As you can see, Scratch - through sprites - makes learning to code easy and engaging, introducing kids to the concepts they need to understand before moving on to text-based coding.

Sprites, either user-created, uploaded, or found in the sprites library, are the objects that perform actions in a project. The effective date of this privacy statement is documented at the beginning of the statement. I understand that as a condition of enrollment, I, as my student’s parent/guardian, will need to log in to My Account to fill out the Required Forms before April 1st of the year in which my student is attending Spring Break Camp.

damage facilities, dorm rooms or equipment; smoke, use tobacco, or vape products at iD Tech locations; use, possess or be under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, illegal or un-prescribed legal drug (If a student is caught using, possessing or being under the influence of illegal drugs, student will be immediately dismissed and permanently banned from all iD Tech facilities and may be criminally prosecuted. We may provide these third parties information collected as needed to perform their functions, but they are prohibited from using it for other purposes and specifically agree to maintain the confidentiality of such information. When we use a third-party plug-in we will identify the plug-in and provide a link to the third party’s privacy policy under which the information they collect is identified and controlled.

In consideration of the benefit my child will receive from participating in iD Tech Camp, I hereby agree, on behalf of my child, myself and on behalf of my child’s and my assignees, descendants, dependents, heirs, next of kin, distributees, parents, guardians, executors, administrators, successors, estate, and legal or personal representatives, to release and discharge and promise not to sue Caltech and any subsidiary or affiliate or government sponsor of Caltech (collectively referred to as “Caltech”), as well as any person acting in his/her capacity as employee, officer, trustee, agent, contractor, or representative of Caltech (collectively referred to as “Released Parties”), from and with respect to any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, causes of action, and liabilities of whatever kind or nature in law, equity or otherwise, that may arise from, are related to, or are in any way connected with iD Tech Camp, including injury, death, damage or loss, whether it results from the negligence of Caltech and/or any other Released Parties, or from any other cause, provided, however, that this does not extend to gross negligence, willful misconduct or a violation of law by Caltech or any other Released Parties. This can only be changed in Scratch 1.4 by creating your own sprite, exporting it under the name default.sprite, and placing it in the costumes folder. During the normal course of our business, we may sell or purchase assets. Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, laser pens, fireworks, explosives, and all weapons are absolutely prohibited in the hall. ", Pertaining to day programs: "This camp is not regulated by the New York State Department of Health and is not required to obtain a Department of Health permit. I understand that if I use a promotional discount when registering my student, that I am limited to one discount per student, and that the balance may need to be paid in full at the time of registration to receive the published discount amount. I agree that all images, testimonials, photos, video, and audio taken at or in connection with iD Tech are the sole and exclusive property of iD Tech.

I understand that these injuries or outcomes may arise from my own or other’s actions, inaction, or negligence; conditions related to travel; or the condition of the Activity location(s). However, this will not save the sprite to one's computer. I agree to and understand the walking trip permissions found HERE.

In consideration of being accepted into and/or participating in the Event, Participant agrees to and hereby does, for Participant and on behalf of Participant’s heirs, executors, administrators, employers, agents, representatives, insurers, and attorneys, release and discharge Stanford of and from any and all claims which may arise from any cause whatsoever, including claims arising from any negligent act or omission by Stanford or others.

I grant UT Dallas and its employees full authority to take whatever action they may consider to be warranted under any circumstances regarding the protection of my child’s health and safety. Subscriptions cannot be prorated and unused courses purchased as part of a subscription are not refundable.

New costumes for the sprite can be imported, created, and edited in the Scratch Paint Editor. Sign me up for information on upcoming courses and news from TechWise Academy. Users can give instructions to a sprite (such as telling the sprite to move) by snapping blocks together in the scripts area. This is best practice having two auto-injectors on hand. If I am purchasing an iD Tech Online program, I have read, understood and agree that I and my student are also bound by the iD Tech Online Terms and Conditions found HERE and the privacy policy found HERE.