Boomstick: These transformations boost his power and give Goku a blond makeover , with this transformation Goku defeated Freiza and killed him but brought him back to life because he's nice like that. Trust me it is. History Talk (0) Comments Share.

Boomstick: But this is one deadly Gumball you do not want to be near unless you want to become his next meal trust meĀ ! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. And they're also idiotic gluttons. Goku obviously! Boomstick: It's time for a Death BattleĀ !!! This factor was crucial in the final part of the battle and helped Goku gain the advantage over the pink Star Warrior. Watch Queue Queue Boomstick: And ended up on Earth and spend their days kicking the ass of any villain they find , Goku the Saiyan Warrior, Wiz: And Kirby the pink and cute star warrior. Vegeta: Uggh this Monster attacked us and ate Gohan and Chi chi aAhh .. Goku: Vegeta Noo , Your going to pay for killing my friends pal, Goku: Don't Hii me your going to pay for your crimes right now, Goku gets in a fighting pose ready to fight Kirby, Goku charges at Kirby and launches a ki blast at him Kirby leaps on the Wrap star swallows a hammer enemy and whacks Goku with a hammer twice Goku then kicks Kirby into the wall and Kirby returns to normal, Kirby attempts to suck Goku in but Goku flies away and shoots another Ki blast Kirby is hit by a few of them and eats a ki blast and deflects it back at Goku hitting him in the chest, Kirby eats a fire enemy and shoots a fireball at Goku who activates his Kaio Ken and lunges at Kirby punching him several times Kirby grabs Goku's leg and throws him into a mountain shattering it Goku then returns on Nimbus and cups his hands, A blue wave of massive energy explodes from Goku's hands Kirby is hit by it but falls out of the beam and glides towards Goku Kirby then grabs a massive tree and tosses it at Goku who shatters it with a single punch Kirby then tries to grapple Goku but Goku headbutts him and knocks him aside, Goku: Wait I remember you now you're the one who took down Majin Buu well I will take you down now fool, Just then Kirby eats another enemy and turns into Fighter Kirby and lunges towards Goku hitting him with a kick to the face then shoving him into the ground and continues hammering Goku with blows Goku pushes Kirby up into the air and attempts to punch him but Kirby Dodges all his blows finally Goku uppercuts Kirby changing him back to normal, Goku stands there and pulls out a senizu bean and eats it, Goku tosses a Senizu beam at Kirby and they both heal their injures Kirby charges at Goku and punches Him in the chest and again attempts to suck in Goku but Goku shoves a large pile of rocks in Kirby's mouth, Goku: Ah that should take care of your appetite, Kirby spits out one of the rocks and Goku dodges it but is hit by the rest of them and knocked back Goku then fires several ki blasts at the rocks destroying them and Kirby is hit several times, Goku fires the blast that hits Kirby directly decimating an entire forest Goku then attempts to fire another Kahmehameha but Kirby eats another enemy and stabs Goku with a sword he then pulls out the sword and attempts to behead Goku but Goku mutters two words, A blinding flash of light appears blinding Kirby and his sword is suddenly knocked out of his hand by Goku whose Hair had now changed colour he was now a Super Saiyan, Kirby and Goku exchange punches several times deflecting each other's attacks until Kirby swings Goku into a tree and picks up his sword and lunges at Goku and two struggle of the sword but Kirby slashes Goku with the sword twice and knocks him into the ground, Goku: Your powerful all right but you won't beat me Aggh, Goku transformes into Super Sayian 2 and hits Kirby with the Destruco disc which Kirby shrugs off easily and shatters the disc with a single punch and then uppercuts Goku and knocks him back several miles and the two clash over the ocean, Kirby sucks in a Enemy and transforms into fire Kirby and the two fire ki blasts and fireballs at each other Goku then pulls out his power pole and whacks Kirby with it ending his powerup Goku then attempts to hit Kirby with it again but Kirby leaps over the pole and kicks Goku in the chest, Goku is knocked back and mutters two words, Goku knees Kirby in the gut but Kirby swallows him quickly before Goku can do anything and ends up in the stomach dimension, Goku teleports out of the dimension using instant transmission and transforms into Super Saiyan 3 his hair increasing dramatically Kirby stands near Goku with Golden hair appearing out of his head both fire a Kahmehameha At each other and Goku is knocked back and the two arrive at a city, Goku fires several ki blasts at Kirby who dodges them and shoots some in response hiting Goku through a building Goku then Rams into Kirby ending his powerup and punches him several times Goku then launches his Dragon Fist attack at Kirby, The Dragon Fist shatters a building effortlessly and knocks several into Kirby who eats an ice foe pulls the buildings apart touches Goku freezing him and grabs a building and throws into Goku and starts whacking Goku with it, Goku unfreezes and appears bloodied and battered and grabs the building as well and the two struggle over it Goku then transformes into Super Saiyan 4 and launches a Super Kahmehameha that goes through the building shattering it and hits Kirby directly, Goku summons Nimbus and Kirby summons his Wrap star Goku pulls out his Power pole and Goku eats another enemy transforming back into Sword Kirby the two fly in the sky and clash weapons Goku managing to poke and bash Kirby with the Power pole and Kirby managing to slash Goku with his sword, Kirby then upgrades his sword into the Utlra sword and slash through the Power pole effortelessy and cuts Goku and continues to slash him several times Kirby slashes Through Nimbus and Kicks Goku only to slash him again with the Ultra Sword, Goku charges into Kirby and attempts to eat his Senizu beans but Kirby swallows all of them instantly Goku punches him removing his powerup, Goku transformes into Super Sayian God and kicks Kirby who punches Goku again and the two exchange punches and kicks and Kirby kicks Goku into the ground making a crater Goku gets back up and shoots a Super Kahmehameha at Kirby that hits him directly again knocking him back, Kirby suddenly barrages into Goku and runs him over as Wheel Kirby Goku Gets back up but is knocked around several times by Wheel Kirby Goku then fires several ki blasts at Kirby that hit him and he turns to normal Kirby then eats another foe and transforms into Stone Kirby and hits Goku in the head knocking him back, Goku then uppercuts Stone Kirby and he transforms back to normal Goku then transforms into Super Sayian God Super Sayian and the two exchange punches, Kirby hits Goku in the gut but Goku kicks Kirby right in the face punches him several times and slams him into the ground creating a massive shockwave that causes a massive earthquake and the entire planet begins to shake, Kirby stands up and eats a Mircale Fruit and becomes Hypernova Kirby and tries to eat Goku but he teleports out of the way and Kirby swallows Earth , Venus, Mercury and Mars easily, Goku charges up a spirit Bomb and it bulges to a massive size Kirby then creates a Star rod and charges up a magical blast Goku releases the Spirt Bomb and it flies towards Kirby who swallows it whole although it begins to damage him it sounds ends, Kirby releases a magic blast from his Star rod that hits Goku and then kirby eats the sun and spits it back out again the heat severely injuring Goku, Kirby then swallows Goku again and Goku teleports out of his dimension Kirby appears with blue hair and the too face each other.