The NEW Object Selection Tool in Photoshop CC 2020 uses Adobe Sensei/machine learning to make selecting an object even EASIER! Post questions and get answers from experts. With your selection active, press Shift + Command + I (Mac) or Shift + Control + I (PC) to invert the selection. Go to Select > Select and Mask. Each one of these tools has a keyboard shortcut, and we've outlined some of them below. How to Use the Object Selection Tool. Hold Shift to move 10 pixels at a time. Learn how to add to selections, subtract from selections, and create intersecting selections. Click on “ Reselect ” from the menu (third from the top) to reselect your previous area selection. Press the keyboard shortcut Control+Alt+R (Command+Option+R on a Mac). Draw marquee from center (if no other selections are active) Alt-drag. You can find these tools at the main Photoshop toolbar. To subtract from a selection, click the Subtract from selection icon in the Options bar, or press the Option key (MacOS) or Alt key (Windows) as you select an area you want to remove from the selection. The keyboard shortcut is “W,” and whichever tool you last used will be chosen. Every tool has a keyboard shortcut, and when you're using one tool -- say, the Brush (B) and you want to switch to another -- the Eraser (E), let's say -- you would press and hold e, erase what you wanted, then release the key to revert to the Brush. Zoom Tool Shortcut. Up Arrow, or Down Arrow, Move tool + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, Step 2: Look for problems with the selection. How is the Object Selection tool different from the Select Subject command? Selecting a region changes the language and/or content on shortcuts. Tip: The shortcut key for the Move Tool is ‘V’. is selected), Switch from Magnetic Lasso tool to Polygonal Lasso and Selection Brush tool) + Shift + Alt-drag, Any selection tool (except Quick Selection tool Start by drawing your initial selection. Here are twenty of my favorite shortcuts for the Brush and painting tools in Photoshop. There is a whole host of applications on your computer that allow you to complete tasks faster through the use of shortcuts, and photoshop is no different. 1) Resizing using the Bracket Keys Any selection tool (except Quick Selection tool and Selection Brush tool) + Shift + Option-drag. Using the Quick Selection tool effectively isn’t much use if you … You can find these tools at the main Photoshop toolbar. But this one is called ‘quick’ for a good reason. Cycle through tools that have the same keyboard shortcut. If you have the Photoshop window selected press V on the keyboard and this will select the Move Tool. To subtract from a selection, click the Subtract from selection icon in the Options bar, or press the Option key (MacOS) or Alt key (Windows) as you select an area you want to remove from the selection. 40. Hide all Show all. Alt+click with Lasso tool: Option+click with Lasso tool: Add to selection outline: Shift+drag: Shift+drag: Deselect specific area: Alt+drag: Option+drag: Deselect all but intersected area: Shift+Alt+drag: Shift+Option+drag: Deselect entire image: Ctrl+D: Apple command key+D: Reselect last selection: Ctrl+Shift+D: Apple command key+Shift+D: Select everything: Ctrl+A: Apple command key+A Select All Objects Shortcut. Option-drag. To add to a selection, click the Add to selection icon in the Options bar, or press the Shift key on the keyboard as you make another selection. You have three options available to you: 1. To select the Quick Selection Tool, click on its icon in Photoshop's Tools panel, or press the letter W on your keyboard to select it with the shortcut: The Quick Selection Tool … First introduced in Photoshop CS3, the Quick Selection Tool is somewhat similar to the Magic Wand in that it also selects pixels based on tone and color. 27. Cycle through tools that have the same keyboard shortcut and preference setting,Use Shift Key for Tool Switch, must be enabled. Constrain marquee to square or circle (if no other selections are active) Shift-drag. tool, Delete last anchor point for Magnetic or You'll be … Selecting Objects & Refining Edges in Adobe Photoshop. These Photoshop keyboard shortcuts are used mostly for moving objects or moving the screen to a different point. You will notice that when you move your selection the space behind where the image was becomes blank. Alt + Shift + Command + K (macOS) Alt + Shift + Control + K (Windows) Alt + Shift + Command + K (macOS) Step 2: Make a Selection. Using 3D tools (Photoshop Extended) K: Enable 3D object tools: N: Enable 3D camera tools: Alt + Ctrl + X: Hide nearest surface: Alt + Shift + Ctrl + X: Show all surfaces: Right-click - Changes to Drag tool: Rotate (3D Object Tool) Right-click - Changes to Slide tool: Roll (3D Object Tool) Right-click - Changes to Orbit tool: Drag (3D Object Tool) There are two different options for tracing around a subject or object; Rectangle and Lasso.