If a shake is about 200 calories, then I know that if I forgo a shake for lunch, I need to stay around 200 calories. No weight loss for today—darn it. Thanks! Imagine what you could've accomplished if you had eaten healthier aka a balanced diet. Always use the proper form when you are exercising your biceps. No matter which of the brands you get from the liquid form to the powders intended to be blended, there are detrimental aspects lurking. I used to get stitches / cramps in the beginning, but they go away as your body gets stronger. Making the right decision for weight loss is now simply a click away. I've been keeping up with the 30-Day Shred, too. For me, it's just too difficult to drink them (no matter how delicious they are!) It works and it's great for short term weight loss if you are going on a vacation or getting married in a couple weeks, whey protein shakes are good too. Gina Valley from Arizona on May 23, 2013: Congratulations on your weight loss! But, I've only done it twice total. The changes are subtle (no one on the street would notice), but I see some definite changes in my body. For my height (5'4"), 2,000 calories isn't exactly great for weight-loss, but I wouldn't categorize it as horrible, especially since I walked around the block three (yes, three!) I haven't lost *that* much weight, but doing the SF along with working out a few times per week have caused a pretty cool change in my body and I'm down one size. I'm officially down one jean size! The oatmeal, hamburger, and string cheese all gave me some extra protein today that helped me stay full. Also if one were to just get the other product, it has artificial ingredients and GMO soy. I wasn't ready to run a marathon, however, I didn't get the sluggish feeling that I had yesterday. reach my goals) if I don't beat myself up over it. Craving means your body needs something, then you binge too much on something that won't completely fulfill your body while getting too many calories. I've had a lot of success with meal replacements - I've lost 70 pounds so far! Cigarettes and amphetamines also do wonders for weight loss. I probably should have nixed one of my Slim Fast meals and had something more substantial. Each bottle contains varying amounts of protein as well as an additional 24 vitamins and minerals. There are other things I learned, but this is turning into a novel. We usually go out on the weekends, typically for lunch. Most Common Mistakes when Choosing a Male Enhancement Product. I'm 5'3", 128 lbs, can't stick to a diet on the weekends to save my life but can do it pretty easily during working hours, and lose weight in my toosh and face first with my tummy being the last to go. Tomorrow I plan to actually try a workout DVD before going to work (gulp). Now I'll go back to two shakes/day to get back on track. Everyone feel free to have a look at my 'Stresstabs' lens and see if taking them can help you as well. I have also heard pickle juice works, I don't know if ti's sweet or dill pickle juice but I'd guess dill. What's with all the neg comments? The fact that you showed what you ate and talked about your activity level helps me tremendously. Slimfast Advanced Nutrition meal-replacement shakes are lactose-free. I never can stick to diets but I do agree with the other poster, walking is great exercise, better on the knees than jogging/running also. I really enjoy the slim fast snacks for when I'm on the go, and when I'm at home I enjoy eating fresh veg with a little but of hummus, or a little bit of cheese or some fruit and natural yoghurt.

I stick to 20 minute workouts--it's all I can commit to! Thanks for sharing.

Depending on the type you can only get one which has decent protein but still has high sugar and soy. Once you get down to your desired weight/body, drop down to one SF/day (breakfast?) Now do you see a difference? I can't win either way, basically. You might be thinking, "one measly pound?"

I know I could lose more if I tried harder, but I'm happy with the slow and steady approach. My calories as a whole have been okay, but I'm determined to stay on plan for the rest of this week (I hope!). Well, good work but I believe exercise is the best form of losing weight. Felt wonderful. I was worried when I was adding up the total calories that I'd be somewhere in the 1400 range, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. I am LOVING the 30 Day Shred (listed above).

It's less than $10 and the workouts are only 20 minutes...even new moms can do this while the baby naps! I know, excuses right? The 30-Day Shred is a program in which you are supposed to do for—you guessed it—30 days.

Lots of water . Also, controlling your breathing really helps to prevent it - like focus on taking steady deep breaths through the nose to fill your stomach, and breath out the mouth. I had to travel for work and when you're eating with business partners, it's hard to whip out a canned meal! Hi there well i have a friend that was on slim fast and i seen him shredding the extra lbs , but he is not the only one 5 yrs ago i also met a girl who had lost over 100 lbs with slim fast so today im gonna give it a try my starting weight is 257 lbs and im excited to do this so i hope i get the results i have seen on other pple=). As for my feet, when I started this journey, I was only 1 pound over my ideal range, so my ankles likely wouldn't tell you much.

This is totally true—if you satisfy your body early in the day, it won't freak out (for lack of a better word) at night. I've only lost a few pounds in the past few weeks on the Slim Fast plan (remember, I'm following it loosely), but I'm excited to report that I'm down one size in jeans.

I would like to add more physical activity to my daily routine to complement my Slim Fast. All of your "meals" contained loads of sugar and not enough protein. Like you I wasn't 100% sure it was the slim fast that was working, as I was just generally very conscious of my weight and diet at the time. Any tips for me? I had my first Slim Fast at noon, whereas by that time I should've been drinking my second Slim Fast. It’s great in that the product has a long standing tradition as a meal replacement however, it still doesn’t cut it with the new solutions that are available. I have stuck to the slimfast plan exactly losing on average a pound a day! There are 2 gaping issues however.

First off the soy laden product has GMO’s while the other dry mix contains sugar which may potentially cause obesity as well as an increase of blood sugar. I also got into running, and I couldn't believe how the fat melted away at that point. But when I actually compared the images side by side, I was excited!

Glad you are doing so well! Lauren (author) from Florida on February 28, 2012: @anonymous: That's great! Today was a really busy day, and I didn't have much time for real food—I know many of you won't want to eat cereal for meals, but it really works for me. I was pretty shocked that one shake can keep me satisfied for as long as it does. And great lens. Lauren (author) from Florida on March 08, 2012: @anonymous: Yes, it's hard with kids to find time to work out.

You did extremely well., I WISH I had your body. What sort of cardio/lifting are you doing? When you release, transfer to normal positioning slowly. Price Price. SlimFast Advanced Energy refers to a product that is meant to increase your energy levels so that you can perform well all day long for improved productivity. 1) I can't afford it and 2) I can't stand to have the same eating routine day in and day out.

I distinctly remember having this problem almost every Friday, because on Fridays we had to run a mile in gym class. I'm 34 and exercise 4-5 days a week for about 40 minutes ( elliptic and stationary bicycle. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency. Many people don't realize, the success comes a lot from your mind.

I admit that sometimes I like the little powder lumps in my drink though (is that strange?). Thank you so much. It really inspires me to read your progress. I hardly hear anybody talk of slim fast so i was a little dubious as to whether it worked but just reading through your experience i can see it does, i have about 2 weeks worth so will take my start weight and see what it is but the time my supply runs out.