The main thing here for doctors is to get the embryo with a normal karyotype. This might pass down to the baby during pregnancy.

It’s important to remember that your DNA test results don’t just affect you. DNA testing can be an effective planning tool, but it can also be a Pandora’s Box. Based on these findings, the person may take steps to avoid the diseases ever developing or mitigate their advancement.

For some people, this stress overwhelms them and it’s all they can think about. put in effect. Some of these include Down Syndrome, Turner’s Syndrome, Patau Syndrome or Cystic Fibrosis.

The more we learn about the genetic links to certain diseases, the better the odds of developing effective treatment and potential cures. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 4. Conversely, genetic screening may reveal that a person carries a certain gene that puts them at an increased risk of developing a disease. The same is true for a negative result.

This enables them to undergo preventive surgery, increasing their chances of survival. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. The more we learn about the genetic links to certain diseases, the better the odds of developing effective treatment and potential cures. This BiologyWise article focuses on the many pros and cons of this advanced technique.

Before testing, research the company to which you are submitting your sample and make sure you understand the risks involved no matter how reputable or secure the testing service might be. Cookies Policy, This research paper on Genetic Screening Pros and Cons was written and submitted by your fellow student. Some people even choose to use what they learn from genetic testing to track down distant family members.

Genetic screening plays a preventive role in cases whereby a person tests positive for a disease gene e.g., cancer.

(Keep in mind, some of these mutations are environmental). Your privacy is extremely important to us. All rights reserved.

That said, in the United Kingdom the NHS offers a comprehensive range of treatments and services, so if a doctor recommends genetic screening, it is very likely the cost will be covered, however there are a few exceptions to every rule. They are inherited from either a mother or father, and are present throughout an individual’s life. Mutations come in all kinds of sizes, and they can impact a single DNA strand or a large segment of a chromosome, which makes up multiple gene sequences. Everyone should eat right and exercise, but what that means for each person varies. Can you handle a negative result? That’s why providers who offer genetic testing also make sure to have staff that is trained to provide counseling to patients about … Retrieved from

Furthermore, a normal test doesn’t mean a gene mutation will never occur.

If you have found yourself entering “genetic screening pros and cons” into your internet’s search bar, it is helpful to keep in mind that the most obvious benefit of genetic screening is the opportunity to better understand your genetic predisposition to developing a certain disease, and to make lifestyle changes to address the issue. While this may initially seem like more of a negative than a positive, this important information enables individuals to seek out additional diagnostic testing from a medical institution, and explore early treatment options that could save their life.

Knowing you might develop breast cancer or receive some other devastating medical diagnosis is stressful for most people.

Just Wow!! This can lead to either the termination of a pregnancy, or if analyzed at a pre-implantation stage when using In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), can enable the pregnancy to be created using only non-disease bearing genes” … The pros and cons of genetic screening are given below: Genetic Screening During Pregnancy Pros: Obtaining information before the birth. It may provide solutions for some couples when none existed before. 6th edn. This detailed table enables easy searching and test selection. Georgetown: Georgetown University Press. It is an artificial way of conception. It allows doctors to pick a viable embryo so that the transfer has a higher chance for success. This is true for at-home DNA test kits you can do on your own and professional testing that offers a more in-depth look into your genetics. This paper set out to discuss the pros and cons of genetic screening so as to provide a stand as to whether this practice should be encouraged. Weigh these carefully before making a decision. This testing is especially significant in light of research estimates, which approximate that 1 in every 20 newborns in America is born with a severe disorder that is presumed to be genetic in origin (Pillitteri, 2009). For example, let’s say your most recent genetic test indicates you may be at a slightly higher risk of developing Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or ALS (also widely known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, after the famous American baseball player). 1. Lower risk of a miscarriage. One of the many potential benefits of genetic screening is that individuals who were identified as carrying potential harmful genetic alterations can receive regular medical checkups to enable early detection of diseases like can cancer. Pros of Genetic Testing of Embryos.

This BiologyWise article focuses on the many pros and cons of this advanced technique. This test is also used to establish the paternity of a baby. However, there is always the doubt as to whether their children may have some inheritable disease, which would render them disabled in some way. 2. It’s also important to make sure you follow-up with your doctor or a genetic counselor if you take a test and discover a serious concern. Lower risk of a miscarriage. Many people fear that companies could use the result to not hire or promote them and that insurers could use it to discriminate them from getting insurance.

The set of two genes that is mentioned here is the pair which is made out of the parent’s genes, one from the father and the other one from the mother. Wow. A less well known test is produced by My Gene Diet, which provides a gene analysis suggesting the best diet, effective exercise routine, and most successful weight management plan.

If you have found yourself entering “genetic screening pros and cons” into your internet’s search bar, it is helpful to keep in mind that the most obvious benefit of genetic screening is the opportunity to better understand your genetic predisposition to developing a certain disease, and to make lifestyle changes to address the issue. Opponents and proponents of genetic testing have their own set of beliefs, making it one of the highly debated issues of the present times. It allows them to understand themselves better and explore the roots of their family trees.

This gives you a better look at the pros and cons of genetic testing. Elsevier Health Sciences. You can combat that risk with everyday choices. Cloning is the process of creating a copy of a biological entity.

2020. Imprecise result For this reason, it is important that you should know first how a genetic test could help you, and if it is worth the stress it can cause you. Hereditary mutations are just as they sound.

Additionally, it is not always clear what a person should or should not do once they receive their genetic test results, as often doctors do not know the most effective ways to prevent certain diseases, conditions or cancers.