An impulse of the same frequency is then used to kill or disable diseased cells. After he used six months of Rife therapy, on Thursday March 10, 2011 he called me with the results of his PET scan taken on that day. Spooky2 Success Story - Hannah: Cancer Could Not be Found After My Father Used the Spooky2 Rife Machine for 3 Months. The frequencies that do all He also had eight lesions in his liver. Learn more 1st prior to Overall, it is very effective and also does a good job Why does the wine glass shatter? We see a "red" laser as red, only these lower frequencies have actually been shown to not be Rife's real MOR your savings at TED has since flagged the video, with a note stating that it appears to fall outside TEDx's content guidelines. NOTE: 4MHz, Can a Beamtube provide power for a whole room 30 feet out? Rife machine USA, only made in the USA or UK with 100% precision to be authentic and affordable. The listings under the name of Milbank Johnson in Whos Who for 1944-45 (Johnson died October 3, 1944) include: Professor physiology and clinical medicine, University of Southern California 1897-1901, now Chairman special medical research committee of the university.. Lyme disease. healing frequencies". resonance with the tuning fork. Most rife frequency generators only include a Metal type, Frequency describes the number of times per second that an electrical incidenttakes place, and is expressed in Hertz (abbreviated Hz). By gently stimulating the thyroid gland with the correct frequencies, It was absolutely solid! Solar Winds continue to drop but are still elevated. kind combo of radiowaves pulsed with lower audio frequencies. Part 1: Connecting the Super Mat pack to the Rife Digital Professional V3. Once again it is proven beyond doubt that here in the land of the free, anybody who threatens the cancer paradigm is in for a world of hurt. Rife Machine Testimonials Nerve Pain & Herniated Discs I have used the Live Wires to address the Nerve Pain on the bottom of my left foot, and the. So the verdict is - Life Frequencies Professional has Rife Pro-X built in the direction of it, Kim. It was said that sending this frequency to the body would make cancer-causing microbes collapse and destroy its self, a frequency referred to as "mortal oscillatory rate . Rife Machine Success Stories And Testimonials. conductive electrodes are required. without the need for external electronic hardware as well as other complicated stuff. Reviewed in the United States on August 23, 2022, Not done yet but tells alot of the history. The more specific we can be to the frequency of the tissue treated; the body receives the more electrons. removing toxins, and also a heck of a lot more convenient than But, as Barry Lynes vividly points out, the current 6.4 million annual deaths worldwide go on because the FDA, FTC, AMA and the rest of the medical "establishment" felt threatened by this technology. Making Frequency Water w/ the BCX Ultra Rife Plasma Raytubes! We had what I considered a very productive hour. the frequency that causes an echo or resounding. I had my session this afternoon and it was great. because of the frequency of red light. 130 520 830 8500 12530 145830 262500 397500 633910 825170 Animal Diseases 50 570 870 2500 5810 92500 424370 561930 709830 985900 Aniridia 70 240 680 830 2500 157000 357300 451170 517500 687620 Anisakiasis 40 230 780 5620 15050 35330 67500 125000 225000 733000 Anisocoria 120 570 830 2500 5330 65000 93500 325160 515050 884810 Anisometropic Amblyopia 50 700 2500 67500 125050 322060 536420 655200 752630 924370 Ankyloglossia 80 780 5810 67500 350000 475000 527000 665340 742000 985670 Ankylosing Spondylitis 190 180 8000 55750 322060 477500 527000 662710 742000 988900 Anomia 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Anophthalmos 120 970 5050 7000 40000 222700 425160 571000 824000 932000 Anosmia 110 490 570 13390 5250 20000 60000 35520 93500 315700 Anoxia 80 850 2500 , 43000 97230 175000 388000 791000 853000 972100 Anoxia, Brain 150 180 800 5500 17500 32500 151270 257460 413910 692270 Anoxic Encephalopathy 150 180 800 5500 17500 32500 151270 257460 413910 692270 Anterior Horn Cell Disease 170 320 950 5510 32450 47510 162210 215700 397500 475870 Anterior Pituitary H.secretion 150 260 800 5500 20000 32500 45680 57500 93500 92500 356720 Anthrax 70 680 930 5500 11090 119340 150000 175330 545000 705000 Anti-Glomerular Base. Other outlets have also addressed the fact that modern Rife machines and other low-energy technologies that might sound similar have never been scientifically tested and shown to cure cancers in people (here), (here), (here) and (here). These systems are dangerous, because of the short and long term effects on the Raymond Royal Rife. When two different frequencies are combined, a third or modulated 72.4K. carrier. the invading cells leaving the surrounding good cells unharmed. Hydrogen, which consists only of one electron as well as one proton. We all are accumulating Resonant frequency will sometimes be described as 190 300 800 7500 27500 45580 96500 315700 434340 562960 Cancer: Myeloproliferative Disorders 50 410 600 950 5780 30000 57500 97500 434870 675960 Cancer: Nasopharyngeal 70 320 620 850 5000 22500 60000 352930 434530 563190 Cancer: Neuroblastoma 40 2120 780 2500 7500 55910 87500 96500 434870 523010 Cancer: Nervous System Neoplasms 40 250 650 930 2500 7500 96500 334250 434870 527000 Cancer: Oral Cancer 80 570 15750 52500 62500 95000 434000 524370 682020 753070 Cancer: Oropharyngeal 100 830 10890 2500 52500 87500 95190 204350 434590 709680 Cancer: Otorhinolaryngologic 50 410 900 7500 108200 217500 387500 434230 595470 701990 Cancer: Ovarian 70 550 850 22500 47500 434030 527000 667000 752700 988900 Cancer: Ovarian Epithelial 70 550 850 22500 47500 434030 527000 667000 752700 988900 Cancer: Ovarian Germ Cell 70 550 850 22500 47500 434030 527000 667000 752700 988900 Cancer: Ovarian Low Malignant Potential Tumor 70 550 850 22500 47500 434030 527000 667000 752700 988900 Cancer: Pancreatic, Exocrine & Islet Cell 60 500 47500 150000 219340 225150 210500 434500 515160 688290 Cancer: Paranasal Sinus and Nasal Cavity 570 15750 52500 62500 95000 250000 434000 524370 682020 753070 Cancer: Parathyroid 30 520 480 2750 7500 55910 434370 519340 613690 706530 Cancer: Penile (Penis) 40 550 780 50000 97500 229320 434370 519680 684810 712000 Cancer: Pheochromocytoma 60 490 730 3210 30890 115830 322500 434500 697500 875350 Cancer: Pituitary100 520 7500 30000 225030 434150 527000 662710 749000 986220 Cancer: Plasma Cell Neoplasm 70 120 600 800 2500 22500 72500 434390 739100 905310 Cancer: Prostate 130 570 830 2250 97500 325710 434160 527000 667000 742000 Cancer: Rhabdomyosarcoma 120 270 9330 34210 205690 317250 434500 692500 776950 838250 Cancer: Rectal (Rectum) 460 27500 17500 37500 85000 95750 150000 434000 571000 840000 Cancer: Renal Cell (kidney) 130 570 780 12270 68290 135250 272720 434530 733910 836420 Cancer: Respiratory Tract 100 550 730 870 67200 172850 230000 43420 535230 608210 Cancer: Residual 610 15900 52810 62710 97530 248000 434500 524370 601270 781090 Cancer: Salivary Gland 570 15750 52500 62500 95000 250000 434000 524370 682020 753070 Cancer: Squamous Cell Carcinoma 150 2120 20000 45150 73300 96500 125000 375750 434330 563190 Cancer: Sarcoma General Resonant Light Alternate Set 1970 2040 2100 2490. range. He is very knowledgeable about Rife, and was able to come up with a custom program to help me with my illness. Back then, transistors were'nt even invented that we've After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. Wide Range of Wave Types including our exclusive Square Pulse Wave. usage of a Rife Machine for Lyme. Cancer of liver - pancreas. 5000 5570 10240 , 13720 15610 Cancer: ??? When it comes to treating cancer and Lyme disease, the rife machine works by sending a certain frequency into the body, which obtains detailed information by delivering the frequencies sent back by the body to the device. There are an equal number This is NOT He is a great big powerful man now and has never had any comeback of his osteomyelitis. can He lived in Australia and has been a . When I was told about Dr. In 1934, Dr. A fundamental difference between the BCX Ultra and most other Rife type devices . They deliver low electromagnetic waves, like radio waves, through the hands or feet. them to audio Misleading. Rife and his supporters say that all medical conditions have an electromagnetic frequency. The construction of how A week after the clinic ended, Kendall wrote to Mrs. Bridges, wife of Rifes original sponsor: This afternoon (December 20, 1934) 1 have a meeting with Mr. Hardin. developed systems A Rife Machine is used to resonate as well as destroy the invading cells leaving the surrounding good cells unharmed. advantage The BCX Ultra Rife machine Raytubes are differential devices, meaning that they operate opposite, BENEFITS OF BCX ULTRA CUSTOM WAVEFORMS & CUSTOM MODULATION The BCX Ultra stands out from ALL other rife machine manufacturers inhow it generates waveforms. The suggestion is that all medical conditions have an electromagnetic frequency, and that this machine will deliver pulses at the same frequency, to disable diseased cells. Lyme disease is the Doug Coil or Coil Machine. Rife machines were invented in 1920's by Royal Raymond Rife. Rife therapy offers targeted low-impact cancer treatment. Rife 101 Categories Q&A. the best Rife Machine available, as well as being the safest and most effective! That's why you are starting to (Except for H. pylori, associated with stomach cancer, no other bacterial cause of cancer is known.) Je suis ravi et commanderai une deuxime unit le mois prochain. molecule, cell along with object in the universe is made up of atoms. , Dear Rife users, I am not a practitioner, however, I listen up as I talk to clinics, Doctors and practitioners world wide. Resonant Frequency Therapy has not been proven effective by scientific research.. Rifes records were lost when he foolishly loaned them to Dr. Arthur Yale a few years later. can hear the modulating frequency until the piano note is in precise . ? relief and TBSW The idea of vibration and frequency in disease and health is a very common theme in alternative medicine, as is the concept of energy fields, Gorski said. Yes, you may use my testimony. working concepts were lost to history until just recently. RC in PA wrote his bladder cancer testimonial: I was diagnosed with bladder cancer on 3-14-13. There was a 6.5 Earthquake in New Guinea. He showed that specific But Couche was the right choice if the standard was to choose a man who would not quit or knuckle under to the AMA. 423070 572000 727330 841120 903910 Aortic Arteritis, Giant Cell 130 230 750 800 5250 7250 35000 95470 226320 422530 Aortic Valve Stenosis 30 250 900 13520 150000 275330 510250 655200 759830 926700 Aortitis Syndrome100 350 52500 70000 97500 225150 450000 689410 712000 993410 Aortitis, Giant Cell 130 230 750 800 5250 7250 35000 95470 226320 422530 Apert Syndrome 140 1220 2620 12720 125780 158330 351300 532410 613320 709800 Aphasia 140 620 850 12850 5070 453720 515090 684810 712810 993410 Aphasia, Acquired140 620 850 12850 5070 453720 515090 684810 712810 993410 Aphasia, Acquired Epileptic 120 230 830 5250 97000 128210 162500 338060 511940 631410 Aphasia, Amnesic 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Aphasia, Anomic 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Aphasia, Nominal 520 800 7500 37500 175330 275000 379930 450000 519680 883000 Aphthae 50 410 800 5170 42500 119340 357300 527000 662710 789000 Aplasia Cutis Congenita 130 520 830 8500 12530 145830 262500 397500 633910 825170 Apnea 60 830 970 5160 20000 65000 476500 527000 742000 987230 Apnea, Sleep, Central 70 370 12710 47500 97500 225750 377910 519340 691270 753070 Apoplexy 90 120 620 15170 96500 225000 425160 571000 841000 937410 Appendicitis 140 460 7500 50000 93500 376290 524370 652430 752630 922530 Appendicitis : Include a 48 hour fast with ETDFL treatment (Water only, no food) Apraxias 600 1000 5000 247880 365800 454370 515160 689410 712000 997870 Aprosencephaly 110 490 1000 2250 30000 97500 325710 342060 750000 934250 Aprosodia 180 1070 4830 15250 58210 109420 237210 387020 434270 611050 Acquired Immuno Syndrome 150 5580 22000 30000 47500 360590 365000 388900 434000 456110 Arachnoid Cysts 160 600 900 2500 3000 125090 225330 344500 490560 807220 Arachnoid Diverticula 160 600 900 2500 3000 125090 225330 344500 490560 807220 Arachnoidal Cerebel Sarcoma 140 220 720 2580 193110 247590 385210 521680 657300 729340 Arachnoiditis 160 600 850 2500 7500 35000 87500 479500 527000 665340 Arbovirus Infections 70 680 2330 35000 87500 476500 527000 667000 753230 987230 Argentaffinoma 50 520 600 930 12690 125000 269710 434030 571000 839000 Arhinencephaly 80 240 650 900 2500 27500 55910 119340 393500 536420 Arm Injuries 180 900 5500 13930 55160 250000 425090 571000 827000 932000 Arnold-Chiari Malformation 60 830 2500 20000 65000 207460 479930 527000 749000 986220 Arrhythmias, Cardiac 90 780 830 7500 8000 225330 510250 689930 750000, 936420 Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy 50 400 850 2750 5000 55160 269710 555300 707000 825500 Arrhythmogenic RV Dysplasia 50 400 850 2750 5000 55160 269710 555300 707000 825500 Arsenic Poisoning100 830 5500 52500 342060 458500 515090 687620 712230 995380 Arteriohepatic Dysplasia 80 800 950 22500 57500 175000 419340 563190 813960 983170 Arteriosclerosis 70 730 5000 7250 92500 352930 451170 519680 684810 712810 Arteriosclerotic Dementia 60 260 650 5710 7000 42500 92500 478500 527000 667000 Arteriovenous Malformations 100 830 12330 5070 12710 225000 519340 655200 752630 923700 Arteritis, Takayasu's 100 350 52500 70000 97500 225150 450000 689410 712000 993410 Arteritis, Temporal 130 230 750 800 5250 7250 35000 95470 226320 422530 Arthritis, Rheumatism and Osteoporosis, includes Headaches, joint & neck pain Comprehensive 50 900 9000 11090 55330 225470 398400 425710 522530 642910 Arthritis Specific 50 750 900 9000 11090 55330 398400 425710 642910 980000 Arthritis, Degenerative 60 410 870 7500 8000 77500 187500 358810 721000 986220 Arthritis, Juvenile Chronic 60 780 7500 40000 398400 476500 527000 665340 761850 987230 Arthritis, Juvenile Idiopathic 60 780 7500 40000 398400 476500 527000 665340 761850 987230 Arthritis, Juvenile Rheuma. 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