This document, the oldest one extant intended to glorify Joseph and foster his cult, was written in Egypt no earlier than the 4th cent. And I was made flesh of her, by a mystery which transcends the grasp of created reason.

But as yet none of his children knew that he had fallen asleep. Stream the classes, or download and listen to them offline. He it is who shall rule all nations with a rod of iron. Nor could they find any ends in that piece of linen, which struck them with the greatest astonishment. I call to mind also, my Lord, that day when the boy died of the bite of the serpent. Thereafter Joseph left her at home, and went away to the shop where he wrought at his trade of a carpenter. And I say unto you, that all the saints, yea, as many men as are born in the world, whether they be just or whether they be perverse, must of necessity taste of death.

And when his soul departs from the body, and when he must leave this world, I will bum the book of his sins, nor will I torment him with any punishment in the day of judgment; but he shall cross the sea of flames, and shall go through it without trouble or pain. The latter part of the book describes Joseph’s sickness, death, and burial, and contains a eulogy spoken over him by Jesus. And whosover shall write the history of thy life, of thy labour, and thy departure from this world, and this narrative that has issued from my mouth, him shall I commit to thy keeping as long as he shall have to do with this life. Sahidic fragments containing the History of Joseph the Carpenter came from four codices, attributing a letter to each of them, from A to D. Besides arranging all the available material according to the original codices, Lefort had also identified supplementary Sahidic leaves con-taining the same work. Mary I called my mother, and Joseph father, and I obeyed them in all that they said; nor did I ever contend against them, but complied with their commands, as other men whom earth produces are wont to do; nor did I at any time arouse their anger, or give any word or answer in opposition to them. And it is for this cause that I must die according to the flesh, for my work which I have created, that they may obtain grace. It came to pass thereafter, when he returned to his own house in the city of Nazareth, that he was seized by disease, and had to keep his bed.

But God alone is the disposer of my soul and body; He also will deal with them after His own good pleasure. And he answered me: All hail! And I chose her of my own will, with the concurrence of my Father, and the counsel of the Holy Spirit.

But Satan went and told this to Herod the Great, the father of Archelaus. My undefiled mother Mary, therefore, went and entered the place where Joseph was. Topics NT apocrypha Collection opensource . Woe to the womb which bare me! And when his children heard me speaking with my mother, the pure virgin, they knew that he had already breathed his last, and they shed tears, and lamented. It came to pass, then, in the early dawn of the twenty-sixth day of Abib, that Joseph, that righteous old man, lying in his bed, was giving up his unquiet soul. Woe to every man dying in his sins! 523 NE Everett St Think you that I can ask my good Father to send me a chariot of fire, which may take up the body of my father Joseph, and convey it to the place of rest, in order that it may dwell with the spirits?

Pastors, Church Leaders, the Church, and New Believers. But on account of the transgression of Adam, that trouble and violence of death has descended upon all the human race. The text is fully preserved in Arabic and Bohairic, which was the regional dialect of Lower Egypt, it has perished, as if it had never existed. throughout the whole world.

Do not for this cause wish me evil, O Lord!

And as much ground as one foot can occupy in the house of my Father, is greater and more excellent than all the riches of the earth. And the day on which his soul left his body was the twenty-sixth of the month Abib. I shall teach thee who I am. And turning my eyes towards the region of the south, I saw Death already approaching, and all Gehenna with him, closely attended by his army and his satellites; and their clothes, their faces, and their mouths poured forth flames.

And yet thy death, as also the death of this pious man, is not death, but life enduring to eternity.

For great fear and intense sadness take hold of all bodies on the day of their death, whether it be man or woman, beast wild or tame, or whatever creeps on the ground or flies in the air. Accordingly, when I saw the vehemence of his sighs, I drove back Death and all the host of servants which accompanied him. When they heard these words, they rent their clothes, and wept. And now, O my honoured members, go declare to all nations, tell them, and say to them: Verily the Saviour diligently inquires into the inheritance which is due, and is the administrator of justice.

It came to pass, after these things, that the death of that old man, the pious Joseph, and his departure from this world, were approaching, as happens to other men who owe their origin to this earth.

Not a single limb of it shall be broken, nor shall any hair on thy head be changed.