˆF 2, in other words, any open sets in the F 1-topology are … As in Analysis I–III, we write Kto denote Ror C. The central topic of (linear) Functional Analysis is the investigation and representation of continuous linear functionals, i.e. Lecture Notes Functional Analysis (2014/15) Roland Schnaubelt These lecture notes are based on my course from winter semester 2014/15. 1These lecture notes were prepared for the instructor’s personal use in teaching a half-semester course on functional analysis at the beginning graduate level at Penn State, in Spring 1997. Com-pared to the notes from three years ago, several details and very few subjects have been changed. ABOUT THE AUTHOR In addition to Functional Analysis, Second Edition, Walter Rudin is the author of two other books: Principles of Mathematical Analysis and Real and Complex Analysis, whose widespread use is illustrated by the fact that they have been translated into a total of 13 languages.He wrote Principles of Mathematical Analysis while he was a C.L.E. Preface These are notes for the lecture course \Functional Analysis I" held by the second author at ETH Zuric h in the fall semester 2015.