You devoted a lot of your life to this work, out of love for God. Pray that I may never waver in my commitment to God. O Blessed Mother of God, who went up to the Temple according to the law with thine offering of little white doves, pray for us that we too may keep the law and be pure in heart like thee. O Lord, show Your mercy to me and gladden my heart. Pray for me, that I may devote my life to serving God and His Church as faithfully as you did. Bosonus’ influence helped persuade Jerome to renounce his worldly ways and become a Christian. You helped lead many others closer to God by preaching about the need for penance in their lives. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. He was named a Doctor of the Church. Patron Saint of Biblical scholars, Students. St. Jerome Emiliani’s Feast Day: February 8th. St. Jerome, you studied in a monastery shortly after your conversion. You can ask for his prayers if you are an archeologist, or you can ask him to pray for an archeologist whom you know. Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us St. Jerome as an example of holiness. O Good Samaritan, come to my aid. You were later recognized as a Doctor of the Church. Please bring my petitions before God Whom you chose to serve! He worked hard on theological writings and defending the Faith against heresy. Lord Jesus, Who went up to the Temple as a child, grant us to know Thy presence and mercy in our lives and in our community so that we may declare the Good News of Thy love for all. Though they falsely accused you of impurity with the holy widow you directed, you never wavered in your Faith. Pray that I may always be ready to renounce sin and to repent of the wrong I have done.
Your many years of faithful work studying and translating the Bible yielded a lot of good fruit for the Church. St. Jerome, you were a gifted student as a young man.
Novena To Saint Jerome (Repeat prayers for 9 days) O blessed St. Jerome, our Patron and our guide, humbly we ask that you intercede for us before God, and that our petitions this day will be answered. After this, Jerome went to Rome for a Church council. Three Hail Marys, Our Father and Glory be to the Father, COPYRIGHT © 2016 - ST. JEROME CATHOLIC CHURCH. Help us to imitate the love of You he showed through his many years of devoted service to Your Church. Pray that I may be ready to devote myself to Him anew each day. St. Jerome Novena Prayers . You can ask him to pray for you if you were orphaned or abandoned as a child. Jerome and Rufinis became friends, as Jerome worked to improve his own translation skills.
Mary, Mother of God Solemnity(Prayer to be said on the feast day). Mother of mercy and refuge of sinners, attracted by your beauty and sweetness, as well as by your tender compassion, I confidently turn to you, unworthy as I am, and beg you to obtain for me of your dear Son the special intention I request in this novena, if it be the will of God.
Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us St. Jerome as an example of holiness.
A remarkable scholar and a sometimes prickly man, Saint Jerome nevertheless believed deeply in the mercy of Christ, as this prayer of Saint Jerome for Christ's mercy abundantly shows.
Most loving Mother, watch over me every day and at every moment of my life.
Join in praying the St. Jerome Novena. Please bring my petitions before God Whom you served so wholeheartedly! Pray for me, that I may be strong in my Faith even amidst great trials. O blessed St. Jerome, our Patron and our guide, humbly we ask that you intercede for us before God, and that our petitions this day will be answered. A novena is a nine-day period of private or public prayer to prepare for a major feast of the Church, obtain special graces, to implore special favours, or to make special petitions. Feeling deep guilt over this, he frequently visited the Roman crypts and imagined himself in hell. Please also pray for (mention your intentions here). Pray for me, that I may grow in a holy spirit of penance each day.
St. Jerome, you began translating the Bible into Latin during your time serving as secretary to Pope Damascus. You agreed to be ordained on the condition that you could continue living monastically. Soon, Jerome traveled to Constantinople.
O Good Samaritan, come to my aid. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.
St. Jerome Novena - Day 1.
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Help us to imitate the devotion to You he showed through his years of faithfully living out the monastic life.
Above all, I beg you to be my Mother and Patroness, to receive me into the number of your devoted children, and to guide me from your high throne of glory.
There, he studied theology under St. Gregory of Nazianus. O Good Shepherd, seek me out and bring me home in accord with Your will. You served as the Pope’s secretary, and you spent years translating the Bible. Help us to imitate the love of You he showed after his conversion as a young man. Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
St. Jerome, you eagerly pursued the study of theology after your conversion.
Pray that I may always be eager to serve God in whatever ways He calls me to. I am like the sheep that went astray. Help us to imitate the devotion to You he grew in under the influence of his Christian friend.
You can ask for his intercession if you are a librarian or a Biblical scholar. There, he studied grammar, rhetoric, and philosophy. Around this time, Jerome contracted an illness.
Amen. While serving as the Pope’s secretary, Jerome began his famous translation of the Bible into Latin. (mention your request).
Dear Lord, we thank You for giving us St. Jerome as an example of holiness. You were reluctant to do this because you felt called to continue serving God in the monastic life. Though you spent a lot of your youth pursuing worldly pleasures, you eventually renounced your worldly ways and chose to devote yourself to God.
St. Jerome was a priest and monk who lived in the 300s-400s. "Always pray and never give up" - Luke 18:1.
Please continue to bring my petitions before the throne of God!