3 Partnerships and Strategic Alliance 5 Required fields are marked *, (function( timeout ) { Jonathan Lui Market Development: Google search in present market is involved in changing the trends just because of the customers need.

4) Competitive Environment 6 Slide 4: ASO Is Not Make your business known to a wide range of audience with this Google Marketing Plan Template. Your email address will not be published. In services in social networking & media are question marks since these verticals are facing stiff competition from other players in the market. 1 BY: MRIDHUL.K.M DMS PONDICHERRY UNIVERSITY 2. At Google, brands as diverse as Chromecast and Search aim to reach the right people with the right message, in the right moment. Business Plan Outline 6 4.1 Product value 5 Team 2 GiltCity incentives aren 't always financial but often include perks like backstage access to concerts and entertainment venues, Current Marketing Strategy Market Penetration: Google is now expanding in different areas especially in American markets by following the penetration strategy and the customers are targeted by the advertisers in different geographical locations. Checkout Page 15 5.1 Safety 9 Payment Process- 9 Software- 10

Analyzing the current business portfolio (BCG Analysis) Product | Market Share | Market Growth | Type | Android | High | High | Stars | Browser | Low | High | Question marks | Ads | High | High | Stars | Searching engine | High | Low | Cash cows | Youtube | High | Low | Cash cows |

Our services will exceed the expectations of our customers. Executive summary ………………………………………………………….. 2 Executive Summary

Google, a multinational company was founded in January 1996 at Menlo Park, California which provides the services of searching and advertisements. Control ………………………………………………………………………….. 12 Website- 9 Please reload CAPTCHA. Famous products in tech world like YouTube, Google earth, sky, drive, maps, android, chrome os, nexus smartphones and tablets came from this company. It’s search engine optimization for the app environment.

14 Industry and Competitions 5 The newly incorporated company, funded by angel investors, moved off campus and soon, at the height of the dotcom boom, attracted $25 million in support from two venture capital firms. var notice = document.getElementById("cptch_time_limit_notice_24"); MARKETING PLAN - GOOGLE GLASS 1. • Although Google tries to merge with different search engines but in doing so it may lose its own brand name. Started in 1984 as PC Limited, at first the company sold IBM PC-compatible computer built from stock, and products that support whatever phase our customers may be in, or seeking. Appendices …………………………………………………………………….. 15 Rohit D'Souza Tactics ………………………………………………………………………….. 7 Diversification Strategy: Google has always been investing heavily in internal R&D projects with the aim of “solving the world’s problems using technology”. Applying concentric diversification focus on the core product of, Investigating Number of Stomata on a Leaf, The New Generation: Internet and the Side Effects. • Mostly the reason of survival of the google is on the basis of advertisements.

Its services for Web, Mobile, Business, Home & office are stars since these are main verticals for which Google is known to provide best services. Tough competitors faced by search engine like google are as follows. timeout This is highly related to Uber’s success in attracting customers, which is the most important revenue stream of the. Strategy ………………………………………………………………………… 6 Situation analysis ...………………………………………………………….. 3 Let’s clarify what ASO is NOT. GiltCity targets upscale restaurants and luxury retailers for daily deals and other incentives, which distinguishes the company from the crowded field of coupon-selling companies. No need to worry if you’re not tech savvy, as this template is easy to use and compatible with various devices. It is now much more than a search engine - it is using its massive retained profits to diversify into a wide range of seemingly unrelated industries. Having just been appointed the new Marketing Manager for Cocoa Delights, a chain of 15 gourmet chocolate stores in Melbourne, I will now be completing a viability report for each of the marketing opportunities. }. 2 Company Overview 4 Established by Michel Dell, Dell is now number three supplier worldwide employing more than 103, 00 people worldwide. 3) Market Opportunity 6 Google, as one of the leading search engines, is the best place to market your products as well as your services. Analyzing Google’s strategic planning process STEP FOUR: PLANNING MARKETING AND OTHER FUNCTIONAL STATEGIES 5 Value Proposition 9

Company Introduction. setTimeout( • As the google is known to be the user friendly search engine but now gradually it loses that image because it decides to become portal. function() { Product page 13 Google is normally working on the concept of pay per click. Google is now enhancing the features of the search engines to become more attractive for the customers. The search engine which has the possibility to access all type of text and is providing comfortable and trustworthy results which is not done by others and to minimize the problems that doesn’t provides satisfactory results that’s seen mostly in the search engines. Objectives ……………………………………………………………………… 5 Google Marketing Plan Sean MacNaughton Yohanes (Clinton) Suryabara Product Strategy Place Strategy Offers a number of products and services to its users and customers Google’s search engine – Google’s first product Gmail – Google’s e-mail client Google Maps – a map and navigation • Google provides comfort level to its customer from every country by providing the facility of 88 languages. ASO should not be separate from your overall brand or marketing strategy, Google self-drving cars if ( notice ) Google Marketing Strategy #3 - Quality to Create a Society of High Authority Offering a quality product or service is the most important requirement from the start.

c) For network: Chrome Android Google, a multinational company was founded in January 1996 at Menlo Park, California which provides the services of searching and advertisements. My business’s competitive edge will be their easy-to-use website, superior customer service, and aggressive marketing tactic 's. Abhishek Jain 6) Market Strategy 8 1. • Sometimes the results obtained by searching any topic are not 100% accurate which cause difficulty for users to select the correct one. The design of the website will encourage purchases because it is so easy and quick to make the purchase, Task 2: • Google has great opportunities to be more successful in future by adding new groups and different improved stuff. • News, directory, emails, groups are the services that are served to the people. The website design will be a competitive advantage because research indicates that an easy-to-use website significantly increases sales.

Johannes Borchardt coined the acronym ASO in 2009, referring to everything that helps your app be visible in app stores. The fundamental principles of keywords and descriptions still apply with new twists unique to the app environment. Porter’s Five Forces Model (Competitive Analysis), Strategic Analysis and Business Strategy of Jet2, Critical Analysis of Superstores Marketing Plan, Blue Sky Clothing Marketing Plan to Achieve Strategic Objectives, Strategic Marketing and Analysis of Marketing Plans. Google’s story is not that different from many startups in the late 1990s.At first, the operation was run out of Page’s dorm room with borrowed and refurbished equipment. Slide 3: App Store Optimization Learn more about how you can market your business through digital marketing. This is a major chunk of untapped market which if taken under the stride of social media marketing, can be very profitable. Reference 17 Thanks for the great article.