We begin the life of faith by believing in Jesus—that Jesus is one with the Father—that Jesus is in the Father and the Father is in Jesus—that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus rebukes Philip, but his rebuke is gentle. For disciples who have left everything to follow Jesus, it must be terribly disorienting to hear Jesus say that he is leaving them. At the end of John 13 Jesus told them he was going to go away and that they would not yet be able to follow. Let not your heart be troubled In some copies this verse begins thus, and he said to his disciples; and certain it is, that these words are addressed to them in general, Peter being only the person our Lord was discoursing with in the latter part of the preceding chapter; but turning, as it were, from him, he directs his speech to them all. He says that we will do greater things than we have seen him do (Jn 14:12), and he says that if we have the faith of a mustard seed, we can command a tree or a mountain to fall into the sea (Mk 11:23). • “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives (menei) in me, and I in him” (6:56). Jesus has told the disciples the way that he is going (8:21-30; 10:11; 12:23-24), but his meaning is clear only in retrospect. [1] That cannot be the intent of this verse. Is it possible that the original Greek translated, "I am the To pray in Jesus’ name, then, requires that we be in a close relationship with him—that we do what we can to understand and submit to his will. “Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me” (v. 11a). To act in another person’s name was to use that person’s authority as a basis for one’s actions.
(John 14:17)? Where I am going, you can’t come” (13:33). No one comes to the Father, except through me. ", "In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so I would have told you; I go to prepare a place for you", "I am the resurrection and the life. John 14:1-4 is all about trust. Let not your heart be troubled —The Saviour himself, in view of his own impending passion, had been “troubled in spirit,” John 13:31 ; John 12:27 , but now he employs his own moments of divine calmness to sustain the hearts of … Do you Come to the Bible To Learn or Confirm. He says if we ask for anything according to his Father’s will, it will be granted (Jn 14:14). Now Jesus becomes the life-giver.
This led to the discussion of where Jesus is going and what he is going to do. However, if the person leads us to the destination, we are assured of getting there. Believe also in me.” “Grammatically these two verbs can be taken either as indicative or imperative” (Howard, 698), making it possible to translate Jesus’ words in four different ways: • “You do believe in God” (a fact). Why does Jesus say that He will "go to prepare a
So we will back up
How can we know the way?”, 6Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.
God is glorified). 4“Where I go, you know, and you know the way.”, 5Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going. However, the emissary would first want to be certain that he understood the king’s mind so that he could represent the king faithfully. How we ought to cherish … Continue reading "Commentary on John 14:1-14" believe also in Me" (John 14:1), is Jesus saying that He isn't God? Jesus makes some bold promises and claims in the New Testament. He stated elsewhere that those who recognized his Messiahship were those who knew his Father, and were the true sons of his Father (Jn 8:42). Mary has already anointed Jesus’ body for burial (12:7), and “the devil (has) already put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray (Jesus)” (13:2). This works only if the emissary has a close relationship with the sender, understands the mind and heart of the sender, and is faithful to comply with the sender’s will. Impending departure of Jesus, John 14:1-14. • He is “the life.” For the Jewish people, the Torah was the book of life. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The prologue to this Gospel prepared us for this statement by saying, “No one has seen God at any time.
| Alpha Index Thank you sir for the message. Perhaps the best choice for us as we hear and wrestle with the complexities of this passage is to imitate that honesty. Jesus is the opposite of the devil, about whom he says, “there is no truth in him” (8:44). hat does Jesus do with Judas' question in, Why does Jesus tell His disciples, "Peace I leave with, bibleversestudy.com/johngospel/john14-bible-study.htm, bibleversestudy.com/johngospel/john14-way-truth-life.htm, bibleversestudy.com/johngospel/john14-show-us-the-father.htm, bibleversestudy.com/johngospel/john14-greater-works-than-these.htm, bibleversestudy.com/johngospel/john14-if-you-love-me-keep-my-commandments.htm, bibleversestudy.com/johngospel/john14-judas.htm, bibleversestudy.com/johngospel/john14-keep-my-words.htm, bibleversestudy.com/johngospel/john14-peace-i-leave-with-you.htm. “Believe in God.
#4 “believe also in me.” Here would be the key to control over the emotions; belief in Christ—his life, death, resurrection, and the great salvation that he brought through the manifested imputed righteousness (Ro 3:21), the boldness to approach the Father (Heb 10:19), the intercession of the Son (Ro 8:34), and the sure ending for the Christian who could say with the Apostle Paul “To live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil 1:21).