Cover the cake with cling film and refrigerate overnight. Who’s goodies sold the fastest! Pingback: Russo-French Apple Cake | 17 Years. Add soured cream, cream cheese and 3 tablespoonfuls of mayonnaise. I hope you used *cough cough* some nearby garden apples *cough* to help make it a local affair.

While Karelian pastries are popular throughout Finland, they are an especially integral part of the local culture of the North Karelia region, with many specialty bakeries. Those coffee kisses look good as well D!

Deb – You were right!

The weird part is that this dish is often eaten as a dessert and goes well with coffee! Take a serving plate (35x25cm) or cover a cutting board with aluminium foil.

Let me know how it goes! Those who are patient enough, may bake and sugar-glue together edible, decorated miniature houses of gingerbread dough, inspired by the fairytale of Hänsel and Gretel by the Grimm brothers.

One fun fact to know, the word “korvapuusti” also means the act of punishing someone by pinching his or her ear.

Thanks giving me an idea of what to do with them. Kalakukko are especially popular in the city of Kuopio, the capitol of Savonia, and you can find several bakeries there that serve them, as well as an annual baking contest.


First, they would make squares out of the dough, add jam in the middle and then fold the dough in the shape of a Christmas star. Check out the joulutorttu and glogi recipes for Christmas. Leipäjuusto is a several centimeter thick baked circles made of cheese. I have here a couple of examples to inspire you, but really, sky is the limit when it comes to decorating this cake. I’ll have some Mars Bar Munch Cake, please, it reminds me of baking with my mum, when I was little! . You can spread the filling with a knife so it spreads evenly. Beverly – You’re very welcome. They are used like regular bread and are eaten with butter or sometimes with egg butter. The Geology classroom will once again be filled with homemade cakes, teas and coffees. Our bakery shop’s selection includes age-old products, baked using recipes originating from the early days of our pâtisserie, such as the Napoleon cake or the succulent Champagne cork, as well as newer, seasonally varying delicacies. Along with cookies and pastries, any type of festive cake may be served for dessert with coffee, tea or glögg.

The Finnish variety of an international favourite better resembles a savoury doughnut, as it is made from doughnut dough that is deep-fried.

Picture on left: tangerines decorated with cloves and ribbons. Enjoy this cake and let me know how it turns out! The word “makaroni” means “macaroni” while “laatikko” means “a box.”  Hence if translated literally it will mean “a box of macaroni.”  Every local prepares makaronilaatikko a little bit differently, though the recipe always includes macaroni, meat, milk, and eggs. And I am not joking.

Everyone knows it, everyone has tried it and many of us, Finns, know how to make it at home.

Finland’s version of a cinnamon roll better resembles a small loaf of bread flavoured with cardamom, and is one of the country’s favourite coffee break treats.

Such as?

Copyright © 1997-2015 Nordic Recipe Archive I couldn’t leave a comment earlier because my internet was having a bit of trouble – I made this wonderful apple cake this morning – I didn’t have sour cream but had plain Greek natural set yogurt and used that as a substitution and it still turned out utterly moist and delicious. You can have a look here:

If you haven’t heard of Finnish salmiakki aka salty licorice, then you haven’t done enough research on Finland. p/s: i was trying to imagine a boy acting like Incredible Hulk.

Required fields are marked *. At Ekberg, each pastry is a handmade work of art and a treat for your taste buds. Traditionally Finns eat mämmi with milk or cream, but to make it taste even better, you can also add some vanilla sauce. Presenting the Finnish sokerikakku! Have given your blog a mention on my blog’s facebook page today. Why do you think Finns continue to practice the age-old tradition of berry picking year after year?

Also soft, sweet yeast buns dyed and flavoured with saffron, twisted in different shapes and decorated with raisins or currants are popular.

Of the fresh fruit, sweet tangerines and bright red, tasty apples are specifically linked to Christmas time, creating Christmassy atmosphere with their wonderful scent and colourful appearance. Spoon whipped topping on top of cake generously until there is a thick coating. Everything looks delicious and kudos to you both for baking for such a good cause. D, I must say, Wendy has some major competition going on here.

That chocolate crunch looks incredible. Reindeer meat tastes a little bit like mustamakkara that I mentioned above.

Oh I would love some of that apple cake with my coffee right now. Amazingly good with a generous drizzle of vanilla scented cream. I seriously need to start baking, but I am afraid. Such a simple and wonderful apple cake! Everything looks great!

Hope next week is better!

Salmiakki is a Finnish candy that has made a name for itself around the world, as one of the most… terrible tasting things ever.

Even if most foreigners hate salmiakki, many Finns love it and eat it regularly. The filling is usually a combination of minced meat and rice with pickled cucumbers as a condiment, although other regional variations can contain eggs, sausages, kebab or ham, with ketchup or mustard.

How wonderful to discover yours all tangy with sour cream! I’m sorry about the classroom incident.

Lay three pieces of toast on serving plate side by side and spread over a thin layer of the filling (about 4-5 tablespoons).

I can smell those fall apples now. , (The measurements are in cups because it was easier to convert decilitres to this measurement than to the normal UK grams), 2 dessert apples (not too tart, preferably), Update:  A request has been made to see D’s cakes so here they are!!

I’ve just started reading your blog and I can’t wait to try some of your recipes.

I knew something this week would be apple-y since I brought home some lovelies from the farmers’ market this weekend. Besides eaten, they are also used as decoration  —  apples and oranges or tangerines studded with cloves are tied with ribbons and hung from the ceiling or the Christmas tree to fill the room with their fragrance.

Gingerbread cookies in shape of little men and women, animals, stars, hearts, etc, are garnished with sugar icing.

Start by cutting ham, gherkins, red pepper, spring onions and eggs and mixing them all together. I’m serving it for afternoon tea later. Some of the most popular fillings are apple, pickled cucumber and sausages. Pour the batter into a cake tin and submerge the apple slices. You can find cinnamon rolls in numerous countries around the world, but the Finnish rolls are always made in the same way. I’m so curious: what inspires you to make a Finnish cake? ( Log Out /  Berries are delicious!

Finns love to offer this salty candy to foreigners who are interested in our culture. Cover the first layer with another three pieces of toast. Will check out your post on the baking auction later today. Kalakukko. Delicious and a very light texture! Copyright ©2018 by Inthekitchenwithelisa.