Upvote for your favorite Valorant Guides! It also guarantees your teammate won’t have to buy another weapon if they win/survive the round.

So if you’re too far away from your team you likely won’t be able to help them.

Best free PC games Dies sind alle Fähigkeiten von Sage sowie eine Handvoll Tipps, wie man Sage spielt. It’s best for teammates not to go too deep when fighting if they want to be resurrected by their Sage’s ultimate in case they die. Sage’s orbs are actual radianite, as shown by her contract’s chapter 2, level 1 unlock “Radianite orb buddy”. Fire with your crosshairs placed over a dead ally to begin resurrecting them. It’s not an instant heal, so make sure your healing target isn’t in the middle of a fight.

There’s no other way through the wall besides destroying it, so keep that in mind to make sure you don’t trap yourself and your team in a bad position. If you’re playing as Sage, you have more utility in your abilities than pretty much any other character. The Barrier Orb is both an offensive and defensive tool, and it’s an indispensable part of Sage’s arsenal. Die langsame Kugel hat auch negative Auswirkungen auf freundliche Spieler Seien Sie also vorsichtig, wenn Sie es wegwerfen. When about to use Resurrection it might be a good idea to put down a wall using Barrier Orb so you don’t get ambushed. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. After a short delay, revive them with full health. Sage’s skills allow her to have a great impact in almost every game. Sage makes security for herself and her group any place she goes. When placing a Barrier across the entrance to a pathway, try to make it so that you could potentially be standing on top of the barrier at either side. The wall can also be rotated, which can come in handy if you need to provide cover for your team so you can move up safely. The skill has one of a kind effect as it’s able to bring a dead teammate back to life at full health. Also, using the wall at someone’s feet will boost them up on top of it, so use this to your advantage to see over parts of the level and reach heights that were previously inaccessible. Beschwöre eine große, feste Wand. Her definitive capacity permits her to revive a fallen ally,which is huge in a game with no respawns. This ability operates on a cooldown timer, allowing Sage to use it multiple times per round. Ähnlich wie die Barrier Orb kann die Slow Orb einen Stoß abschalten und das feindliche Team zwingen, einen anderen Weg einzuschlagen. Sage has to be reasonably close to the body to resurrect a teammate, and the process takes a few seconds. The enemy team might play it slow and just wait out its duration. This is hands down Sage’s most annoying ability, both for enemies and allies, so you’ll need to be careful when using it. She doesn’t have to be going around with the rest of her team healing someone the moment they get injured. Langsame Kugeln brechen und dehnen sich beim Aufprall auf den Boden zu einem großen Verlangsamungsfeld aus. But be aware that placing a wall too close to the Spike will invalidate sections of the wall and cause them to immediately break. You can throw the Slow Orb a great distance, which enables you to catapult the orb over buildings to affect a completely different area of the map. Using it will cover an area with a lingering field that slows and grounds players that try to pass through it. Unlike, for example, Brimstone’s Stim ability, the effect does not persist for a time after your leave the affected area. To experience this #content, you will need to enable targeting cookies. Learn how to turn your Sage skills up to eleven with our Valorant Sage guide, which will walk you through 32 practical top-tier tips covering all of her abilities and more. The barrier itself is divided into four sections, each of which can be broken independently of the others. It’s a good idea as the Sage to communicate this in certain situations, as this can dictate the best areas from which to fight so that your ultimate can be used more safely and easily.

Sie kann Beleben Sie jeden toten Teamkollegen wieder, sie wieder in den Kampf zu bringen und möglicherweise eine verlorene Runde umzudrehen. Achten Sie auf Ihre Umgebung Wenn Sie diese Fähigkeit nutzen und Ihre Fähigkeiten nutzen, um jeden abzudecken, den Sie wiederbeleben. Whether that’d be through healing, using your ultimate or putting down a wall for cover depends on the situation. 0 Comments. Try and use it as soon as an opportunity arises. While the ability might be ranged, you need to be pretty close in order to use it. Tips and tricks to using one of Valorant's best agents. Sage’s ultimate ability is Resurrection (default X). Sage is still the most picked agent in Valorant. They take a second to fully expand, so an observant enemy can back away and escape the slowing effect. Sage's ultimate ability, Resurrection, is probably the strongest in the game. You can even stack both Slow Orbs one after the other to lengthen the duration of said deterrent. When Resurrecting an ally, make sure the area is safe or you risk While playing as her, you’ll be lacking the mobility and the grenades other agents provide, so your main focus should be keeping your team alive. The latter was an early method to easily get past the Slow Orb. You’ll get easily digestible guides, one agent at a time. If you’re playing as Sage, you have more utility in your abilities than pretty much any other character. Once the wall is placed, there's no way around it apart from shooting the segments until they break. 2020 Valorant Update. If there’s someone that needs healing, don’t wait until they’re almost dead. Wirf eine Radianitkugel aus, die beim Aufprall auf den Boden in ein langsameres Feld einbricht. Das ist zweifellos Die nervigste Fähigkeit von Salbei, sowohl für Feinde als auch für Verbündete. Sage makes security for herself and her group any place she goes. Use Barrier Orb to create unexpected angle through which you can Spiele tipps wurde von Spielern für Spieler geschrieben und zielt darauf ab, den unglaublichen Einfluss der Marke PlayStation auf die Spielewelt zu fördern. Keep your team safe and surprise your enemies with that wall! Today we finally take a look at the most picked agent – Sage.

0 Comments. Discover the world of esports and video games. The slow effect lasts 8 seconds after the Slow Orb breaks.