There is no perfect piece out there that everyone needs to buy, there is only a mouthpiece that works best for you. F Major 8.

Sorry:( Everyone has a different mouth. This has helped me a lot in school, and I’m glad I found this site. C Blues (Concert B flat) 2.

The Advanced Trumpeter’s Perfect Practice PDF and All Sheet Music Downloads are FREE for Members of Learn Lead Trumpet. The more we talk, the more we learn. –, There’s a great book out there that a friend from my Army Band gave me called The Balanced Embouchure. Play on each piece.

Make sure to learn the natural minor first as this makes both melodic and harmonic minor easier to play and understand.

-The Lips (3rd method of Compression) 1:16:38. -Big vs. Small 25:46

I’ve experienced every problem that young trumpet players encounter and I want you to know how I have overcome those obstacles that you are now facing. – (Roger Ingram), Tongue Videos See if you can do them all in one breath! These high resolution Adobe Acrobat files of: Major, Minor, Harmonic and Melodic Minor Scales are Part 7 of 9 from The Ultimate Warm UP Book.The scales are in ALL KEYS including enharmonics. For each note the valves are listed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd valve from left to right, A / B / C / D / E / F / G / Axxo / oxo / ooo / xox / xxo / xoo / ooo / xxo, A# / B# / C# / D# / E# / F# / G# / A#xoo / ooo / xxx / oxx / xoo / oxo / oxx / xoo, B / C# / D / E / F# / G / A / Boxo / xxx / xox / xxo / oxo / ooo / xxo / oxo, C / D / Eb / F / G / Ab / Bb / Cooo / xox / oxx / xoo / ooo / oxx / xoo / ooo, C# / D# / E / F# / G# / A / B / C#xxx / oxx / xxo / oxo / oxx / xxo / oxo / xxo, D / E / F / G / A / Bb / C / Dxox / xxo / xoo / ooo / xxo / xoo / ooo / xoo, D# / E# / F# / G# / A# / B / C# / D#oxx / xoo / oxo / oxx / xoo / oxo / xxo / oxo, E / F# / G / A / B / C / D / Exxo / oxo / ooo / xxo / oxo / ooo / xoo / ooo, F / G / Ab / Bb / C / Db / Eb / Fxoo / ooo / oxx / xoo / ooo / xxo / oxo / xoo, F# / G# / A / B / C# / D / E / F#oxo / oxx / xxo / oxo / xxo / xox / ooo / oxo, G / A / Bb / C / D / Eb / F / Gooo / xxo / xoo / ooo / xoo / oxo / xoo / ooo, G# / A# / B / C# / D# / E / F# / G#oxx / xoo / oxo / xxo / oxo / ooo / oxo / oxx. – (Miles Davis) Dwindle your selection down by process of elimination until you only have two pieces remaining. We are the ones that mess things up, the sooner we admit this and stop blaming our equipment, the sooner we can start to REALLY learn to play some trumpet:), Later comment- I checked my gap using a paperclip. -Coming Full Circle 1:25:00. See if you can do them all in one breath! – (Wynton Marsalis), Many of the greats started out with the right embouchure naturally. 2 octaves each, laid out in revolving scale format. shoulda thought about that one:) And speaking of the hanging trumpet workout, I got that idea from the one and only: Bill Chase, OK I tried playing it starting on the high G again a couple weeks later… I think I got it this time. -The Garden Hose 10:21 The Major Scales that overlap are Db/C#, Gb/F#, and Cb/B. Helping Trumpet Players Worldwide Since 1996. F Blues (Concert E flat) 3. –, Be the first to review “Harmonic Minor Scales for Trumpet”,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Your email address will not be published. …Nothing against musicians that play other instruments, but I would rather be taught how to play the trumpet by a talented trumpeter than a clarinetist band director who learned everything they know about the trumpet during one two-week segment of their College “Brass Pedagogy” Class. 2 octaves each, scale and arpeggio. -Advanced Lip Flexibilities by Dr. Charles Colin 15:50 One Octave Major and Minor Scales Trumpet in Bb Boltz Bands Concert C Major (D Major) 7 Concert A Minor (B Minor) 13 Concert F Major (G Major) 19 Concert D Minor (E Minor) 25 Concert Bb Major (C Major) 31 Concert G Minor (A Minor) 37 Concert Eb Major (F Major) 43 V.S. & w 13 D #w bw 23 D# 23 … Here is a PDF of the 36 Important Scales (Major, Dorian, and Mixolydian in All 12 Keys).