There is no point in time where you choose Master of Cruelties and they can respond to that choice. Those choices are all made during the resolution of the trigger, which no player can interrupt. They need to cast Hallowed Moonlight before Master is on the battlefield.

Man, I'm old.

Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Master of Cruelties assigns no combat damage this combat. To be clear, both cards represent Replacement Effects.

Master of Cruelties assigns no combat damage this combat. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Master of Cruelties | First strike, deathtouch Master of Cruelties can only attack alone. As a note, in case this is what is happening here, if you say, "I'm attacking with Kaalia and putting.

Seems fitting. Replacement Effects need to be in place before the event they are trying to replace.


Once it is on the battlefield, it is too late for Moonlight to do anything. Combo Card of the Week: Master of Cruelties | Magic the Gathering - Duration: 9:53.

Whenever Master of Cruelties attacks a player and isn't blocked, that player's life total becomes 1. Yeah, 5000 posts. | First strike, deathtouch Master of Cruelties can only attack alone.

Master of Cruelties | Master of Cruelties - Creature — Demon - First strike, deathtouch Master of Cruelties can only attack alone.

a) This can't (won't) happen.

A player can only do things prior to that or afterwards, not in between.

Whenever Master of Cruelties attacks a player and isn't blocked, that player's life total becomes 1. He can respond to Kaalia's trigger that would put it on the battlefield, but at that time, no particular creature was chosen yet, nor wether any creature is going to enter the field at all. Master of Cruelties can only attack alone. First strike, deathtouch Master of Cruelties can only attack alone. Whenever Master of Cruelties attacks a player and isn't blocked, that player's life total becomes 1.

More Info: For special rulings visit the Gatherer page.

Whenever Master of Cruelties attacks a player and isn't blocked, that player's life total becomes 1. Master of Cruelties assigns no combat damage this combat. ... Kaalia of the Vast EDH/Commander Deck Tech - A Guide for Magic: the Gathering - Duration: 6:54.

Master of Cruelties decks, related cards, strategies, rulings, and more. However, if it is cast before the Master is put onto the battlefield, Kaalia's controller can just choose not to put anything on the battlefield.

Immortal One? Stifle counters the ability but it does not still checking? Master of Cruelties assigns no combat damage this combat. Once it starts to resolve, it will resolve fully before anyone can do aynthing else. © 2020 MagicFind, Inc. All rights reserved. Because he cannot respond to the Master entering until it is already on the field. But If I maze the master before blockers are declared, they can still block the master? Ads by Fandom.