Attention should be placed on the importance of biopsychosocial perspective framing in the actual clinical and political context. ABNF J. New York: Russel Sage Foundation; 2010. Our informants experienced themselves as a skilled group with a good reputation and interest in quality improvement. (PT2). This has been our focus for the last five years and it is now ready - SystemView automates capacity and demand analysis to help clinical and managerial leaders optimise care processes through high-frequency, patient/doctor-level, web-based analytics. J Nurs Res. 2014;25(2):40–5. 2017;51(24):1750–8. Practitioners must function within an economic and political system. < Picha KJ, Howell DM. Age Ageing. (PT3). This ability seems applicable in the development of all competences [58] and was expressed as a central aspect of developing competence. PubMed Central To fulfil this, all the authors, physiotherapists with years of experiences in fall prevention research, made their preconceptions and existing knowledge about the context explicit and carried out the analysis based on the following six stages [22]: Become familiar with the data. Edwards A. To ensure good quality the PTs focused on the special needs of the patients, evidence-based fall prevention, interdisciplinary team work, good clinical competences, good skills in communication, and interpersonal relations. PubMed Being an expert professional practitioner. This shift from linear to biological metaphors feels right, and can give us a lens of compassion through which we can view some of the challenges of trying to improve care. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2018. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to explore physical therapists’ (PTs) view of how they experience and perceive their role working with fall prevention in a community care setting. Overall, the PTs saw themselves as having a central role in the context fall prevention because of their specific knowledge about potentially useful exercise interventions and evaluations, as well as knowledge of the biopsychosocial factors influencing patient decisions and motivation for participating in interventions. Overall, Perraton et al. A scoping review. Colomb Med (Cali). Davis Company; 2010. One PT said the following: I can talk a lot about balance, in relation to different types of balance – difference in requirements that are placed on balance when standing – by moving for different activities, such as to standing up from a chair or while walking, or when stretching for something – additionally the connection between cognitive functions and the importance of balance, attention, etc. Meso, which relates to cohorts of patients, capacity and demand, flow through systems and service effectiveness. The role of health professionals in promoting the uptake of fall prevention interventions: a qualitative study of older people's views. Aust J Physiother. The PTs had learned that their role required many different competences and skills; therefore, their role was seen as multifaceted and complex. Umbrella review of meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials. 2007;19(6):349–57. Knighton AJ, McLaughlin M, Blackburn R, Wolfe D, Andrews S, Hellewell JL, et al. To ensure good quality the PTs focused on the special needs of the patients, evidence-based fall prevention, interdisciplinary team work, good clinical competences, good skills in communication, and interpersonal relations. One task that helps to prevent falls is fall registration, and healthcare providers in the community are obliged to do this. A PT mentioned the following: And then I think that professional development has an important role. Here, evidence-based practice (EBP) refers to the translation and integration of the best available research-based knowledge, clinical expertise and patient characteristics and preferences [36]. Competence was closely linked to the PTs’ ability to reflect on the profession, professional practice and individual competence, something that was found in all the themes. The importance of promoting critically informed thinking, encouraging ideas from diverse disciplines and providing a space for ideas that promote a more positive future for the profession were highlighted. The analysis resulted in a core theme and three subthemes. The encounter with the unknown: Nurses lived experiences of their responsibility for the care of the patient in the Swedish ambulance service. The three themes were as follows: 1) always moving and changing: the competent explorative knowledge-hungry clinician’s multifaceted role; 2) multiprofessional – but in the end alone; 3) reaching out – from the bottom to the top. Sjolin H, Lindstrom V, Hult H, Ringsted C, Kurland L. What an ambulance nurse needs to know: a content analysis of curricula in the specialist nursing programme in prehospital emergency care. The competence and skills included more than basic competence and knowledge about the body, how to strengthen the older person’s physical performance and balance or to adapt and individualise exercises of importance for social participation. Braun V, Clarke V. Using thematic analysis in psychology. Patton QM. I have to be sensitive and observant. Hunt J. Dall’Alba G, Sandberg J. Unveiling professional development: a critical review of stage models. London: Routledge; 2004. Micro-level analysis focuses on the social interactions of individuals or very small groups. Venkatesh conducted participant observation with a gang in Chicago. 2014/2051). Gillespie LD, Robertson MC, Gillespie WJ, Sherrington C, Gates S, Clemson LM, et al. That is how it is! Every year, 30% of community-dwelling older people experience a fall, and falls are a leading cause of morbidity, mortality, functional disability, hospitalisation and institutionalisation in older adults [2, 3]. 2014/2051). In Europe and elsewhere there is rising concern about inequality in health and increased prevalence of mental ill-health.