With that said, I have a list of what I think are the 10 best cards in Amonkhet for Standard. Drake Haven is a tough card to evaluate, because it seems like it’s either going to create an archetype on its own or fall flat. There you have it. Drake Haven seems to me like a beefed-up Lightning Rift, but in a new age of Magic where a card like Lightning Rift just might be too slow. Cards like Walking Ballista, Scrapheap Scrounger, or even Heart of Kiran can slot into so many decks that Manglehorn is just a great card to even include in a main deck. They do the same thing except Cartouche of Knowledge additionally gives +1/+1 to the enchanted creature, which makes it strictly better. For each color, we highlight the best three commons plus some honorable mentions (cards that are good but missed Top 3). That you can count on. I looked at the cards and kept thinking: “But what about Saheeli Combo?” I’ve heard similar reactions from many of the players, who were eager to tackle Constructed as soon as the full set preview was out. Check. The white ability is not even that important, so if you do play a straight red/green deck, then definitely get yourself Samut, Voice of Dissent. Happy Brewing! We finally get to take a glimpse at the full preview of Amonkhet, and I love everything about the flavor of the set. Some players even consider Edifice to be superior, although it may not be too effective in an aggro deck, since it’s a pretty slow card.
The problem I have with this Liliana, and why it’s low on my list, is because of its tension with Ob Nixilis Reignited at the mana slot, and its tension with Liliana, the Last Hope. Zombie decks are getting full support this time, and Lord of the Accursed is a must-have card in such a deck.
I find some of the cards, like the Gods, pretty hard to evaluate without actually getting my hands on them. Post navigation ← Previous Post. With cycling helping with delirium, I’d expect to see more Traverse the Ulvenwald in decks, leaving Manglehorn as a solid utility creature to put in the tool belt. This red/green female general is as deadly as she can get. We haven’t heard yet about any potential bannings, but my prediction is that both Felidar Guardian and Gideon, Ally of Zendikar will get hit with the ban hammer. So, it’s too much value for such a card, but it may be due to Wizards wanting to push the cat tribal decks a bit further up the meta. Angler Drake is a great finisher, especially against all the embalmed tokens. Let me know what you think is the best card I missed down below. It’s madness! Cast Out is high on this list because I think it will be a staple in Standard decks for the foreseeable future. Gideon of the Trials is a potent 3-mana planeswalker that has two good abilities. Either way, you have additional 4 points of damage. Check.
Scrylands were so great because they gave you value when you played them, and helped you hit land drops early and spells late. We finally get to take a glimpse at the full preview of Amonkhet, and I love everything about the flavor of the set. This is a card I expect to see many copies of in blue Standard decks, and will change how we play games of Standard against these decks altogether.
Here is a perfect example of a cheap and aggressive Planeswalker that dodges all damage for just 3 mana.
"Siggy" made his Pro Tour debut at Pro Tour Los Angeles 1999, but most of his success came after a break-out performance at PT Khans of Tarkir with his first Pro Tour Top 8.
We haven’t heard yet about any potential bannings, but my prediction is that both Felidar Guardian and Gideon, Ally of Zendikar will get hit with the ban hammer. Drake Haven seems to me like a beefed-up Lightning Rift, but in a new age of Magic where a card like Lightning Rift just might be too slow. Ability to protect itself? But I had a tough time getting into the previews this time around because of the uncertainty of the format. With the addition of embalm to the format, this effect will be in even higher demand. The ability to create an emblem that prevents you from losing the game is a cool ability that is similar to Gideon Jura’s ability to force an attack, but also has some added utility with Glorious End, allowing you to put a Time Walk effect in your aggro deck.
Yes, it does require 6 mana, but Mist Raven was also expensive for 2/2 body, and it saw more plays than anybody would have expected. Some players would think that it is counter-productive to cycle such a strong aura effect, but those kinds of doubts disappear as soon as you need more cards. But I had a tough time getting into the previews this time around because of the uncertainty of the format. Magic: The Gathering received a whole new expansion on Apr. Later that season he made it to the finals of Pro Tour Origins and locked up the Player of the Year title. It’s bulkier than Raven, and that makes it even more dangerous. For 5 mana you get Flying, 3/4 body, Embalm and an ability to exile an opponent’s permanent. FINDE EINEN STORE But Manglehorn has a lot of utility even against Saheeli Rai combo because Saheeli Rai creates artifact copies that will come into play tapped thanks to Manglehorn’s second ability. With that said, Liliana, Death’s Majesty has some build-around potential, acting as a reanimation spell that can also put creatures into the graveyard to reanimate, or at the top end of a Zombies deck, giving Liliana, Death’s Majesty just enough depth to put her at #10 on my list.