Many narrative poems are long, especially older ones like The Iliad and The Odyssey by the famous Greek poet Homer. Ballads and "ballades" would also be appropriate for this thread, methinks. The poem is one of the great narrative poems in English, with the old mariner recounting his story, with its hardships and tragedy, to a wedding guest. Narrative poems are one of the main poetic styles. Literary techniques like rhyme and meter are often used in narrative poetry to present a series of events. poems that tell a story. Narrative poetry is a form of poetry that tells a story through verse.Like a novel or a short story, a narrative poem has a plot, characters and a setting.Literary techniques like rhyme and meter are often used in narrative poetry to present a series of events.Some of the best known narrative poems are ancient epic poems like The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer. Storytelling can be […] Narrative poetry is a form of poetry that tells a story through verse.Like a novel or a short story, a narrative poem has a plot, characters and a setting. Poets: Ogden Nash, Lewis Caroll, Edward Lear, Alfred Noyes, Hilaire Belloc In order to get the tales a-spinning, here's a short narrative poem by yours truly: The Mermaid and the Android “Meet Cute” With tresses all seaweed-y and shell-strewn The oral inflections of the narrative poem are therefore noticeably different from the flatter rhythms of prose. Let's keep 'em relatively short, for instance, no 12 or 24 book epics. The poems that make up this genre can be very long or somewhat short depending on how in-depth the story is written. Others include lyric poems, which describe the narrator’s emotions or feelings, and descriptive poems, which give a detailed description of a person, an object, or an event. Here begins a thread of short narrative poems (i.e. Some narrative poetry takes the form of a novel in verse. Each of these poems tell a story. Narrative poems generally contain some form of sound or rhythmic patterns. The Brown Dwarf Of Rügen (From Narrative And Legendary Poems ) THE pleasant isle of Rügen looks the Baltic water o'er, To the silver-sanded beaches of the Pomeranian shore; And in the town of Rambin a little boy and maid Plucked the meadow-flowers together and in the sea-surf played. They may rhyme, make use of regular meter, or play with sound through repetition, assonance, and alliteration. But a narrative poem can also be short, capturing a brief but emotionally intense or darkly mysterious event in just a few lines. 7 narrative poems - a time saver - it can take ages to find quality texts. Narrative poetry is a type of poetry that tells a story, often through the perspective of the narrator and characters.