“Cadmium uptake and xylem loading are active processes in the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii.” Journal of Plant Physiology. This was rarely tested, however, as most patients who took the plant did not display any sort of improvement.

; Lee, DB. Sedum should not be used by pregnant women as it can trigger a miscarriage. Shockingly yellow and star-shaped sedum is more commonly known as biting stonecrop for its strong, peppery taste and rather horrendous toxicology profile.

Your email address will not be published. angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory flavonoids from Sedum sarmentosum.” 116-126. We have not provided sufficient information for the safe medicinal use of any of these herbs, nor sufficient information for treatment of poisoning.

“Stem and leaf sequestration of zinc at the cellular level in the hyperaccumulator 

Dissecting the plant is a surprisingly challenging endeavor for botanists. All recreational use of these herbs is dangerous.

; Chen, J.

; Bae, SJ.

The poisonous properties of the flower proved potent against unwanted organisms in the gut. The plant gives nothing away so easily; initial studies, however, have shown the plant to contain quite an amount of tannins, rutin, some varieties of alkaloids, and several organic acids.

Most people take the flower as a tea. ; Park, YJ. It is also known as gul fetknopp, helluhnoðri, orpin âcre, Scharfer Mauerpfeffer, pampajarito, carpet sedum, needle stonecrop, or sea urchin. They are native to the Northern Hemisphere. Sedum includes some 400 species, is the largest genus of the Crassulaceae family, and is the most widespread genus of Crassulaceae in temperate North America. Some species are found at very high elevations or latitudes and in tropical mountains (Walters 2006). Proposed mechanisms include suppression of nitric oxide and prostaglandin synthesis, prevention of reactive oxygen species formation, and through anti-angiogenic activity (Jung 2008 & De Melo 2005). Oh, H.; Kang, DG. ; Lee, SY. ; Lee, HS. These plants has often been regarded to have diuretic and laxative properties. The information on this site is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. The first time I heard about sedum was from my mother who’s been looking for sedum plugs for her garden. Tuesday, September 12, 2017 by Rhonda Johansson, http://www.naturalpedia.com/sedum-sources-health-benefits-nutrients-uses-and-constituents-at-naturalpedia-com.html. This perennial favorite grows 40 to 60 cm tall and It’s a strong addition to any perennial planting.

Vista: Kampong Pub., 1998. It was only in the 16th century when healers began prescribing the plant as a treatment for intestinal parasites. List of various diseases cured by Sedum.


It contains lime, sulphur, ammonia and probably mercury. Ancient healers avoided using this plant as it was noted to have a very strong poisonous effect on animals. Most are a plant-it-and-forget-it type of perennial.

Sedum Telephium, Linné, is the common Live-for-ever, or Garden opine. ; Yu, GY. Common stonecrop is … Common Names: Sedastrum, Sedum, Stonecrops. “Water Dropwort  2402-4. Sedum aizoon.” Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. Dubuque:  Regular intake of sedum can induce hypertension in the long run. Facciola, Stephen. HOMEMADE TOOTH POWDER: Our Recipe for a Natural Choice, NASTURTIUM FLOWERS PESTO: Spice up Your Pasta Dish, HELICHRYSUM: a Very Beneficial Essential Oil, ARTEMISIA ANNUA: The Most Efficient Malaria Cure is Natural.

Around 1830, sedum was mentioned as a possible cure for epilepsy.

Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Sedum.

Walters, Dirk R., Keil, David J., Murrell, Zack E. Vascular Plant Taxonomy, 5th ed.

(Ostericum sieboldii) and Sedum (Sedum sarmentosum) Delay H2O2-Induced Senescence 

In addition to medicinal uses, countries prize a variety of Sedum species for its taste in salads and soups. There are an impressive 300 more different species of these succulent plants, which are also called Stonecrop as they are often found in the wild growing on rocky ledges.

Scientific reviews suggest that sedum can be used to lower high blood pressure, but only if the symptoms are acute.

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Wellington S.; Filho, Pedro Germano; Muzitano, Michelle F.; Kaiser, Carlos R.; Costa, 

East Asians include the leaves and flowers of Sedum sarmentosum in “namul,” a popular vegetable dish.

---Medicinal Action and Uses--- It has been used as a popular remedy for diarrhoea. MEDICINAL USE: The fresh, crushed leaves or plant extract made from fresh plants are usually used externally in traditional herbal medicine.

History From 1998 to 2007, there have been 41 case reports coming from national medical journals of hepatic veno-occlusive disease caused by Sedum aizoon, a species of sedum that is not used medicinally (Wu 2008).