The absolute and final subjection of universal nature to Him (1 Corinthians 15:28).3. Messenger of Satan! This is a practical age and people are asking basically one question ‑ Does it work? This did not arise from any lower estimate of "the Church," but advancing years and familiarity with his work, his position, and his auditors, all tended to draw him closer to them, and led to the disuse of the formal and official term in favour of the simpler and more affectionate "brethren.". Napoleon came to Von Donaker and he said: "I want you to make a statue of Venus for the Louvre in Paris," great gallery there. "He must reign." Different classes are specified. Let us comfort one another with these words. Here is the sphere of His Spirit's influence. The creating act constitutes the very groundwork of natural religion.

(b) We must expect that ultimately its laws and forces will make for Christianity, breathing benedictions on the faithful followers of Christ, and bringing natural penalties on those who rebel against His rule. (1) God is acquainted with actions however future. (1)That He might display a special phase of power and skill, in creating spiritual beings embodied in material forms. All that is great and beautiful in creation glorifies Him through whom it came into existence.2. "For thy pleasure they are and were created." There are two forms of the Divine foreknowledge. You're right, but it was there. Then over here, he says this: "We have joined the Word of Grace Tape Library." (3) His majesty and pre-eminence are made to depend upon it.3. 2. The Word is the final cause as well as the creative agent of the universe. Did you ever stand beneath the leaden lowering cloud, and mark the lightnings leap, and think that you could grasp the bolt and change its path? It recalls to us —1. (2)That He might become Himself one of them. From the constitution of the mind, lovingkindness is pre-eminently fitted to produce joy. For Him all things exist.3.

If we look at history from His throne, all things are "for Him." If we look at history from His throne, all things are "for Him." This was universal in creation. (1) God is acquainted with actions however future. To live to Jesus, then, is to find out the true object of our being, and to be in accord with all creation.4. The objectors say that He created by such power as Elijah received from God to restore the widow's son, etc. There is a validity stamped upon all the blessings of revelation, because they issue from Him who is this universal Creator. That Christ is the Creator and Proprietor of all things.1. It is the nature of a creature to hold a servant's place. Sin triumphs, and devils seem to defeat the purposes of God. That which was Divine in Christ was before all things.

It included:(1) All things visible and invisible, i.e., physical and spiritual existences, or things within our observation and the infinite population of the spaces beyond. Spurgeon. His gracious humility is seen in his association of his young brother Timothy, who has no apostolic authority, but whose concurrence in his teaching might give it some additional weight; but in the fiery sweep of his thoughts, Timothy is soon left out of sight and Paul alone pours out the wealth of his wisdom and the warmth of his heart. As the birth-throe and deliverance of all creation through Christ (Romans 8:19, etc.).2. II. All that is great and beautiful in creation glorifies Him through whom it came into existence.2. I do not know anything about them; but this I know, that if, amid the unseen things in the heavens or the earth, there be any such, my Lord made them, and is their Master. This may expose us to pain; but what pain Jesus endured for us! Maclaren, D. D.)LinksColossians 1:16 NIVColossians 1:16 NLTColossians 1:16 ESVColossians 1:16 NASBColossians 1:16 KJVColossians 1:16 Bible AppsColossians 1:16 ParallelColossians 1:16 Biblia ParalelaColossians 1:16 Chinese BibleColossians 1:16 French BibleColossians 1:16 German BibleColossians 1:16 CommentariesBible Hub, (3)Illumination.

Christ is the actual Creator of all things. "Timotheus our brother."

Can we really merge everybody religiously on the basis of philanthropy and culture and common enterprise socially? (1) In Christ is the fundamental basis of creation. "The Lord hath made all things for Himself." Some things remain unaffected by the blight of sin, as God made them for Himself; the flowers have lost none of their fragrance, and seas and seasons, obedient to their original impulse, roll on as of old to their Maker's glory. We are assured, then, that this universe being created for Christ was not a supplementary design upon some previous arrangement that had been tried and had failed. III. It is thus the Divine pity, gentleness, favour; the bearing of a forgiving, condescending, loving God. "All things are of God, who hath reconciled us."(2)Atonement. Conversely, Christ is in us, when He is the object of the faith that is in us. We see no creature any more save Jesus only."(A. The expression implies that Christ has a message for universal man, "Go ye into all the world," a message of good news. Christ is sovereign Lord of creation by right of primogeniture. "Worshipping and serving the creature more than the Creator."7. The Epistle To The Colossians Sermon outlines based on the Epistle to the Colossians.

This is threefold. The reconciliation of all things through Him (ver. If Christ was less than God, then in kindling the sun He no more acted for Himself than a domestic does in kindling a fire. His condescension: "Timotheus our brother." God is using you to train up His child in the grace of patience. Christianity is a brotherhood; not a communism which drags down all to its own level, but a holy confederacy in which men of all ranks, ages, and talents unite. (Ver. Idolatry is reprobated on this exclusive ground, that it is offered to those who are not the makers of the universe. Guthrie, D. D., Bp. Then he proceeded to tell a story, Von Donaker did. Creation is always averred to be a Divine act (Genesis 1:1, etc.).

ALL THINGS WERE CREATED FOR CHRIST, AND FORM HIS RIGHT AND PREROGATIVE.1. (2) His office — messenger of Jesus Christ; not (2 Corinthians 8:23) of the Churches. Virtue is struggling with the temptations of poverty, the wicked are in great power, spreading like a green bay-tree. Men were created by and for Christ. Let us commit our souls to Him as a faithful Creator.6. THE FACT.1. Scientific and technical information is coming at such a rapid pace that no human being could master as everything is at least allowable if not possible. The expression implies that Christ has a message for universal man, "Go ye into all the world," a message of good news. The Word is the final cause as well as the creative agent of the universe. And that would be enough for us and probably enough for the people in Colossae, really, some of them anyway who certainly knew of him, but he adds this. No wonder, for it has been assumed by pretenders, and claimed by people because they lived in cells or wore a certain garb. If Christ was less than God, then in kindling the sun He no more acted for Himself than a domestic does in kindling a fire. Now, this philosophy said Jesus can't save you. "By Him were all things created."2. "All things are of God, who hath reconciled us."(2)Atonement. (a)Prepared by Jesus. Still more foolish and vain his thought who fancies that: he can arrest God's purposes. Let us comfort one another with these words. Now, without any qualification or exception, creation is attributed to Christ; how, then, can we deny Him to be Divine?II. Barlow. Sill had to some extent blighted the beauty of creation. As regards the scope and range of the work of Christ. The office was created by the circumstances of the time.

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