they shall be My people, and I will be their God; and I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear Me always, for their own good and for the good of their children after them. Free will does not cause tornadoes or hurricanes. You’re welcome, Kathi. At one time, our society thought slavery was “good”, thought eliminating DDT was “good” (even though that decision has cost millions of lives), some in Washington thought “rolling the dice a little more on subprime” was a good move for Fannie and Freddie (which gave us 2008). In this I can rest. I say Lord I ask for your protection over my family, friends, and for believers. ( Philippians 4:19 ) Give them neither poverty nor riches. Understanding His grace will change you, and as it changes you, it will change the way you relate to others in the family. I don’t know if God will protect your kids in the way that you desire. What Does The Bible Say About Haters? You can pray these Bible Promises over your family as well. Jesus, who said he was living water, breathed on the Apostles. Sure, it can get very tough in this life, but the ultimate plan of a universal redemption through Christ’s death on the cross gives us a promise that one day “All Shall Be Well,” as one writer has put it. God can redeem anything, but He doesn’t cause everything. But that’s just me I suppose, I know plenty of folks take great comfort in imagining that there is a greater power watching over them and caring for them in some way. Second, how does change take place in our hearts and lives? Father God, we come before You today to ask for your protection over our families. Being a Nana has been such a blessing. 5:19, to list a few references. This is why God brought the greatest evil in the history of the world upon His Son. He promises to be with us when awful things happen and that is really the extent of what He can do. Blessed are those who fear the LORD, who find great delight in his commands.

To download a free copy, just click on the link below: Jennifer, I always look forward to your posts. 20 Reasons Why God Is Allowing Trials In Your Life My opinion is that what I see is best explained by no involved deity (and I’m not a deist, so no deity at all). How do we answer such questions? I believe that believers (when I say “believers”, I don’t want to just target those of the christian variety here), use this out of context argument to try and get out of explaining why something isn’t working the way the scripture says it will work. C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo House Blog. We found out earlier this week that our 12th grandbaby is due next March. I will make an everlasting covenant with them that I will not turn away from them, to do them good; and I will put the fear of Me in their hearts so that they will not turn away from Me. Don’t be afraid of them!”, 14. The LORD delivers and vindicates me! Although, since this is a hypothetical, I won’t sit here and nit pick it. I really don’t.

He was questioning God’s plan. We come to Christ and bow our knee knowing He loves us enough to die for us. (Proverbs 6:22) Grant their parents wisdom (James 1:5) and endurance (Isaiah 40:29) as they train up their children.

You don’t need a God to explain why things are bad. This “all things” includes suffering. The answer is no, a god will not protect your children. 11.

Romans 8:28 says that God is working all things together for good for those that love him. We want to continue to grow in the obedience of faith and we can only do that through You. Why Don't Christians Expose Evil Anymore? A great way to understand grace is through this principle: God never calls you to a task without giving you what you need to do it.

(James 1:4) Finish in them the work you began, so they will be mature and complete, (Philippians 1:6) lacking in nothing. At least it’s the hardest.

Many people don’t realize that sin can harm us in a plethora of ways and God tells us no don’t do that for our protection. Why Don't Christians Expose Evil Anymore? I supposed the mystery is: why do some people get chosen to suffer and some don’t? Externally, your words indicate that you have suffered miserably, are sufferings miserably, and will continue to do so for some length of time. In the scientific world, these are referred to as “predictions”. I knew there was something more coming. Having that ability, but refusing to take action, means that He at least *allows* everything to occur. How many children were drowned in the flood?

Get Beliefnet's Prayer of the Day Newsletter! I do appreciate the honest response though. To use a simplistic example: stabbing someone with a knife to steal from them is evil, cutting someone to remove a bullet on a battlefield is good and saving, but the suffering from the cut persons perspective is the same. Building good character in your child’s life is a key part of parenting. Sometimes we presume a lot.

Marriage, Motherhood, and Minding what Matters Most.

Grandkids are such a blessing, aren’t they? The LORD delivers and vindicates me! ( Proverbs 30:8 ) Feed them with the bread that is their portion, ( Matthew 6:11 ) so they’ll have neither too much and deny You nor too little and dishonor You. Because from where I sit it looks like if you follow the Lord too closely, he brings terrible things into your life. Required fields are marked *. etc.). All Rights Reserved. As far as natural disasters go…. I think that the author nails the answer, when he deduces: “I don’t know if God will protect your kids in the way that you desire. I do not think that unbelievers will get much out of it if they are only trying to use it to refute that there is a God. It’s hard not to swim in a sea of worry. But not all of it; not by a long shot. In John 21 (I love this story), Christ has already risen from the grave. But then I remember that God didn’t protect his son from the suffering of this world either – so who am I to demand that He protect mine?

A man was blind all his life just so God could demonstrate his glory. 16. Yet I it had not been for the law, I would not have known sin. I would like to also remind you that most of the time God protects us without us even knowing. You must follow me” (John 21:22). You are using the author’s own words to say that he does not exist. It’s even more extraordinary with a granddaughter in tow. The difference is in allowing evidence to affect the conclusion, rather than trying to rationalize an assumption. 11. I realize that the analogy isn’t perfect, but in the hypothetical scenario I proposed, God (in the guise of you, the mother/father of the daughter) did try to warn her. People ruin their lives by their own foolishness, Blessed are those who fear the LORD, who find great delight in his commands. 15 Scriptures For Get Well Soon Cards, What Does The Bible Say About Mental Health? You have words of eternal life. It’s one reason I want to be careful here and not target Christians when I say these things. Cancer eats up our bodies. Prayer for Family Protection.

I know some very good christian people, but you take away the parts that make them human beings and they certainly wouldn’t be human beings any more.

In this I bear my cross and carry it with my Lord and continue to believe in Christ. Your poor mom. Look at your mom. 17. They were also going to die for their faith. In the end, they both died anyway. “You love Jesus and have been doing so much for him,” he said. What Does The Bible Say About Mental Health?

But, we can pray specifically for them! She could have died, but God is all powerful and He is able to decrease the impact of an oncoming car and lessen the impact of a fall.