And how do you use a proper noun? Native to a small village in britain with no real incidents in the past, he is just a random student whose's hogwarts scholarship happens to begin 1 year later than Harry Potter's. I favourited it! Which minor character who attended Hogwarts are you most like? Ready to challenge yourself? Words. My personality is light and bubbly, and I just pass tests because I'm talking with my friends ^>^. First, choose a 8 digit number [without peeking at what's written below]. :D My pet is a cat :). Personality: Bookworm, smart and stubborn. 5 Min, 6 Minute Quiz Take this quiz and find out! 5 Minute Quiz Her best subject is Your Choice. 1/10. She is Gryffindor, she has a pet cat, her class is Charms, and she isnice, always in her own world. How much do you know about dinosaurs? Download. Hogwarts character generator. If you see me online, have a chat on Author's Notes and anyone else too. But she's different...and determined to find out how to overthrow the Deedwriter and bring back her enslaved parents...Have You Heard? /* PCD change http to https for CSRF JUL 2017 */. His personality is complicated, but prominent traits include passionate, courageous, reckless, smart but not a bookworm or what the humans of today would consider "nerdy", and adventurous [AN: Got "Your Choice" again]. Skye Wright, she's in Hufflepuff, she owns a rat, her favourite lesson is History of Magic. :). Joining is easy! My charecter has 3 sisters ALL NAMED THE SAME THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!O_O. I'M A SLYTHERIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Hogwarts letter is a letter of acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, sent to British wizards and witches prior to their first year at Hogwarts. Oooh, Your Choice is evil. The elements of a story. Or do you think you're more like Ron or Neville? Haha! Create a new Hogwarts student to attend Hogwarts right along with Harry and the gang and we'll tell you which house you'd be sorted into. ^_^ She has a toad. It would be awesome if you commented telling me what characters you got. Simply wonderful!" "~Jim Carrey. Check out my Superhero Character Generator sometime! March 2, 2020 May 29, 2018 by Danny. yffindor. Hehe, my name is Skye Wright, I have a toad and I'm in Ravenclaw. She's brave [typical Gryffindor] and would do anything for her best friend. She is half-blood. Words. Eliza's quite odd, isn't she? 1K Comments. U r a student at Hogwarts and it is ur 1st year.But like every new student at Hogwarts u must be sorted. After this, u look for the correct title ur result showed. :D, A boy named Mathew Wright He is in the Ravenclaw house and has a pet owl, his best subject is Defense Against The Dark Arts, he is really brave, would do anything for his best friends.sss, ~*~Sapphire~*~ Never laugh at live Dragons. And my personality is Kind, a great student! Tolkien. SORRY. Appearance Height: 156 cm Skin Tone: White Eye Color: Brown Hair Description: - Color: Blond Ours are exactly alike O_O I swear I didn't even see it until after I posted mine. I’ll go over how to customize the templates in Photoshop as well as how to put the project together after printing. 666K Views. Well the title is really self explanotory. Are you similar to Harry or Hermione? This is soooooo cool! Your biography says you don't have any friends on KidPub yet. I don't think that suits a Slytherin, but I don't care! Our award-winning website offers reliable, easy-to-understand explanations about how the world works. Hogwarts Student ID Template. She's got a cat for a pet and her best subject is Transfiguration. Girl named Eliza Your Choice xD Pureblood, Slytherin. Books. We're giving you the chance to add to J.K. Rowling's greatness! Pictures. privacy policy Are you similar to Harry or Hermione? 7 Comments. So, if you could be in any movie as the leading actress, what movie would that be? SLYTHERINS ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's a boy, his name is David Chambers, his house is Slytherin, he has a pet toad, his best class is Charms, and he's number 7, loud and bubbly. Because learning is fun, so stick with us! ~Me, "Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes. J.R.R. Sentences. Libraries. Personality Quiz: Which Hogwarts Student Are You Most Like? Then read the next bit. This game is finished; I'm not going to add anything to it. Hogwarts Diploma Generator Online Certificate Of Hogwarts Diploma. Sometimes we explain how stuff works, other times, we ask you, but we’re always exploring in the name of fun! xD) and I am a Half-Blood in Gryffindor with a Pet Owl. Subscribe to Comic. me chararcter is Kat (Katherine) Roberts. Personality Quiz: Which Hogwarts Student Are You Most Like? :D My pet is a cat :). My best subject is transfiguration. Download. In this Harry Potter DIY we’ll be making a personalized Hogwarts Student ID. I CAN use the characters I make here into a story, right? My name is Lauren Boyd. 1 file(s) 122 KB. and confirming that you are 13 years old or over. Hogwarts student maker. Playing quizzes is free! ~Fred Allen. So far I've only made the part before you actually go to Hogwarts, but I'd really like to know what people have to say about it, so I'm puplishing it anyways.