Ive summoned thunder in the Astro plane so Im pretty convinced I do. Sometimes they must have the flame already there to work with, and some can create the flame itself. That would be very cool, thats why this superpower deserves to be on this list. An illusionist is a person who can change the structure of molecules to make a location or person appear different. Some individuals are born with the ability to use magic. i talk to it? For example, if they wanted to have Jet Propulsion, they can give themself that power. An aerona is a person with the ability to see and understand all forms of illness, whether it is physical or mental. Imagine if you could forge Garens iconic Broadsword or Rivens Runic Blade from the League of Legends game? It is essentially the same as a photographic memory, but the brain can track the items or people as they move throughout a room or area. I could run amamazingly fast & long when needed (outran pack of dogs as small child). These people find that they cannot be hurt by any external forces, but if they wish to hurt themselves, they can. People know me best as a change agent and big systems . Many humans are doing this hidden in their communities. Many people have only a little bit of this power and can get the general feeling of what another is thinking. RELATED: 10 Times The X-Men Lost In The Comics. Energy vampires all have the ability to take a person's power and leave them weak, and near death, most try to avoid this as they like to keep their friends alive but it is a defense and energy vampire has to keep themselves safe. These types of illusionists are more stable and less likely to get caught up in their illusions. Powers which affect an individual's body. Another vision power that is quite unique is wind vision. Your heart rate and respiration increase, and your digestive system actually shut down at the same time. Is this a sign that I have a magical ability? I have specific dreams that if i dreamed will dignify death and i some times have feelings of i can either say something shortly it comes to pass..not only that but also i develop feelings something may just click in my mind lets say i think of someone and you find that i wll meet the person or maybe a call a text from i wll receive A question could this be a sign to having supernatural powers? Sometimes premonitions can be triggered but most of the time they cannot. A true tetrachromat with an extra type of cone between red and green (in the orange range) would, theoretically, be able to perceive 100 million colors. Self-healing, superhuman strength, and pain resistance are just some of the bodily changes that may occur. Its users can put on a stone face unlike any other, capable of throwing off anyone who might interpret their actions as a sign to worry. This entity can fly, make objects explode, and phase through all solid matter. Such spaces are the result of spatial manipulation. Do you think that I also have a supernatural ability? But if you have aero wouldn't you be able to do the same thing? . another time i was edan pafice i was party with supernational all night along passed out in theatre best night ever, another time i had sutation with demon and his friend i had to play safe with this one but now i think we are on talking time same i seat on chair and we drink coffe together yes this was tricky to nagtivate because thier was cameras but i got cravity and still today i still visit my mate and chat have coffee, another time i found my srlf in time loop in my location changed so badly i was no longer in my time or location i walked stright into a stone paymiand wall fall right on my ass i got up and go my barings i took pics with my phone and then i seat down clear my mind took a breath and op en my eyes i found my self ten neters from my car so i quickly seat in my car fall sleep then went home, so here is just a few of my unquie experinces and i many more but iam still learning regarding my 5 gifts. But pls help me with this power. Its pretty tough to have them. He told his female assistant/ friend, he was using a 'Tibet' concentration technique. Having power over dreams gives you control over anything in the dream world. I am unable to share my powers what to do? So wouldnt aero also be the most powerful? Well, that is a skill as well. I am able to actually see things before they happen and I have tried for years and almost all my life to warn everyone of the great tragedies that was to come but NO one would listen. On average, a single person will spend thirty-three percent of their lifetime sleeping. These people are able to sense that energy and see what happened in a room or around certain objects. a power that allows people (such as witches and wizards) to do impossible things by saying special words or performing special actions psychic | see definition a person who has strange mental powers and abilities (such as the ability to predict the future, to know what other people are thinking, or to receive messages from dead people) It is believed that objects hold onto the energy around them and that energy remains until it is cleansed away by special ceremonies. Most notable dust generation bearers are Asuma Sarutobi from Naruto, Dusty from Lilo and Stitch, and Dust Dragon from Dragon Mania Legends. Music Abilities/Music Powers Music-Based Powers Musical Abilities/Musical Powers This is the ability to psychically access superhuman powers/abilities, based on the music one listens to. Im scared. I have that power as do a few others. Limitations are distance and all in all the knowledge of the bearer. It is a weird tingling feeling in that particular spot. My great grandma was able to make pain go away, for example if you burned yourself on a grill or stove she was able to calm you down and say something that made the pain and heat go away. In addition to generic energy, versions of these powers exist that deal with such things as light, sound, electricity, nuclear energy, and the Darkforce dimension. And one thing more is that when i want to see my some friend's future i sit at a silent place and try to see his future and get some vision of his future but my this power works strongly when i sleep and think about a person's future by my heart then i got full vision of it's future. I didn't knew that I have this Power but during some days whenever I get angry or sad I always look at the sky I don't know why.. Heat vision is the ability to generate concentrated heat from the eyes, which is used to burn, melt, or incinerate the target. Photo by Rui Silvestre on Unsplash; Canva. He is the 108th son of Grand Elder Guru. We can take many lessons from natural bodybuilders , who make use of certain foods to slim down, bulk up and stay their healthiest. Hi what would you call some one who recognizes those who have reading abilities and gas seem real time events before it happens. How do they do it? These individuals can gain/replicate any kind of knowledge, be it over subject, language, or fighting style, this superpower is really cool. The ability to stop time is a complicated one. Had very long canine teeth. Dont use it for fame or showing off. Other bearers of this power are Ben 10s Pyronites, Methanosians, Terry McGinnis as Batman from Batman Beyond, Human Torch and Cannonball from Marvel, Cacao and Son Goku from Dragon Ball Z and so many more. You should also practice meditation or another method of focusing your mind, this will help you maintain control over you abilities. Enhanced hearing is a fairly uncommon power. My guardian angels say I have those powers but their not unlocking it yet so well see if I have it. The downside of this power is that some people can become so sensitive to the illness of others that it can make them sick as well. These people tend to find themselves on both sides of the law even though they don't really like to be noticed and tend to stay to themselves. This requires a higher level of mental focus than most people need. For example, you could go somewhere peaceful and focus on it. By concentrating the power to certain direction more time. Ability Replication: By sampling the aura of another active ability user, users of Aura Manipulation are . In all likelihood, removing a body of its restraints would open up the world to a longer work schedule, but someone with this power would also have more time for themselves. Answer (1 of 11): Perhaps a bit late, but I have a few suggestions. 25 Feb 2023 13:44:55 6. That is what a Hero or just a Human Being with Honor and a sense of Dignity and a Moral Code does. Strange, Iron Man, Spectre, as well the Invisible Woman of the Fantastic Four and the Martian Manhunter of Justice League fame. A layman can learn easily. It is different from the power you would need to control the weather. But when i open the curtin and get close they are not there, but as soon as i close the curtin and move back i see them again? The last ability on this list closes out the list of 25 coolest & unique superpowers you are not aware of and of course it has something to do with celestials. It wasnt out loud, but he listened. Invisibility - Ghost can . I know there are things outside that we don't know yet but you don't think that kind of people with that pawer don't want to be found or have you ever seen one of them? That is all I can say. The power of remote viewing is unique because it requires a well-developed memory. Precognition is the ability to see the future. Well. If someone is sensitive to the pain of those around them, then they have this power. They would have to live with the sole knowledge of countless night-unfathomable tragedies that may not be preventable. Living life as a superhero is rough; apart from all the civilians in constant need of saving . Superpowers range from improving oneself way past peak human potential, to influencing and manipulating concepts on a universal scale. First of all society terms abilities to be powers. If youre interested in more superpowers-related lists, check out our list of most useless superpowers powers too! In times of great duress, the fortification of the mind can bring immeasurable serenity. So long as the user keeps their secret well hidden from the world, they could theoretically live several different lives. Caustic Vision is really rare which automatically makes it unique. Ability to alter or deceive the perceptions of another. So you must be born with it, it cannot be learned. They are also compelled to believe those thoughts are right and will act on them without question. I am zoya and I'm from India.. My dogs never knew the trick roll over, but one day I did the same thing and he rolled over. Its a trick that redefines the concept of packing light. Druidic, Chaos, Blood, Hellfire, Mystic, Odin-Force, Necromancy, Quantum, Technomancy, Voodoo, and general magic. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Question: What if instead of stopping time I can see something going slowly while everything around me is a normal pace? But when I look at the sky while I'm angry or sad.. It requires an understanding of energy that not many people care to learn. Powers which affect an individual's mind. Empaths are highly sensitive people that are spiritually open and good listeners they are highly attuned to . many times i shared this to my friends but they always laugh on me and tells me lie. Notable users of this power are champion Ornn from League of Legends, Master Piandao from Avatar: The Last Airbender, etsu Nimaiya from Bleach, Sparda from Devil May Cry, Sunfire Elves from The Dragon Prince, and Eitri from Marvel Comics. I could simply touch an object an it would transport me into another world later i found out that i was being transported into the memory of the object . First, let's begin with the fact that mutations do not mean retractable claws or the ability to control the. Advanced intellect and gifted intuition may sound like a totally unique superpower, but, given the unfathomable speed at which many of its users have been able to produce almost otherworldly inventions, it certainly isn't useless. Astral Projection Minor 5. There are two main forms of this power that have been encountered, heat and illumination. I had the ability to metamorphose my fingers my fingers into reptilian scales freaked out at first but got used to it. Think of it as training in a martial art or learning a second language. A few days later i noticed that things had changed with a certain female at my school, she had never noticed me but she was my crush, one day i was walkimg and thinking about her and imagining her liking me and her getting feelings for me and i accidently bumped into her and i helped her up and she asked me out, i thought it was a coincedence, but i wanted to test it so i would tap different people, mainly my friends and try to make them feel something, i got the best results with love lust and anger. I've experienced multiple powers listed above. Never gave it much thought. This power is usually discovered by people who are drowning. Then, there's therestrictive spandex suits and long draping capes; appearing poised is enough work as is. I am currently a Retired Disabled Gulf War Decorated Veteran, and I served from 1990 to 1994. Then, when I worked in the Medical Field until I was forced into Medical Retirement at 38 Years old. Many people with abilities, like yours, have problems just like yours. Ive heard people can do the last thing. Although I have saved multiple lives. I hope that all you writers, movie makers, and artists who've given this article a chance find it useful for your creations. Like last week a friend of mine slipped, and then I thought it had happened already. " It would be wonderful to be able to help the sick. It is a power that is dependent entirely on one's mental state. the abilities of a spider might seem like an odd power, The 10 Best X-Men Villains, According To Ranker. So there is struggle to believe. Still, with all its hardships, seeing evidence of the afterlife would be a major perk for detectives or coroners. They can get things done. What is it if you feel something about to touch you or is close. There are plenty of heroes and villains that have no powers, but the thing is that most of them do have an edge of some kind. Others can learn it with a little training from a true aligist. Such a power could definitely help capture criminals and save lives. Superhuman Strength You can become extremely strong if you have Myostatin-Related Muscle Hypertrophy. Using magic encompasses many different subcategories, so someone could be well-versed in many of these types of magic. 5. It is unclear exactly how many people have this power because they are unwilling to register themselves. In the grand scheme of superhero-dom, the ability to control a swarm of bees, while unique, doesn't seem to be all that useful. If a hero's work performance isn't up to par, they're accused of apathy, the death knell of any true hero. Various comic book characters have exhibited fluid-like traits, from Mercury of the Marvel Universe to Brainiac in DC Comics, and all have managed to remain elusive while in their liquid states. The video above explores a small sampling of these. Like the previous entry on this list, a prehensile tongue is a variation of natural weaponry and prehensility. Perhaps the scariest threat is some type of super-virulent virus. When I opened them, everything was still and quiet. Question: What if I am able to speak with animals, shape shift, control fire, and make ice? Intangibility - The power to phase through all forms of matter. Most notable individuals bearing this ability are Firestorm, Kryptonians, and Martians from DC Comics with others, Wolfsbane from Marvel Comics, and Roxanne Wolf from Five Nights at Freddys: Security Breach. The people see me too and sometimes they say something and i hear it and give them an answer and they are suprised that i heard them. Astral projection: The ability project an astral body that can go anywhere. The idea of suspended animation has been toyed with in the real world, and the ability to preserve a human body cryogenically would give many hospital patients hope as they waited for an organ donation or the next great medical revelation. It's not known exactly how this power works, but it is believed that the mind breaks down the body molecules and sends it at the speed of light to wherever the person wants to go. Note: This list doesn't include every power/ability that exists or is archived on this wiki. Could this be something real? I try to remember what my abilities are but they only cause headaches. Giving Dean the rare ability to go full Gump. April Mancias you might have to begin at where you started from since you stopped practicing, but you might be lucky and start where you stopped. There must be moisture in the air for them to create ice out of nothing. Naturally, they come with their tropes, some easier to spot than others, like superpowers manifesting around puberty or during an event that caused great trauma, superpowers growing stronger or being easier to control through training, superpowers reflecting the physical characteristics or personality of a character, etc. I didn't also know this that I have this power but from some days I have been noticing that I can read memories of people for example in my home when I touched the study table in my room I see a vision that my sister was sitting in the table.. And she didn't notice it but one of her pens fall down and was under the table and after the vivison I had.. In high school could pick the back of cars off ground. RELATED: 10 Greatest X-Men Characters Used In The Fox Movies. How is that possible? Everyone wants to struggle. I have Empathic Abilities and I am able to create matter or in a particular case, about 100 spiders the size of your hand out of thin air. Do you know a person with that kind of pawer you mention, where they are who they are, is more easy training with people who know what to do or how to do? Ive met other people who lster told me they had abilities and if we touched id later start developing some smaller version of these abilities. Astral Trap Base 2. These people tend to become teachers and counselors because they have a strong desire to help others, but this is only good if they can control their power if the situation gets out of hand. Is this time control? It also helps if they must keep a lookout for something that is coming their way. Living life as a superhero is rough; apart from all the civilians in constant need of saving, there's all the scrutiny that comes from being in the public eye. Some illusionists can create these illusions using their mind while others choose to use a more concrete method such as drawing or writing. You will realise how to use them like child's play. Photo by Nathan McBride on Unsplash; Canva, I've seen many writers use this term in both ways, but according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the correct way to write the term is by combining the word "super" and the word "powers" to create "superpowers.". They don't want others to find out because they are afraid they are crazy and will be shunned by society. 12 Superpowers of the INFJ, the Rarest Personality Type By Bo Miller May 28, 2018 Recently, a group of fellow INFJs and I were discussing INFJ superpowers the things that we do better than other personality types. Well. Answer: I would recommend keeping a journal of your abilities as they grow and change. No offense, just suggesting. 10. These people will often believe they are seeing things when they first discover their power. It helped one person dodge a ball! 4. Aura Manipulation grants the user the ability to manipulate their own aura to copy one's ability as well as combine multiple abilities to unlock new variations and attacks. We can't all be Wonder Woman, but we do have the ability to develop some pretty amazing capabilities. Some people have the power of enhanced memory. Random Superpower Generator Simply generates a random super-power at each click :) Fire Breath (The ability to generate from within oneself fire and release them from the mouth.) These people need to learn to block the emotions of others so they can regain who they are and surround themselves with more positive people. If someone can let me know whats happening please let me know. This power only takes a short time to master, and it can be used for the rest of a person's life. It has multiple variations like Illusive Power, Power Summoning, and Strenght-Based Invulnerability. The creators of Triton claimed their artificial gills could let humans breathe underwater for up . The abilities of extra-sensory perception (ESP) and communication. Any person with this ability can essentially "think" themselves anywhere they want to go, be it across the room or across the world. Nihal thilakarathana on October 07, 2019: 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. With fat manipulation, individuals can control body fat or adipose tissue of themselves and others, allowing them to freely alter them or manipulate them. If I had this power I could sense cancer and warn people about the disease. ( I apologize if i was asking to many questions, and I m working on seeing auras with my eyes but I follow sadhguru's teaching in order to not stuck in limited identity cause the more your identity is limited the more your capabilities damage others so cosmic identity is nessecary for work for others well being also himself/herself too. Harry Potter, the ArchMagus by the DragonBard reviews. Of course no one i love or care about would believe me but.. i thought someone on here would understand this and not take it as a joke. This astral body can go anywhere in the world and go through walls. If someone picks a fight, a hero may choose to increase their weight to become a concrete force, or perhaps they can become so light that incoming attacks go straight through them. But its draining all my energy. There are clouds suddenly in the sky with a lot of thunder sounds and lightening them.. I made an energy forcefeild thing to keep this bad thing away from my friend and I (neighbors) . I'm merely a product of good genetics. Never rule out humans in peak physical condition with plenty of resources and the willpower to act. What if a person can make something (object) disappear from ones hand, and reappears later? To make it right. There are many different forms of magic in the Marvel Universe. also I forgot to mention that I have energy vampire ability too but I don't really want to use it as a negative force more like drain others energy to use it for their well being when they are self-sabotaging using their energy forces to become self destructive I want to help these people and I did things for my well being in past when I feel myself tired I usually choose a man/woman who seems energetic to me for drain their energird and open a talk or some manipulative tricks to use yes I did these things but this is coming from lack of understanding oneness of universe each individual has its own unique individual experience which is some kind of a illusion that which given us and hope to be blessed and forgiven, What does it mean if you have more than 4 of these powers do you have to hide to hide it and should i be scared or concerned if they come out of nowhere?I have had certain powers since i was 4-10 years old. 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