Preheat a pizza stone for at least 15 minutes, following the manufacturer’s instructions. It's basically a typical round pizza stone other than it has a raised edge on one side of the … Place the stone directly over the hot burners. Pizza stones are typically made from stone or ceramic and come in a variety of sizes. Cover your pizza stone in flour, spread out the dough, and add sauce, cheese and toppings. Turn one side of the grill on and leave the other side off. A pizza peel is a large, flat kind of spatula that you use to place your pizza onto the stone and to remove it once it's ready. Spray the foil with cooking spray. Cut a piece of heavy duty foil to fit your pizza stone. You'll want to measure your grill first, and then purchase a pizza stone that's able to fit inside once the lid is closed. 4. Brush the cooking grates clean. More than once, I have accidentally pushed the pizza off the stone, and onto the grill grates, burning the crust on the wood/coal flames. Instructions for traditional oven - insert pizza stone (or sheet pan if you don't have one) into the … A pizza stone will actually shield the pizza from the intense heat of the grill, the pizza can be slid directly onto the stone without having to go to elaborate extremes to build indirect heat zones or buy another type of shield. Using a gas grill is generally the easiest … 5 Prepare the grill for direct cooking over medium heat (350° to 450°F). Using a “stopper” prevents this.