They touch on the history of animation, and give students of animation a set of principles to follow when attempting to successfully bring drawings to life. Adobe!Flash!

It is however still debatable if truly educational computer animations help in learning, as the research on whether animation aids learners’ understanding of dynamic phenomena has come up with positive, negative and neutral results. Made famous by two of Walt Disney’s legendary Nine Old Men, Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas, the 12 principles of animation have become an essential must-learn for all aspiring and working animators in the industry today. I copied everything that I found interesting in a small notebook and started planning how I’d like to organize my project. Squash and Stretch. Exaggeration 6. The principles are: 1. of animation. 1.!Squashandstretch! I also looked for random information about 2D animation, as much as I could.

Since they were fi rst formulated these animation principles have off ered animators a system not only for the study of movement and dynamics but also for the creation of naturalistic and believable movement through animation.

! Animation! Anticipation. Anticipation helps to prepare the viewer for what's about to happen. (online handout) Recommended: Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston, Disney animation: The Illusion of Life, Hyperion, 1981. The book and its principles have become generally adopted, and have been referred to as the 'Bible of the industry'. establishing animation principles did much to enable individual animators' development and increase the studios' productivity. ! In this book chapter we introduce and discuss the history of computer animation, its well-known fundamental principles and some educational applications. Staging – Staging is the principle that every pose or action that a character makes should convey a … Anticipation 5. The result is a book that is an invaluable resource for the beginner and professional animator.


Most experts in the field agree that these twelve principles, when applied ! from!the!"Illusion!OfLife"!by!Frank!Thomas!&!Ollie!Johnston!!! As Frank and Ollie say in their cameo at the end of The Incredibles (Yes, that was them! I downloaded more books from the internet, too. Twelve basic principles of animation below are paraphrased from The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation, one of the “best animation books of all time,” and illustrated with examples made using Animatron. from!the!"Illusion!OfLife"!by!Frank!Thomas!&!Ollie!Johnston!!! 1.!Squashandstretch! The 12 Basic Principles of Animation ! Illusion of Life: Disney Animation books that "Every student of art animation should read and own". Proceedings of SIGGRAPH (Computer Graphics) 21(4): 35-44, July 1987.

books about cinema and animation. In their 1981 book, The Illusion of Life, Disney animators Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas introduced the twelve principles of animation. All the animation taught in this book will be played back at 25 frames per second. 1!!! The 12 Basic Principles of Animation !

In 1999 the book was voted number one of the "best animation books of all time" in an online poll. When applied, it … After a while, each technique was named and they became known as the fundamental principles of animation.

! Ease In and Out (or Slow In and Out) 3. The heart of the book is the set of 'basic principles', that were summed up in twelve points. We … Principles of traditional animation applied to 3D computer animation. Timing 2. In a 1999 poll on the website Animation World Network, it topped the list of the "best animation books of all time". Animation! Ultimately, the animator must have a sense of what makes an inanimate character alive. Animation Studios, Principal Creative Advisor for Walt Disney Imagineering –Oversaw all of Pixar's films and associated projects as executive producer –Directed Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Toy Story 2, Cars, and Cars 2 –"Principles of Traditional Animation Applied to 3D Computer Animation…

Walt Disney Studio. 1!!! Arcs 4. Animation principles Brian Curless CSE 457 Autumn 2017 2 Reading Required: John Lasseter.