Both tests are highly accurate (think 98 to 99 percent accuracy), but false positives, … The sample will be tested for genetic issues, and since it has the same genetic makeup as your baby, it can give you an idea of whether or not baby carries certain diseases. In the second trimester, you may want amniocentesis, in which the doc will remove a small amount of amniotic fluid and test it for genetic abnormalities. If your screen testing shows a positive result, then there are chances of passing the faulty genes to your baby. Think about how you will disclose the results to your family as it may lead to a lot of tension and worry. In some situations, it may be done before becoming pregnant. \"Every woman wants to believe that her pregnancy is normal and uncomplicated,\" Greiner told Live Science. New tests, including at-home kits, now make it easier than ever to know your odds of a having a baby with a genetic disorder before you get pregnant. However, standard genetic testing before pregnancy screens for these 6 common genetic disorders: Cystic Fibrosis: Life-threatening condition leading to lung damage and digestive problems Fragile X Syndrome: Can cause developmental problems, including … As an example, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that some communities require couples to undergo certain kinds of genetic testing either before marriage or before having a child together. If a pregnant woman chooses to have genetic screening, there is a possibility that the results could come back abnormal so it's important to think about how this information might affect her, she noted.But not all genetic screening occurs while a woman is expecting. Hence, make an informed decision if you want to go ahead with the idea of pregnancy or not.