You get the oxygen your cells need from the air you breathe. This means you are waking up starting your day ahead of the game. When the body cells produce the wastes, they release them to the blood through the thin walls of the blood capillaries, The blood carries these wastes to the special organs to get rid of them, where carbon dioxide and the water vapour are exhaled from the two lungs. The body must get rid of the excretory materials as they contain the harmless materials that the body can not use them and the poisonous materials that the body must get rid of them. Small intestine, Absorption of digested food, Metabolism, Large intestine and defecation And, as those intestinal cells grow old and die, they will be sloughed off into the intestinal contents. The most common way for a cell to die is by a process called apoptosis. How Does The Physiological Process Of Getting Rid Of Waste Differ Among Fish, Bear, Grasshopper, And Bacteria? How do your body cells get rid of the excretory materials? 2 0. Akon Lova. Apoptosis is a cell death process triggered by the cell via complex cascades in response to a stimulus. Answer Save. The cells in the wall of the intestine will add a little mucus and some water to slide things along more easily. 1 … The waste is transported to the nucleus. Kero S. 1 decade ago. How does a cell get rid of waste products such as carbon dioxide? In man, a much more complicated system exists than that of a unicellular organism, for the size of the animal and the fact that all of the cells within the animal must be able to absorb food and get rid of wastes, just like the Paramecium does. Grasshopper... How To Get Rid Of Drugs In Your Body? The waste leaves through the cell membrane. In fact, you exhale approximately 7 ounces of carbon dioxide which is 25% of the daily amount you need to get rid of. Our cells have two main ways of dying: apoptosis and necrosis. Lv 4. Your body is also at work removing CO2 while you sleep. Relevance. The waste is stored in a lysosome. Bacteria eliminate waste through the cell membrane. The air you breathe is made up of 20 percent oxygen. Favorite Answer . Kim, Every cell in your body needs oxygen to function. Drugs. Organisms. The rest of the air is mostly nitrogen (79%). B. the waste leaves through the cell membrane. How the body disposes of red blood cells, recycles iron Accumulation and removal of aged or damaged cells found to take place mostly in the liver, rather than the spleen 2 Answers. The waste is converted into ATP. It is in some form of liquid and gas. Dead cancer cells will not end up being flushed down your toilet just unwanted waste from the dead cancer cells. Important excretory organs in man’s body & Structure of urinary system.