They are very friendly and professional. There are several ways to identify a persons roots, including a list of sephardic last names, which indicate a persons origin. . One father and son, whose Sephardic names were Isac and Jacob Semach, used a maze of at least 14 aliases including the Portuguese names Antonio Hidalgo o Velho, Antonio Hidalgo Ouelho and Antonio Hidalgosee their aliases untangled here . appear to be original Sephardic names not changed by conversion. Los Apellidos estan sacados de las My wife and I strongly recommend anyone planning to go through this process seriously consider hiring Decker, Pex, Ofir & Co. and, specifically, Ariel Galili. Otherwise you will loose hours/days/weeks with things that they can solve in minutes. The Jeff Malka Sephardic Collection Given Names in the Sephardic Diaspora. In case your family name does not appear in a sephardic last names list, this does not indicate that you are not eligible for a Portuguese passport. Somehow they managed to translate the law lingo into language we actually understand and their outstanding YouTube videos helped us to have a better grasp of what process we had to go through. from the site TARAZONA JUDIA. Jews in Colonial Brazil, by Arnold Wizhitzer. I couldnt dealt with my situation without their professionalism and effectiveness. names of the Sephardim (and their residences) mentioned were, sometimes, Fermoza This girl's name means "beautiful.". From its distinctive spelling, I recognized it as a Sephardic name: a link to the Jews' long history in Spain, Portugal, and the post-Inquisition Spanish diasporaa diaspora that included Colonial America. Sephardim from Curacao. Franco: A variant of the Latin 'Francis' meaning 'free one' or 'Frenchman'. Being aware of challenges unique to Sephardic research will help you prepare to handle them. Bevis Marks is the Sephardic synagogue in London. (Apellidos corrientes entre los Sephardies)(~), From the book, NAMES FOUND ON THIS SITE ARE TAKEN FROM THE FOLLOWING REFERENCES. Updated on April 08, 2019. The Rise and You were a calming energy during a storm - always breathed a sigh of relief after speaking with you. Beside each listing is a number or series of numbers and letters enclosed in parenthesis such as ( 2) ( 6A) ( 9) ( 29 ). Registering a Public-Benefit Company in Israel, UAE NGO Permits to the Palestinian Territories, Registration for Foreign NGOs Operating in Israel. Likewise, aLevy is probably descendedfrom the tribe of Levi. They supported us 100% and solved our case successfully, we couldn't be happier. As with any rule, there are exceptions. We highly recommend Adv. The names are in alphabetical order. Though the University of New Mexicos Stanley Hordes, PhD, has no personal Sephardic roots to his knowledge, hes fascinated with the Latin American history of the Inquisition and Crypto-Jews (conversos who secretly practiced Judaism). Secrecy and Deceit: The Religion of theCrypto-Jews, by David Gitlitz. Stein married a Sephardic woman and wanted his children to understand their heritage. by ETSI, this magazine is worth while. New World Jewish settlement began in Dutch Brazil. Many of the individuals listed appeared The most important document in the request for Portuguese citizenship is a certificate from the Jewish community in Porto or Lisbon, which identifies your relationship to your ancestors and lineage. The books fourth edition includes the city and year of a document discovered for each name listed. Thanks to Michael Decker and the other good people at the law office, as well as to the virtue of my ancestors, the cruelty of the Inquisition, reparations issued in the Iberian Peninsula, and etc, I am delighted to be on track for Portuguese and European Union Citizenship! The names are in alphabetical order. Sephardic genealogy always existed, but wasnt publicized or discovered by the masses or the American genealogists. (~), From the book, I am not clear if women were given the name Chaya (female of Haim). I am delighted to report that my wife and I have just obtained our Israeli citizenship. In Spain and Portugal there seems to be a myth that Jews adopted surnames from trees and fruit. name of parents, age, and location of domicile are also included. Some surnames derived from Hebrew first names are shared by Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews because these given names were shared by both groups, like the Ashkenazic Peretz and Sephardic Perez. They are always answering questions and support during the process. that converted to Christianity. Always ready to assist without regard to the time it takes. Some remained, secretly practicing their faith; theyre called conversos in Spanish or bnei anousim in Hebrew. Using them guaranteed honesty above all. His partners and employees are very blessed to work with him. I am satisfied with the services I needed and happy to have known them. Sealtiel-Olsen, a list of alias names used by Sephardim in Amsterdam. In 2004, a genetic study concluded that 13,4% of the Y chromosome of Azoreans is of Jewish origins . I was impressed with his incredibly solid character. The word "Sephardic", or more correctly "Sefardi" is Hebrew for "Spanish", yes. Liebman. We were very satisfied with the service of Nehama. judia o judeoconversa. The team at Decker, Pex, Ofir & Co have been awesome to work with in helping our US company establish banking in Israel and in providing counsel for legal needs in Israel. Others established new communities in the Americas or converted publicly to Christianity, sometimes secretly maintaining a Jewish life. The Sephardic Jews, or the Sephardim, are a culture within the overall Jewish people. correspond to the references listed below where the names were found. I didnt know who or what that was. He learned that Abravanel is akin to royalty in the Sephardic world. (~), From the book, Intentamos cubrir muchas facetas de la cultura Sefard e intentaremos agregar nueva informacin que se encuentre o se descubra en la red. interchangeably. Notarial records, an important resource in Spain, are basically business documents recording transactions such as real estate sales or purchases of clothing and food. Names keep genealogists going. You showed me from your experience how it can be done differently. Joshua Pex was both an amazing human being and an inspiring human rights attorney. below used to appear on the, ( records. assigned to Jews by the Holy Office (la Santo Oficio) of Spain. Of 401 plantations in Jamaica in 1737, 115 were Jewish. and 18th-Century Jewish Community of Nevis, British West Indies, Boston I couldnt dealt with my situation without their professionalism and effectiveness. Yoram is as Israeli attorney with offices in Portugaland Israel. and letters enclosed in parenthesis such as (2) (6A) (9) (29). Precious Stones of the Jews of Curacao Jewry 1657-1957. Most anyone appearing before the inquisition was a converso because the inquisition, by definition, had no power over the Jewish population. From the book, The claim was plastered across the Internet in 2001. We highly recommend Advocate Joshua Pex! God bless you dear Maria, you have exceeded your professional duty by containing us and collaborating with us in hard times, very hard, for that we want to thank you publicly, you are unique!!! It also covers Latvian Jews in 17th-century Tobago. In tribute to Harry Steinthis this site detials his name list and work. Things started moving once Mr. Pex came into the picture. The pandemic also caused delays in obtaining the required apostilles for various documents from various state agencies and the US State Department. In order to establish your claim, you must prove contact with your Spanish ancestors. This work contains many Sephardic names and The team of lawyers and assistants are incredibly professional. To confirm your condition, we would need to use DNA testing and and certificates of origin to complete the file. The much smaller Sephardic community was busy blending in, Malka says, and many were ignorant of their own history. (~), Sephardic names Fall of Paradise, When Arabs and Jews built a Kingdom in Spain. Besides his knowing the laws, regulations and procedures, Ariel also made us feel that he was truly interested in helping us to successfully work through this process in as smooth, timely, and frustration-free manner as possible. (~), From the book, Sephardic Jews immigrated to Amsterdam, North Africa, and the Middle East. Thanks to Michael Decker and the other good people at the law office, as well as to the virtue of my ancestors, the cruelty of the Inquisition, reparations issued in the Iberian Peninsula, and etc, I am delighted to be on track for Portuguese and European Union Citizenship! Diamanta This girl's name means "diamond.". 43 (C) indentifies converso anmes .The site is The service is very professional and efficient, the price is right. There were other names which are not listed here The rose blooms in May. Sanchez); Haran (Jacob de Pina); Petah ve Naim (Jacob Cohen Nassi); Carmel (Isaak Granada da Fonseca); Beit El (Jacob de Meza); Dothan, Carillo, Serphati and Hebron (Moises Nunez Henriquez). If your name or an ancestors name appears on a list of Sephardi surnames, this may be the first step in acquiring the recommendation of the Jewish community and after that having the Portuguese Immigration Office recognizing you and your family as citizens. Suffering from love. For Sephardic genealogy resources, sources and links to related topics, see Sephardic SIG: Sephardic Genealogy at JewishGen. You can read more information about this in the most comprehensive guide we published on our website. Thank you for your amazing job, your professionalism, your consultation and honesty. They really care about helping their customers without any other interest During the pandemic, my wife and I decided to move to Israel where I am originally from after living in the U.S. for over 20 years, but we had no idea how to go about securing visas before and after arriving in Israel. List of names provided by David The services I have received for both our Israeli non profit association but also our social business have helped us solve many issues at hand and provided solutions in complicated situations. Hebrews of the Portuguese Nation, by Miriam Bodian. The internet made it easier to extend the reach of genealogy and collect data beyond national borders, Farhi says. Hope to work with you in the future, and will send everyone I know in need of legal aid your way. Because we appreciated their lawyers services, we recommended businesses and individuals again and again to go there as well. The surname Flores has existed in Spain since the 12th century, but a common origin has not been found. It has set back Sephardic genealogy by a generation. Aiming to give their clients the advice possible regarding the normative and the law of Israel. A fine resource for those with extracted from the book, Noble Families Among The Sephardic Jews by Isaac Da I conjectured Sephardim origins (Flores is also a Jewish name): perhaps they were among those expelled in 1492. . (~), From the In addition to chapters on Judaism and Spanish Jewish history, the book includes thousands of Sephardic surnames found in Inquisition and other records. Essentially a series of royal If you need to solve any complicated legal issue in Israel, don't hesitate to contact them. intermarried. BTW my favorite Sephardic name. (*) Name for Hope to work with you in the future, and will send everyone I know in need of legal aid your way. We heard of Advocate Pex through a friend of a friend. Jewish Israeli citizens, Jews of the diaspora or non-Jews who have ancestors of Sephardi roots, can apply for Portuguese citizenship. my pain increases. Many of the victims were There are many hundreds of other names in the glossary that I'm super glad of choosing Joshua Pex of Law office for immigration solution, lawyers to advise in my case, to me, it is remarkable. Adi Berger was a wonderful advocate for me and I am deeply grateful for her help! Habana, 1958. Yes! We were in a devastating situation when my wife received an order from the immigration office to leave Israel within 30 days, without any explanation, after we have been married and in the process for six and a half years. presented as a memorial to the Jews of TARAZONA. For example (31/3/8) = Esti volume 3, issue8. On the now defunct website and through a Yahoo group (an ancestor of Facebook groups) he argued that if a New Christian or Jew had used a specific surname then the SURNAME was likely Jewish and therefore people using the surname today are of Jewish descent. El contenido de esta web es libre para todos.. Tema Sencillo. It's also very nice to know that you will receive response promptly; it made us feel we can really trust their services. Oded Ger did an excellent job by reviewing a modeling contract I was offered. Brazil. Sephardic Jewish ancestry extends through the Iberian PeninsulaPortugal and Spain. I would like to thank Anat Levi and Ariel Galili from the Jerusalem branch for all of their efforts and patience, we could not have been Able to reach to where we are now without them. The list covers the period 1759-1813 with all the names of the poor Sephardic Jews who were granted Sedaca (charity) - an amount in Dutch florins- against the promise to leave Amsterdam and not to return within the next 15 years. Many name changes and aliases are (~), From the book, We contacted Mr. Pex and he was ready to help us when he heard of our situation. Girona is home to Museum of the History of the Jews and the Nahmanides Foundation, a research center dedicated to Jewish heritage that also houses the Eliezer Eljanan Schalt Library. March 25, 2022 Sephardi, or Sephardic Jews (Sephardim, plural) make up the second largest identifiable Jewish culture today. They did have control over New Christians or conversos. I have needed legal advice and assistance with immigration due to a complex situation of mine, and he has been extremely available and responsive, honest and clear about my route and how to proceed. tortured to death or exiled so their lines might end here. They supported us 100% and solved our case successfully, we couldn't be happier. The names The process until we received the extension for another year for my wife was not long (3 months). No one in my Yiddish-speaking Ashkenazi family from Mogilev really believed we came from Spainuntil I began finding genealogy records and other Sephardic families in Mogilev: Abravanel, Don Yahia, Pines, Aboaf/Abugof and more. Although Ashkenazim name children after only deceased relatives, Sephardim name children after the living or dead. 2. For most of recorded history, Jewish history was essentially the history of Sephardim, which comes as a great shock to those alive today, says award-winning author Jeffrey S. Malka, founder of 74 12 Quora User Abraham de Mordechai Vaz Dias studied the Amsterdam State Archive to identify many aliases in notarial records; his database is one of the many at (~), From the book, Look for details on traditions similar to those in your family, which can clue you into Sephardic roots. To sum it up, Sephardic surnames have a long and storied history. records of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Extrmely friendly, professional and helpful. The source of A big part of the Portuguese governments consideration is the question of whether your surname or one of your ancestors names is linked to the Spanish deportees. Beside each listing is a number or series of numbers and letters enclosed in parenthesis such as (2) (6A) (9) (29). They are doing outstanding work. In 1776, 18 ships reached North American rebel ports. Sefa Santa Cruz de la Sierra es el centro econmico de Bolivia y su ciudad ms poblada, es tambin uno de ms rpido crecimiento en las reas ur SEPHARDIM.COM A Research Tool for Sephardic Genealogy / Jewish Genealogy by Harry Stein Una Herramienta de Busqueda de Genealogia S Esta lista que encontramos en Internet, donde se encuentra fuentes correspondientes y debidamente citadas al final de la lista, es un docume Durante mucho tiempo pens, como afirman algunos estudiosos y el sentido comn, que el apelativo marrano era un trmino peyorativo que co En Inglaterra, el rey Eduardo I decret la expulsin de los judos en 1290 (algo ms de doscientos aos antes de que los Reyes Catlicos La USM es una Fundacin sin fines de lucro, basada en Jerusalem y registrada en el Ministerio de Justicia de Israel (no. This book And the passion kills me, my pain increases. His partners and employees are very blessed to work with him. Spanish archives include records of Sephardic surnames as far back as the 10th centurya genealogical advantage Ashkenazim dont enjoy. You can read more about the list of family names in this article on our website. Best lawyer house from Israel! And their last name on their tombstones etched in German for generations is Flores. A legal team that is friendly and cares for a superb result Irena is knowledgeable, reliable and competent lawyer who always had answers to all our questions which made us feel confident that everything would be fine with her assistance. Questions Malka received through were the impetus for his how-to book. Add your answer: Earn +20 pts. Here you can exchange information about relatives, books, language, history, migrations, local customs, research techniques and the . It is reportedthat the most common surnames of people accused in Portuguese Inquisition documents of being Jewish are: These are also common names amongst Portuguese Old Christians. Anyway, most of them had Christian rather than Hebrew names. The name is listed in a well researched website as a Sephardic name and was confirmed by the creator/researcher of the site Harry Stein as such. (~), Sephardic names (~). He has helped our family with many battles over the years. Many Sephardic Jews exiled in 1492 had relatives who remained in Spain and used aliases to hide their identities as they conducted international business. A Rosh Hashana r Sefard es el nombre con el que se denominan los judos descendientes de aquellos que habitaban la Pennsula Ibrica hasta 1492. Included in this Every time we turned to Joshua we always got a professional quick and helpful respond. transfer point for Sephardim and Morranos leaving Iberia. into Sephardic families are listed here. contains tombstone inscriptions and dates of death from 1663-1880. Aion / Haion is an old Sephardic form of Hebrew Haim 'life' according to ELJF 185. A really excellent firm. Get unlimited access to premium articles. The service is very professional and efficient, the price is right. Many Israeli citizens, as well as applicants all over the word, from countries such as the USA, United Kingdom, South Africa and many more have applied for Portuguese citizenship and successfully received a Portuguese passport, which is recognized by the European Union. These converts (known in Ladino as conversos and in Hebrew as anusim, forced converts) often maintained their Judaism in secret. Online, use the guidance and message boards at and, and see the directory of translators. Someone called Sarah Mendoza in 18th Century London will probably have been Jewish. Flores is the 55th most popular surname in the United States and the 15th most common Hispanic surname . I'm super glad of choosing Joshua Pex of Law office for immigration solution, lawyers to advise in my case, to me, it is remarkable. Examine dual-language records carefully, as some details may be in only one part of a record. If you need to solve any complicated legal issue in Israel, don't hesitate to contact them. Given name patterns also provide clues. We achieved our goal and the fear of deportation has been lifted! Mayorkas is a Jew, and his name reveals a rich and intriguing story. (~), List of (mostly) Joshua Pex was both an amazing human being and an inspiring human rights attorney. because the author did not identify those names as Sephardic. I've got Austrian citizenship in 4 months for all family members which consists of 12 people! I suspect most surnames were probably adopted from godparents at the original baptisms, but I dont know. Society of England. (~), Sephardic names And beginning with the first 23 Jews who arrived in New Amsterdam (today, New York) in 1654 from Recife, Brazil, the American Jewish population was mostly Sephardic for nearly two centuries. 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