4. Certainly things can’t go on the way they are—I won’t let them.” Interviews: Damon interview (French) with Clair et Obscur, 11/18 .. The Ricchetti brothers formed a lobbying firm together in 2001. Damon audio interview on the SHED SOUNDS podcast, 6/18. Simply asking them if they like to talk on the phone instead of email goes a long way, just as long as you give them some options. A consulting firm co-founded by Joe Biden’s incoming White House counselor registered in August to lobby for a tech company regarding U.S. trade policy with China, which is likely to remain a hot-button issue in the Biden administration. BY CHUCK ROSS . But lies and excuses can come back to haunt you, especially if you end up needing time off for genuine reasons in the future. You’re trying to convince someone to do something they probably don’t want to do (yet). This means that cultivating the environment for your pitch is quite essential. Here is an ENGLISH LANGUAGE VERSION. I think you can help me to help us get on a different footing and identify new ways to work together. Here is an ENGLISH LANGUAGE VERSION.. Damon interview (French) with CHROMATIQUE, 7/18. NEWS HOME MUSICIANS SHOWS LISTEN . Whether you're pretending to go to a relative's funeral or claiming you have a sick child at home, inventing reasons to take extended leave can make it easier to handle HR. Better to let them pour than to have them seeping out of you at awkward, random times (at your desk, on the subway, on your first post breakup date). Take off the rose-colored glasses. If you’d like to check out some online courses I’ve put together, if you’d like to get special subscribers-only articles and responses from me, and if you’re interested in hearing me answer reader questions like I’m Anne fucking Landers and talk a bit more about my own experiences, my business ventures, and what I eat for breakfast on Sundays, well, then there actually is more. Damon audio interview with EPILEPTIC GIBBON, … Study the person and determine how they prefer to communicate. DISCOGRAPHY/LYRICS PRESS CONTACT MERCH.