say you have severe insomnia, panic attacks, and anxiety. They concluded, “This case also reveals the danger and the importance of preventing and fighting existing suicide support networks [read pro-choice suicide networks] over the internet [read Internet], which allow the purchase of a ‘suicide kit,’ [read ‘suicide kit,’] by circumvent [read circumventing] the customs services.”. In shock, they found 4 corpses: spouses in one room and their twins in another room. In an attempt to suppress the freedom of choice, the U.K. government regulated sodium nitrite, putting it under the category of reportable substances: the purchaser is not required to hold any license to acquire it, but the supplier has the duty to report to police any transaction they consider to be in any way suspicious. [68] Apparently, she too had lost her job. A forum member used. 2) An 81-year-old woman took sodium nitrite to end her life alone. Poor family had peacefully passed away. ― Jordan Bernt Peterson, Canadian psychologist and professor of psychology, Ondansetron (does not help with sodium nitrite method), (Bailey, Feelisch, Horowitz, Frenneaux & Madhani, 2014), (Bradberry, Whittington, Parry & Vale, 1994), cyanotic and had dark arterial and venous blood, the summary of 14 cases of fatal nitrite intoxication, (Pereira, Ferreira, Rocha, Barbosa & Laranjinha, 2013), ("ACMT 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting Abstracts – New York, NY", 2020), (Kolluru, Prasai, Kaskas, Letchuman & Pattillo, 2016),,,,,, History of Sodium Nitrite and Sodium Azide Suicide Methods,, Domperidone (0.3–3.4 nM), Clebopride (2 nM), Metoclopramide (9.18 nM), Bromopride (14 nM), Alizapride (200 nM), Benperidol (0.027 nM), Spiperone (0.053 nM), Droperidol (0.25 nM), Trifuperidol (0.4 nM), Haloperidol (2.0 nM), Chlorpromazine (2.6 nM), Bromperidol (2.1 nM), Prochlorperazine (6–8 nM), Levosulpiride (27–134 nM), Pipamperone (120 nM), Lurasidone (1.0 nM), Sestindole (2.7 nM), Paliperidone (2.8 nM), Risperidone (4.9 nM), Olanzapine (21 nM), Clozapine (144 nM), Quetiapine (245 nM), say you have a cold, suffer from indigestion, food stays in your stomach, and your coughing bouts make you want to vomit. [145](1|2|3)

Pain killers: When sodium nitrite starts to work, your blood pressure will drop; so you may get a mild headache. 1)[1|2|3]. Customize your JAMA Network experience by selecting one or more topics from the list below. [150] The PPH has increased the dose to 25 grams in 14 September 2019 revision. Currently, sodium nitrite is sold without regulation and can be bought from Amazon, eBay, or any local lab supplier. Soon after waking up in the morning, Susan took 30 mg of omeprazole, a proton pump inhibitor—instead of antiemetic.

He was found in a vacant lot in Yeongdeok-dong, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, gloriously lying on his back with his face towards the sky with no one at his side. 3.



Katabami, K., Hayakawa, M., & Gando, S. (2016).

He also was not glaringly showing cyanosis.

Performance of Fe–N/C Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysts toward NO2–, NO, and NH2OH Electroreduction: From Fundamental Insights into the Active Center to a New Method for Environmental Nitrite Destruction. [103] The authors used the same misleading technique to reach their desired results: never had (Bradberry, Whittington, Parry & Vale, 1994) and (Petróczi & Naughton, 2010) suggested that blue livor mortis is an adverse consequence of the vasodilation, because blue livor mortis is the consequence of methemoglobinemia, such in copper sulfate toxicity that results in methemoglobinemia with no vasodilation. Clinical implications of enteric and central D2 receptor blockade by antidopaminergic gastrointestinal prokinetics. Since its affinity is so high, methemoglobin does not let the oxygen flow into other tissues that need it thus depriving them of oxygen—even while you’re breathing. (Seeman, 2006), (Kusumi, Boku and Takahashi, 2014), and (Li, L. Snyder and E. Vanover, 2016) reported affinity values (Ki) at the D2 receptors of antipsychotics. 4 hours, depending on your metabolism, might be enough. A list of such incidents in medical literature has been documented in Sodium Nitrite Poisoning Cases, as well as anecdotal experiences from forum users[Archive].

Sodium nitrite (SN), mainly used in preserving processed meats and fish, has been mentioned in murder cases, suicide cases, and accidental poisoning cases. B. [168] The deceased man had posted “Farewell” in a forum message a few days ago before traveling from his hometown. The patient had lactic acid levels 9.6 mmol/L, which is almost 6 mmol/L higher than the minimum levels to suffer from metabolic acidosis. Therefore, accurate diagnosis of methemoglobinemia is very important so that treatment can be started as soon as possible.

Ondansetron (Zofran) is definitely the first line of treatment for food poisoning without serious alarming symptoms. This is why using the sodium nitrite in water is recommended above any other method.


[85] Malko, D., Kucernak, A., & Lopes, T. (2016). We are committed to sharing findings related to COVID-19 as quickly as possible. The father asked if the officer hears her dog inside. Her death was taken to be of natural causes. Health status: Sodium nitrite suicide method, as is, effectively kills whether old people or healthy Olympic champions. The most relevant autoptic findings were the general signs of hypoxia (not asphyxia, as the authors had suggested) such as intense scleral congestion (Fig. The deceased, a 37-year-old man, was a visitor of the Sanctioned Suicide forum.

As mentioned earlier, serotonin antagonists only (e.g., ondansetron) or antihistamins only (e.g., diphenhydramine or dimenhydrinate) antiemetics are not effective in sodium nitrite suicide method. The results of the autopsy showed general signs of asphyxia, such as intense cyanosis of the extremities, brown-gray-blue-red livor mortis, and some Tardieu petechiae in addition to intense visceral congestion. [49] Because methemoglobin creation is a natural process in human body, G6PD enzyme works to transform it back into hemoglobin again. Abhishek and Preity came to a conclusion with no dispute. (Durão, Pedrosa & Dinis-Oliveira, 2020) reported a case of successful suicide by sodium nitrite. Those two bags, arrived in a package from Royal Mail, had been collected at the front door by his housemate. That night, the woman became aware of police that was conducting a search for a missing boy.

Minute dosage of methylene blue increases oxygen from fatal 20% to healthy 90% within 30―60 minutes. In the PPH, he wrote, “Some reports mistakenly claim that acid reduction is counterproductive as it reduces NO release, hypotension and headache .

The family’s income was suddenly lost, yet the expenses remained the same.

The patient was transferred to the general ward and was subsequently discharged on day 7 without neurologic impairment. Peaceful means that there was minimal distress with no suffering to those who drank it. In this report, we describe the successful treatment of a case of severe methemoglobinemia due to sodium nitrite poisoning. The prudent family had no conversation with anyone in the society. Tachycardia is completely normal and painless for the sodium nitrite poisoning process. Received July 3, 2020 from Department of Emergency Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, USA (MRN, JSL, BZH, MRD); Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue, Tigard, Oregon, USA (MRN, MRD); Oregon-Alaska Poison Center, Portland, Oregon, USA (JSL, BZH); Providence St. Vincent Medical Center, Portland, Oregon, USA (MDS); Washington County Emergency Medical Services, Hillsboro, Oregon, USA (RS).