2. You can also perform different variations of flutter kicks on the floor and in your gymming space. How to do flutter kicks Traditional flutter kicks It has more or less the similar impact as the normal ones. Flutter Kicks has various similar exercises which target different muscle parts with different intensity. This is a variation that combines two different core exercises. Reverse Flutter Kicks. Flip your self over for a flutter kick variation that primarily targets the decrease again, glutes, hamstrings and obliques. Then try our Flat-Belly Workout video, which features this exact move! Flutter Kicks Variations Reverse flutter kicks. Some include- flutter kicks while shooting a medicine ball, scissor kicks, and bicycle kicks. Flutter kicks are a similar variation to bicycle kicks, but you will be keeping your legs straight and hinging from your hips. Scissor Kicks Flutter kicks are an exercise that can strengthen your core muscles and, in some cases, your lower back. Here are some interesting benefits of flutter kick exercises and high impact variations of flutter kicks you can try! Categories: Training Videos / Tags: ab exercises / abs / booty exercises / flutter kicks / glute exercises / home workout / workout Hold the entrance of the bench for steadiness. Variations. Flutter kicks are another very basic, but practical core exercise for butterfly swimmers. It is a similar motion to the one involved in swimming the back stroke, which makes this exercise beneficial to swimmers. 1. Flutter kicks … It strengthens most of the core and has a couple of different variations that you can play around with. In addition, the motion teaches your body how to control a single leg at one time, which is a key motion in soccer and other sports. Flutter Kick Dragon Flags. You may want to … The exercise gets its name from the fact that you kick your legs up and down in a fluttering movement, and there are a few variations on the move. 1. Instead of kicking as though you are pedaling a bike, flutter kicks will be similar to you doing backstroke in a swimming pool (although your will be in an L-Sit). Lie on a weight bench along with your hips on the sting so your legs are free to maneuver up and down. Start out by lying on the floor with your legs straight. The abdominal flutter kicks are great for helping improve your lower core strength. Scissor Crunches with Flutter Kick Variation. Reverse flutter kicks are done facing down usually on a bench or higher surface. Though, if you want to go for a high impact flutter kick session, it is advisable to perform it in the swimming pool! These are both great core exercises in of themselves, but when done together like this, they take you to your limit. 4. Watch this video to learn three variations of the flutter kick exercise that will get your abs burning! Flutter kicking with breaststroke arms is a popular drill for improving arm recovery speed (butterflyers also rely on a variation of this drill–see more on butterfly arms and flutter kick here) and maintaining an aggressive diving motion into the catch. A slightly harder variation of the dragon flag… Instead of keeping your legs together during both the ascent and descent of the dragon flag opt to perform small flutter kicks the entire time. This exercise is generally safe. Flutter Kicks. 3 Variations of the Flutter Kick Top 2 are hitting those abs and bottom one your glutes and hamstrings, Give these a try!