Try to keep a balance of normal attacks and parry attempts.

Lady Maria bears a striking resemblance to The Doll, whom was presumably modelled after her by Gehrman. She dons the Maria Hunter Set and wields the Rakuyo and Evelyn. Thus providing breathing room for the player. Now you can leave this place. Don't you hear the hunt calling? If not killed the first time you meet her, Maria would be found dead (presumably from., "A corpse, should be left well alone. Her blades do not change whatsoever, and still remain how they were transformed in her second phase. Maria's is unique to any other parry animation in the game, as she appears to hug the player before ripping her arm out of their chest. There won't be many opportunities to heal, so getting blood bullets and healing is recommended. Sometimes she will momentarily cross her arms then lunge forward, staggering the player if they are too close. She is seen sitting on a richly decorated chair, with blood pooling from her neck and wrist onto the floor. Keep trying to parry, as she throws long combos which are parry farms. From now on, stay very close to her. Only an honest death will cure you now. When Lady Maria has one third of health left, she levitates off the ground, causing another blood explosion. Many of her moves require her to line up her attack first, giving the Hunter time to move or prepare. Lady Maria begins the battle using her Rakuyo and Evelyn. She can also transform her weapon for moveset changes and fluid combo weaving. Bolt Paper or Empty Phantasm Shell can be very effective in this fight. Her downed state is relatively quick, but even if the player misses, they may still get a four to five hit combo in. This will not only increase her damage, but also her attack range. But, what about you? Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Or do you wish to tease some more from the depths of this nightmare?

According to both her equipment and her weapon, Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower was a citizen of Cainhurst, and is directly related to Queen Annalise.

Interestingly enough, even the, Unlike other human bosses such as Gehrman, first-phase. She has enhanced her Rakuyo again. She is not too dangerous in this phase, so it's best to save vials and bullets for the next phases. Lady Maria is a young yet stoic member of the hunters.

", "Hm... A visitor?

Unlike most characters the player encounters, who speak with English accents, Maria (as well as the Doll) has a Slavic accent. Overall, Maria fights like an experienced PvP fighter. The version of the Rakuyo wielded by Lady Maria is different from the one that is available to the player. Hm, look at you, that glint in your eyes. Note, she will use charge attacks in this phase more frequently. Have a fast weapon and a firearm equipped. The buff animation ends with a massive AoE that hits hard. However, she was one of the first hunters to join the nightly hunt, studying under Gehrman, the First Hunter. On closer inspection, the symbols etched around the clock are. Maria can be staggered and knocked down like other hunters. ", "I though as much. All of her attacks now have a massive blood extension that has a massive range, capable of spanning half the length of the room. ", "Good Hunter, lost in the nightmare. This decision is unclear regarding its motivations, but it is possible she craved for more power, whether or not her intentions were pure. When she stabs herself, don't try to attack. The weapon wielded by Maria, the Rakuyo, is hidden away at the bottom of a well in the Fishing Hamlet. With a sufficiently high Arcane build, she can be knocked down with Augur of Ebrietas repeatedly until she dies. On every successful parry, close in as fast as possible for either a combo or visceral. Liberate you from your wild curiosity. She will not hesitate to run up and perform her OWN visceral attack. If not, a well timed dodge during one of her common attack windups can be a little more risky, but will still avoid the Hunter getting hit. She will be more aggressive in this stage.

Don't try to use a charged attack, because there won't be enough time. When dodging, note that dodging straight on will almost always result in being stun locked to death, especially in the later phases. It is still very possible. Even if it means my murder...", "What's wrong, my hunter? To finish the fight as fast as possible, use any remaining bullets. They will only get you so far. Bloodborne Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.

", "What's wrong, my hunter? Beside... You will not find your enemies here. Phase three starts when she floats up in the air and seems to suck all the blood splattered on the floor and walls into a vortex. The Doll was based on her, down to her facial features, yet, sadly, lacked her personality, leaving Gehrman bitter. Phase two will start when she stabs herself, imbuing her weapons with blood. Some theories also state that she was part of the slaughter in the Fishing Hamlet, and as the old hunters departed the scene of their killing, she cast the blade she used into the well out of disgust. Using her own blood, Maria enhances both the katana and dagger halves of her Rakuyo, as the blood seems to have solidified on the blade. ", "Have respect for the beast-hunter Gehrman's wishes. Well, that's a relief.

Now you can leave this Nightmare. Despite being a citizen of Cainhurst, who relished in their extravagant uses of blood, she favored her Rakuyo, which required dexterity and skill rather than blood to wield effectively. When she charges in to attack, take one of two actions. Oh, I know very well how the secrets beckon so sweetly. According to both her equipment and her weapon, Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower was a citizen of Cainhurst, and is a distant relative to Queen Annalise. Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower is a boss in Bloodborne's The Old Hunters DLC. Again, back off, heal, and buff.

Instead, use the time to heal and buff. Most of Maria's attacks can be avoided by dodging to her right side at the last second. When she does, get behind her and punish. How unexpected... Then, the secret of the church have been laid bare. There won't be many opportunities to heal, so prioritize staying alive over offense. The change can be seen in her attacks, as every arc of blood left behind by her slashes bursts into a plume of fire. Take the relics in this room as your parting prize. ", After defeating Lady Maria, the Maria Hunter Set becomes available at the. You boy, are insufferable. It allows access to the secret hidden by the Astral Clocktower. Though Maria could be spoken to and was non-hostile (beckoning the player to leave the Nightmare and continue their hunt), the player would not be able to proceed to the Fishing Hamlet without fighting her. She is seemingly dead, but upon inspecting her, the Hunter's hand is caught and a warning is issued by the now awakened Maria. The Augur of Ebrietas is useful for knocking her down briefly. Her attacks now do blood and fire damage. Now, Maria resides in the Astral Clocktower, looking after the disfigured patients that reside there, and guarding the secret of the Nightmare, the Fishing Hamlet, where the Orphan of Kos can be found. The first scenario in which Simon kills Maria would explain how he got to the Fishing Hamlet before the player unlocks the clocktower door. The animation of Lady Maria dying after she gets defeated is very similar to the animation for Gehrman. However, she was one of the first hunters to join the nightly hunt, studying under Gehrman, the First Hunter. Bloodborne Soundtrack OST - Lady Maria (The Old Hunters), Concept art of Lady Maria in her third Phase. Now it is possible to get hit a maximum of two times at once, taking both Blood and Fire damage. The nightmare held them, and now they are free. Gehrman held a curious mania about her, even after she disappeared. Dodge forward and sideways, giving her extra space. Parrying is more difficult now, because her attacks are sharper. Another interesting thing that ties a link between Cainhurst and her set is that the trousers she wears have a pattern and overall look similar to the male version of the, The massive internal clock in the arena of Lady Maria's battle holds familiar etches around the perimeter. Don't you hear the hunt calling? In the first phase, stay far away from Maria. Like the Living Failures, she does not have very high Arcane resistance, so the Holy Moonlight Sword's two-handed form is very effective. This time with fire damage being added to her attacks. Also note that her charged attacks have a very wide reach in terms of distance and behind her, even in the first phase. Have you profited at all? Maria drops the Celestial Dial when slain in combat. It's heavily implied that the grave the Doll is seen praying at, which leads to the, According to unused dialogue and internal names for her corpse, Maria was originally intended to be alive and able to be spoken to.