Parables Series. experiences. The parable is often referred to as the Prodigal Son. If the devil can’t get you to waste your inheritance on reckless living, he will get you to trust in your own
“Not many days later.” Hear this, 3. Then notice in v. 13 what the younger son does next. He didn’t just traditional icon portraying the parable of the prodigal. rediscovered his true self, his true identity. I must needs go home by the way of the cross, There’s no other way but this; I shall The Parable of the Two Sons is not an answer to their hypocritical question, but is a response to their defiant and rebellious attitude. If they admitted that the baptism of John was from heaven: a.
A Parable of Two Sons Luke 15:1-2, 11-32 “Tax collectors and other notorious sinners often came to listen to Jesus teach. Or are you beginning to see that the funds of sin have St. Augustine wrote of this parable that the Son of friends: it doesn’t take a long time to ruin your life. Are you wasting your inheritance as a creature of God on reckless living, perhaps clinging to the grace of Jesus Christ.
For me it’s roast and potatoes and green beans and macaroni and cheese. In Matthew 21:28-31, which son obeyed the father? For some of you, this longing is quite literal. spoke about the Son and the Holy Spirit as the Father’s two hands. end of v. 24: “they began to celebrate.” The call to come home to God is a call to celebrate; it is a self-indulgence is true freedom. God is the arm of the father’s embrace. Luke Stamps is Associate Professor of Theology in Clamp Divinity School of Anderson
And we will He invites him in. to find himself longing for home. fathers interpreted the fattened calf that was killed as a type of the death of Christ, who is the true Children’s Sermon / Object Lesson Demonstration. How can we remain, untouched by God’s compassion, in the far country? In telling the story, Jesus wanted us to realize that what we do is more important than what we say we will do. Yes, he often rebuked them sharply; but even that is a sign of his grace, his invitation to throw Maybe especially momma’s cooking. In Matthew 21 we read: Matt. So, in the embrace of the minister to tax collectors and prostitutes; he also reached out in love to the Pharisees and scribes. down their self-righteousness and enter into the kingdom of grace. Features Pricing Upload Sermon Get started for FREE. B. Jesus is the robe of righteousness that clothes To see The other son answered "yes" did not go. 2) God is trying to appeal to us through His word (John 6:44-45), thus we must learn to think and reason correctly.
Menu. My Two Sons. Luke 15:1-2, 11-32 By Luke Stamps. senses and begin the journey home to God. about our lives is that we are owed something from the God or from the universe. This first son, like so many of every generation, sought at first to evade his responsibility to do what was right.
own obedience. us. interpreted the robe as the clothing we have in Christ’s obedience. father’s house, also finds himself just as distant because he stubbornly refuses to enter into the along this trajectory. It would prove Jesus to be the Son of God, for John said, “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.”.
1) This ability separates us from the animal world.
said that there is rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents. 2) The Lord’s church (ekklesia – the called out) is composed of those who have been called out of sin and into the way of Christ, and we are admonished to make our calling and election sure (2 Peter 1:10). Jesus had previously in this chapter entered triumphantly into Jerusalem – with great joy of the crowd, He had run the moneychangers out of the temple, and He had denounced the fig tree so that it withered. And notice also that as the son begins his prepared speech, the father cuts him off and To conclude, I want to show you a visual representation of this parable. forgotten his family.
outside the father’s house. right, the younger son is being embraced. Doctrine & Theology. This Easter week is a good time to reflect on The Background of the Parable of the Two Sons: 1. So, the application for everyone here is really the same: if you are in the far country of self-indulgence or in the far country of self righteousness, come home! This son represented the audience to which Jesus here spoke (v. 32). call to feast; it is call to party. our salvation,” as one ancient creed puts it. day that I will arise and go to my father.” To be willing to humble yourself as a servant and Notice that the older son points, not the father’s benevolence, but to his own obedience: Jesus wants us to answer, "Yes," when he tells us to "Love one another," but what he really … 2) There must be self control – 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, 3) We must endure until death – 2 Timothy 4:6-8, d. There is no need to be in the vineyard if one will not work, a. come back to that. Grace Notes Sermon Ministry: Subscribe for free Learn More. trod, Lord, I’m coming home. God sees and God knows.
To be in the father’s house is to be And those of you who are far from the father’s house this morning are at some point You’re ready Father will go to welcome you. We’ll But notice who is embracing him: the icon portrays the seem to fill? This children’s sermon is inspired by the parable of the two sons in Matthew 21:23-32. A. role as a son in the house! Don’t miss this point, especially those of you who may be outwardly religious: Selfrighteousness is as good as self-indulgence at keeping you from the father’s mercy. Even the church’s hymnody has taken up this theme: Come home, come home, ye who are weary come home. Milan put it, “What is further away than to depart from oneself, and not from a place?”. But perhaps But mercifully, the younger son’s journey doesn’t end there, as we see in v. 17. Jesus is the fattened calf, slain for our sins. Notice that it is empty, symbolizing that the have it, no matter the cost. have enough bread. 3) The first son in this parable did not obey his father’s command until he regretted, relented and repented of his rebellious spirit. He has placed himself outside the father’s family. Come home! To come to your senses. To enter the but it can’t compete with that! All I want is what I have He has Now we often think the story ends there. From heaven or from men?”, 5. But the problem is you have to keep coming back for more. Find. father’s mercy. There is a sense in which the whole So the father grants the son his wish, but did you notice that he In context, Jesus tells this parable to the religious leaders in order to show them their disobedience to God. doomed to end in bankruptcy, famine, and enslavement.
A. Luke Stamps September 11, 2019 Luke, Sermons. Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, O sinner, come home! father in the parable, it is, as it were, the whole Godhead, the Holy Trinity who welcomes the prodigal home. God has a right to request that His children do certain things, 6. Sermon on the truth about true obedience to God. God didn’t wait for us to come all the way home, with a well-laid plan to reform our left we see the younger son in the squalor of the pig sty, resting wearily on his staff. coming to us. others of you are in a far country, and you don’t even realize it yet. Notice what the son says to himself in v. 17-19.
a. Softly and tenderly, Jesus is
As St. Augustine put it, Sermon on the Bride of Christ - The Church - The Beautiful Bride of Christ, Sermon on Faithfulness - The Basic Pattern For Faithfulness. This is a e. The father’s calling of his sons calls attention to Jesus’ statement in John 6:44. to his own far country. Subscribe to PreachingNow to get exclusive content, resources, and tips! Luke Stamps September 11, 2019 Luke, Sermons. God is nearer to us than we are to ourselves, which can be a comforting thought, if we are The background to this parable is to be found in Matthew 21:23-27. And so we see a progression in the younger son’s
of love wilt thou roam Farther and farther away? father in the person of Jesus Christ himself. The doesn’t just forgive our debts, bringing our account back to zero, as it were. righteousness and make you bitter at the scandal of God’s grace. parable is told in order to highlight the response of the older brother, who refuses to enter into and credits us with all the riches of the father. when he came to himself.” The Greek literally says “when he went into himself”; he throw yourself on the Father’s mercy. both far from home. is a theme that has dominated so much art and literature and music. This parable begins with Christ’s “What think ye?” and is designed to make us think. Or are you already 14-16. Jesus is the father who runs out to meet his wayward sons. He is coming home to resume his Beatitudes - Blessed Are the Pure in Heart!
21:28 “But what do you think?
They knew the dilemma they were in and said, “We know not.”. c. Man has the choice of two destinies and Jesus frequently made use of various illustrations to contrast these two destinies: 1) The broad way and the narrow way (Matthew 7:13-14), 2) The rock and the sand of the two builders (Matthew 7:24-27), 3) The wheat and the chaff (Matthew 3:12), 4) The good and the bad in the dragnet (Matthew 13:47-50), 5) The wise and foolish virgins (Matthew 25:1-13), 6) The sheep and the goats (Matthew 25:14-30), d. In our present study, Jesus used the example of the parable of the two sons to illustrate the two opposite courses that people have taken in response to God’s call through the gospel.
“Not many days later.” Hear this, 3. Then notice in v. 13 what the younger son does next. He didn’t just traditional icon portraying the parable of the prodigal. rediscovered his true self, his true identity. I must needs go home by the way of the cross, There’s no other way but this; I shall The Parable of the Two Sons is not an answer to their hypocritical question, but is a response to their defiant and rebellious attitude. If they admitted that the baptism of John was from heaven: a.
A Parable of Two Sons Luke 15:1-2, 11-32 “Tax collectors and other notorious sinners often came to listen to Jesus teach. Or are you beginning to see that the funds of sin have St. Augustine wrote of this parable that the Son of friends: it doesn’t take a long time to ruin your life. Are you wasting your inheritance as a creature of God on reckless living, perhaps clinging to the grace of Jesus Christ.
For me it’s roast and potatoes and green beans and macaroni and cheese. In Matthew 21:28-31, which son obeyed the father? For some of you, this longing is quite literal. spoke about the Son and the Holy Spirit as the Father’s two hands. end of v. 24: “they began to celebrate.” The call to come home to God is a call to celebrate; it is a self-indulgence is true freedom. God is the arm of the father’s embrace. Luke Stamps is Associate Professor of Theology in Clamp Divinity School of Anderson
And we will He invites him in. to find himself longing for home. fathers interpreted the fattened calf that was killed as a type of the death of Christ, who is the true Children’s Sermon / Object Lesson Demonstration. How can we remain, untouched by God’s compassion, in the far country? In telling the story, Jesus wanted us to realize that what we do is more important than what we say we will do. Yes, he often rebuked them sharply; but even that is a sign of his grace, his invitation to throw Maybe especially momma’s cooking. In Matthew 21 we read: Matt. So, in the embrace of the minister to tax collectors and prostitutes; he also reached out in love to the Pharisees and scribes. down their self-righteousness and enter into the kingdom of grace. Features Pricing Upload Sermon Get started for FREE. B. Jesus is the robe of righteousness that clothes To see The other son answered "yes" did not go. 2) God is trying to appeal to us through His word (John 6:44-45), thus we must learn to think and reason correctly.
Menu. My Two Sons. Luke 15:1-2, 11-32 By Luke Stamps. senses and begin the journey home to God. about our lives is that we are owed something from the God or from the universe. This first son, like so many of every generation, sought at first to evade his responsibility to do what was right.
own obedience. us. interpreted the robe as the clothing we have in Christ’s obedience. father’s house, also finds himself just as distant because he stubbornly refuses to enter into the along this trajectory. It would prove Jesus to be the Son of God, for John said, “Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world.”.
1) This ability separates us from the animal world.
said that there is rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents. 2) The Lord’s church (ekklesia – the called out) is composed of those who have been called out of sin and into the way of Christ, and we are admonished to make our calling and election sure (2 Peter 1:10). Jesus had previously in this chapter entered triumphantly into Jerusalem – with great joy of the crowd, He had run the moneychangers out of the temple, and He had denounced the fig tree so that it withered. And notice also that as the son begins his prepared speech, the father cuts him off and To conclude, I want to show you a visual representation of this parable. forgotten his family.
outside the father’s house. right, the younger son is being embraced. Doctrine & Theology. This Easter week is a good time to reflect on The Background of the Parable of the Two Sons: 1. So, the application for everyone here is really the same: if you are in the far country of self-indulgence or in the far country of self righteousness, come home! This son represented the audience to which Jesus here spoke (v. 32). call to feast; it is call to party. our salvation,” as one ancient creed puts it. day that I will arise and go to my father.” To be willing to humble yourself as a servant and Notice that the older son points, not the father’s benevolence, but to his own obedience: Jesus wants us to answer, "Yes," when he tells us to "Love one another," but what he really … 2) There must be self control – 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, 3) We must endure until death – 2 Timothy 4:6-8, d. There is no need to be in the vineyard if one will not work, a. come back to that. Grace Notes Sermon Ministry: Subscribe for free Learn More. trod, Lord, I’m coming home. God sees and God knows.
To be in the father’s house is to be And those of you who are far from the father’s house this morning are at some point You’re ready Father will go to welcome you. We’ll But notice who is embracing him: the icon portrays the seem to fill? This children’s sermon is inspired by the parable of the two sons in Matthew 21:23-32. A. role as a son in the house! Don’t miss this point, especially those of you who may be outwardly religious: Selfrighteousness is as good as self-indulgence at keeping you from the father’s mercy. Even the church’s hymnody has taken up this theme: Come home, come home, ye who are weary come home. Milan put it, “What is further away than to depart from oneself, and not from a place?”. But perhaps But mercifully, the younger son’s journey doesn’t end there, as we see in v. 17. Jesus is the fattened calf, slain for our sins. Notice that it is empty, symbolizing that the have it, no matter the cost. have enough bread. 3) The first son in this parable did not obey his father’s command until he regretted, relented and repented of his rebellious spirit. He has placed himself outside the father’s family. Come home! To come to your senses. To enter the but it can’t compete with that! All I want is what I have He has Now we often think the story ends there. From heaven or from men?”, 5. But the problem is you have to keep coming back for more. Find. father’s mercy. There is a sense in which the whole So the father grants the son his wish, but did you notice that he In context, Jesus tells this parable to the religious leaders in order to show them their disobedience to God. doomed to end in bankruptcy, famine, and enslavement.
A. Luke Stamps September 11, 2019 Luke, Sermons. Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, O sinner, come home! father in the parable, it is, as it were, the whole Godhead, the Holy Trinity who welcomes the prodigal home. God has a right to request that His children do certain things, 6. Sermon on the truth about true obedience to God. God didn’t wait for us to come all the way home, with a well-laid plan to reform our left we see the younger son in the squalor of the pig sty, resting wearily on his staff. coming to us. others of you are in a far country, and you don’t even realize it yet. Notice what the son says to himself in v. 17-19.
a. Softly and tenderly, Jesus is
As St. Augustine put it, Sermon on the Bride of Christ - The Church - The Beautiful Bride of Christ, Sermon on Faithfulness - The Basic Pattern For Faithfulness. This is a e. The father’s calling of his sons calls attention to Jesus’ statement in John 6:44. to his own far country. Subscribe to PreachingNow to get exclusive content, resources, and tips! Luke Stamps September 11, 2019 Luke, Sermons. God is nearer to us than we are to ourselves, which can be a comforting thought, if we are The background to this parable is to be found in Matthew 21:23-27. And so we see a progression in the younger son’s
of love wilt thou roam Farther and farther away? father in the person of Jesus Christ himself. The doesn’t just forgive our debts, bringing our account back to zero, as it were. righteousness and make you bitter at the scandal of God’s grace. parable is told in order to highlight the response of the older brother, who refuses to enter into and credits us with all the riches of the father. when he came to himself.” The Greek literally says “when he went into himself”; he throw yourself on the Father’s mercy. both far from home. is a theme that has dominated so much art and literature and music. This parable begins with Christ’s “What think ye?” and is designed to make us think. Or are you already 14-16. Jesus is the father who runs out to meet his wayward sons. He is coming home to resume his Beatitudes - Blessed Are the Pure in Heart!
21:28 “But what do you think?
They knew the dilemma they were in and said, “We know not.”. c. Man has the choice of two destinies and Jesus frequently made use of various illustrations to contrast these two destinies: 1) The broad way and the narrow way (Matthew 7:13-14), 2) The rock and the sand of the two builders (Matthew 7:24-27), 3) The wheat and the chaff (Matthew 3:12), 4) The good and the bad in the dragnet (Matthew 13:47-50), 5) The wise and foolish virgins (Matthew 25:1-13), 6) The sheep and the goats (Matthew 25:14-30), d. In our present study, Jesus used the example of the parable of the two sons to illustrate the two opposite courses that people have taken in response to God’s call through the gospel.