Quiz 2: intermediate – advanced. Nevertheless, I do. Also, the first word should start with its first letter in capitals. She married at the age of thirteen because she had no other options.

(Trademark Bayer AG) 2. The sentence looks like an interrogative sentence. View Printout in HTML. Contrast — but, while, whereas, on the other hand, in contrast to, however, Contrary Outcome — but, still, yet, nevertheless, regardless, in spite of, despite. She danced and waved a fan, and he played the flute. Answer 4 is wrong as only the first letter of the first word of a sentence or of a proper noun are to be written in capitals. (verb, noun, noun), He drinks, pops, and punches. You've had your free 15 questions for today. *Because I needed to miss a board meeting, so I notified the speaker. 3. First letter of first word in capitals and full stop (. Intermediate–Advanced ESL, Native Speakers. His work is even more amazing than before You can use the quiz and worksheet any time to see what you know about punctuation and its rules. While he was talking on the phone, the baby slept. One such aspect is punctuation. He's here. He always took the same taxi: a yellow cab with Internet access.Â. The exclamation mark is wrong and it should be a full stop. One the one hand, I like sugar in my coffee. Do not confuse this with an interrogative sentence. Cruciferous vegetables (i.e., Brassicaceae) have flowers shaped like a cross. I shouldn't eat sugar, but still I do. Major Work Titles. The opera Rigoletto was written by Giuseppe Verdi.

Grammar Quizzes by Julie Sevastopoulos is licensed for use under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International. The worksheets located on this page basically cover just about every commonly used punctuation mark there is. Here 'concert' is a common noun and common nouns in the middle of a sentence are written in lower case letters. A day's journey, My parents' computer Although there is a question implicit in the sentence, it is an indirect one and the sentence qualifies as a declarative or assertive sentence needing a full stop. If not, what should it be? Not only the movie but also the play was good. The exclamation mark is wrong and it should be question mark. "Please hand over the book to the headMaster!" There's its home.

"Ramesh invited all his friends to the party" is an assertive sentence. The sandwich choices include tomato, bacon and lettuce; cheese, ham and lettuce; peanut butter and jelly. Punctuation is useful in structuring sentences properly and removing any doubts as to what is meant by the writer. Answer 1 is wrong as the sentence is an imperative sentence, which should end with a full stop. (American English), My brother has a new toy, and so have I. such as broccoli, kales, arugula, and spinach. Here are some examples: ‘The dog ate the bone given by Arpana.’ - This is an assertive sentence and is properly punctuated with capitals and full stop. (verb, verb, verb), He drinks pops, and then punches. like sugar in my coffee, whereas Edward likes black coffee. If a word that's too long to fit on a line is broken into two parts, the first part ends with. The UA flight will arrive at LAX on Sat., Sept. 21, at 6:00 p.m.  PST. My friend's computer Calcium is in green leafy vegetables, for example, broccoli, kales, arugula, and spinach. Answer 3 is partially right but pocket money is a common noun and so is not to be in capitals. The question mark is wrong and it should be an exclamation mark. I am excited. 1. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Treatments, trans-American (but transatlantic, transcontinental).

"don't you dare leave this house?" 4. Intermediate– Advanced ESL, Native Speaker, Sentence Editing – adding punctuation, removing wordiness, adding capitalization. The full stop is wrong and it should be an exclamation mark. These can be very helpful as you learn to proofread your own work and that of others. The question mark is wrong and it should be an exclamation mark and don't should be replaced by Don't.

We needed to have a security report; otherwise, we wouldn't go. Do not confuse this sentence for an interrogative sentence. Punctuation Grammar Test - A free online grammar test for punctuation (apostrophes, brackets, colons, commas, dashes, hyphens, semicolons and speech marks).

The student's/ students', class's/ classes'  textbook. like sugar in my coffee, whereas Edward likes black coffee. Because a flock of sheep needs protection, the shepherd guards them. 8. Nevertheless, I do. "you aren't going anywhere until the homework is done, young man" - How should this sentence be punctuated? He drinks pops and punches.

- Is the punctuation correct? You'll need to subscribe. The inner city has small narrow streets; for example, two cars cannot pass on a street in the old town. To comply with the new e-Privacy directive, we need to ask for your consent - "Ayesha wants to know when she will be given her pocket money." ), The sentence is an interrogative sentence and hence needs to end with a question mark. Punctuation Marks. Words are drawn from different parts of speech and put in sentences to relate ideas. When you called, he picked up his cell phone. He'd be here if he could. George, a shepherd, manages a large flock of sheep. Punctuation is useful in structuring sentences properly and removing any doubts as to what is meant by the writer. Also, in a sentence if a proper noun is used we write the noun with its first letter in capitals.

© Copyright 2016-2020 - Education Quizzes One the one hand, I like sugar in my coffee. No thanks - but, while, whereas, on the other hand, in contrast to, however, but, still, yet, nevertheless, regardless, in spite of, despite. It covers apostrophes, quotation marks, brackets, dashes, … (negative pronoun), We barely understand it. 5. detail, Crime (burglaries and robberies) must be reduced. Sentences are groups of words put together in a structured manner to carry meaning. (British English). (informal) / Me either. "May Day (also Labour Day or Workers' Day) is celebrated on May 1.". If not, what should it be?

Edward Lee—father, actor, businessman, and mayor—is running for office again. ‘Will you dance with me please?’ - This sentence is asking a question and hence ends with a question mark. In this quiz we will learn about four punctuation marks: capitals, full stops, exclamation marks and question marks. Intermediate–Advanced ESL, Native Speakers. I am not worried.

Illiteracy results from a poor childhood education. The exclamation mark is wrong and it should be full stop.

I like sugar in my coffee in contrast to Edward who likes none. What could the sentence He smiled and said "Hi! Yes, I did. If not, what should it be? Pablo Picasso's most famous proto-Cubist works are Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937). My boss's office

If not, what should it be? Which is another word for quotation mark? The sentence is expressing a feeling about the game Roger Federer played and hence it is an exclamatory sentence. a) round brackets b) square brackets c) quotation marks, a) punctuation manager b) style guide c) stylist. "did you take the subway or the bus" - How should this sentence be punctuated? ), "This mango is very sweet" is an assertive sentence with complete meaning and so needs a full stop at the end. "Ramesh invited all his friends to the party?" Â, FANBOYS — for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. I am not a child, and my cousin isn't either. b) Fido's dinner's ready.

Parentheses (often overused) enclose explanations or clarification. If not, what should it be? QUIZ: How do you use the Oxford comma? (informal) / I am not either! (negative adverb). - Is the punctuation correct? Which of these sentences has the comma in the right place? Remember the rules regarding capitals. There is calcium in vegetables such as broccoli, kales, arugula, and spinach. I took some aspirin to get rid of my headache. The Williamses' new home, Also see Hyphens  – capitalization in headings.

Also, the first letter of the first word of the sentence needs to be in capitals. How do you use ellipses? - Is the punctuation correct? The full stop is right and pocket money should be written as Pocket Money. for example, broccoli, kales, arugula, and spinach. The full stop is wrong and should be a question mark. (verb, noun, verb). If not, what should it be? The first letter of the first word of the sentence needs to be in capitals. Julie Sevastopoulos (contact) — ESL / ELL / TEFL — English Grammar Reference / Resource – Practices & Exercises – Palo Alto, California USA — Leprosy was caused by Mycobacterium leprae. Remember assertive and imperative sentences end in a full stop. - Is the punctuation correct? Grammar-Quizzes › More › Writing Aids › Punctuation.